

A breakdown of our rules.

These rules are subject to change or may be added to.

No shower "observations".

Thoughts directly related to being in the shower or anything related to the bathroom will be removed. This rule was implemented as a direct result of community feedback.

Here are a few examples:

  • "I wonder what the temperature of the water is."
  • "Forgot to buy more shampoo. Damn"
  • "Damn. This track sucks and I can't skip it."

No puns/wordplay.

Puns are just jokes and don't fall inline with the spirit of the sub. If you like puns, check out /r/punn , /r/puns, or /r/dadjokes.

Puns usually follow this format:

noun are just adjective + noun.

Here are a few examples:

  • "Every orifice on a donkey is an asshole."
  • "If you masturbate while you blaze, you're a weed whacker."
  • "Moms are all body builders."

No jokes

Ideas for reddit features should be posted in /r/IdeasForTheAdmins. Ideas for other social media platforms should be posted on the sub for that platform.

Ideas that are geared towards reddit will be removed. This sub isn't the best place to get feedback from the admins about possible new reddit features. If you have a feature you would like to propose, head over to /r/ideasfortheadmins.

Here are a few examples:

  • "reddit should make art contests for the 503 (all servers are busy) error page image and change it every few days so it will be cool to see the new funny images and less frustrating to see reddit down all the time."
  • "Reddit should have a 'throwaway bot' where you can PM for it to post on threads for you anonymously"
  • "Reddit should allow posts to go into negatives so that we can see the "back page" as well as the front page."

No 'life pro tips'

No politics/religion

Any post discussing politics, religion, or individuals of note in those fields, will be removed. While they may qualify as showerthoughts on their face, these posts tend to foster comment sections that are better suited for other subreddits and that often turn into petty arguments we do not intend to moderate.

Don't be a jerk

We're all humans here. We ask that you be respectful of others submissions, if you disagree - explain why in the comments. Rudeness is unacceptable. Seriously, it's not that hard.

Exceedingly nonsensical or unoriginal posts may be removed at the discretion of the mods (including posts that would fit better in other subreddits)

We get a lot of post that make absolutely no sense. We also get a lot of common posts. We may also remove posts that are better fitted for other subs, such as reddit features. These posts will be removed at mods discretion and if possible we'll direct to a better suited sub for your post.

Here are a few examples:

  • nonsensical

    • "If your canoe is in a tree with its headlights on, how many pancakes does it take to get to the moon?"
    • "If left was down and up was orange the west would be yesterday."
  • other subs

  • unoriginal - you may also view our wiki page of "common thoughts" here.

    • "Every father is a motherfucker."
    • "Everyone was the youngest person alive at some point."

revision by illQualmOnYourFace— view source