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[–]Azhaste 2824 points2825 points  (324 children)

Honest mistake, but Jesus how crazy do you have to be that instead of ASKING you go about it to just try and snatch it, and then assaulting a tsa agent. People man

Edit: spelling. Yay phones

[–]Cronotyr[S] 1044 points1045 points  (229 children)

Yeah, I was mortified, honestly. I mean, I can understand being upset, but don't do something stupid...

[–]Azhaste 361 points362 points  (208 children)

Everything can be replaced, as well as there being camera's everywhere if she was more cooperative they probably could've realized it was you much quicker

[–]Lord_Mormont 340 points341 points  (91 children)

Yeah, not everything can be replaced. I travel with some very expensive camera equipment and at the end of the trip, those memory cards cannot be replaced. Everyone thinks it's just "stuff" until it's their stuff, and then it's tragic.

That said, getting arrested doesn't really help the situation. And assaulting TSA, while great for an emotional release, just gives them more leverage over you, and no one wants that.

I always go through last in my party, and make sure that someone else in my party is on the other side to receive, in case I get hung up or whatever. Also, I have no faith in humanity, so I literally stare at my camera bag the entire time. So far, so good.

[–]Tamespotting 200 points201 points  (76 children)

Exactly, it's not just the computer, it's what's on it. I had a friend whose laptop was stolen at the airport. It had her only copy of her nearly completed PhD dissertation!! It may have been actually completed. Anyway, she never got the computer back and never went back to finish her PhD

[–]Dsiee 232 points233 points  (35 children)

Holy shit that sucks.

Although, I will take a moment to enter one of the staple reddit circlejerks of backing up her data. I don't understand why people don't use Dropbox and the like for documents. It is free and easy, for fuck sake.

[–]Tamespotting 95 points96 points  (14 children)

This was about 6 years ago, before Dropbox was as big as it got. Anyway, yes, it's ridiculous not to back up a fucking thesis, but it happened.

[–]FireLucid 90 points91 points  (7 children)

Heck send it to yourself in email or something. That's been possible for a long time.

They should have some sort of class that is mandatory about backing up your thesis if you are doing a PhD unless you can demonstrate that you know what you are doing (quick 1 min discussion can easily demonstrate).

[–]vomit_unicorn 49 points50 points  (4 children)

There should just be a class on common sense. I email myself a copy of every draft because I work on it across multiple computers. I also save it to a USB I carry around but usually use my email as the most updated version.

I've had professors flat out say not handing in a certain draft or assignment because it was some how deleted because your computer blew up etc is not a valid excuse. And I've seen people end up in tears because of it. Golden rule "Save now, save often"

[–]whaattodo 9 points10 points  (1 child)

First thing I did when I started my thesis was to setup a private git repository and every evening all changes were committed.

The added benefit is that if you fuck something up, you have version control and can just look at what point you messed it up and go back to exactly that version.

EDIT: Because I'm paranoid I also have a version sync'd on my laptop, desktop and university PC, as well as in an email that is regularly updated.

[–]mesoziocera 16 points17 points  (2 children)

I knew someone that lost 100 pages of research toward theirs when a harddrive failed because they were paranoid about people plagiarizing them.

[–]1guy4strings 5 points6 points  (0 children)

You could always send it to yourself via email. That's what I do regularly with my MA dissertation, as well as having a copy on a USB stick and on my hard drive.

[–]Genocide_Bingo 28 points29 points  (9 children)

Or just have a pen drive handy. You can get GIGABYTES of space for £2 or something stupidly low. Considering even a picture-heavy, massive essay would only set you back 10mb, that's still 100 massive, picture heavy essays per stick. Pretty sure that's more than enough and you can use them anywhere.

Not to talk down to Dropbox but offline backup is easier on holidays.

[–]Dsiee 5 points6 points  (4 children)

Oh so true. Only problem can be that people often store their external storage in their laptop bag which could well end up lost/stolen too.

However, for a thesis that no doubt took 100's of hours I would probably lash out and do both. The $10 and minor inconvenience would be worth the piece of mind if nothing else.

[–]Exile714 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I know Dropbox and stuff is good for larger amounts of files, and thumb drives are convenient when internet access is slow, but you guys forgot the most basic backup known to modern man: email drafts to yourself. Seriously, if you're in the middle of working on something in a mobile setting just email the thing to yourself once a week or so. There is absolutely no excuse, and hasn't been since two decades ago, for losing an entire document.

[–]swaggler 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Because you lose history, merge ability, branching and cloning of all that. Revision control is the appropriate method for document management.

[–]IAmCortney 46 points47 points  (14 children)

Well only having one copy of her PhD dissertation was kind of dumb in the first place. I mean we all do stupid stuff, but it's not like it was entirely misfortune that she lost it - it was a bit of her own mistake for not backing it up.

[–]imbeethoven 50 points51 points  (10 children)

If you don't have your data in 3 places, you don't have your data.

[–]AllanfromWales 21 points22 points  (3 children)

Three places I don't have my data: China, Somalia, Antarctica. Should I do something about that?

[–]u38cg2 44 points45 points  (0 children)

China has your data, don't worry.

[–]owlymctavish 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I handed in my dissertation 5 years ago and I still keep finding old thumb drives with backup copies of it on.

[–]Ashrod63 1 point2 points  (0 children)

And 3 places literally means 3 separate places, not just three places around your house. Relatives, trusted friends, e-mail accounts, campus servers, cloud storage companies, etc. there's plenty of locations to use and keep up to date.

Last thing you need is a fire or burglar screwing you up.

[–]Juan_Kagawa 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The 3-2-1 rule exists for a reason. Learn it, Live it, Love it.

[–]Zur1ch 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Definitely a rule to live by.

At one point I had ~1 terabyte of music that was, given its size, carefully curated and maintained. Some of it was downloaded probably ten years prior, and when my computer failed I lost that. I thought I was in the clear, but my external HDD also failed. I couldn't save that much remotely, but it's the reason why I backup anything important twice locally and once remotely (storage space permitting).

[–]flyingwolf 7 points8 points  (1 child)

I wonder if her dissertation was on the merits of electronic data backup.

[–]ergotronomatic 44 points45 points  (0 children)

you know. having seen my wife pursue her own PhD, having witnessed her and her colleagues suffer through that... if you dont back up your dissertation, you do not deserve a PhD.

There is no excuse. That's just obscenely irresponsible.

[–]Anonate 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I kept a digital copy of my thesis on my computer, backed up online, on a thumb drive in a fire resistant safe, and a hard copy in my desk.

[–]SmileyFacedBalloon 4 points5 points  (4 children)

Oh shit! Did she not go back because of this incident?

[–]Tamespotting 7 points8 points  (2 children)

Yes, she didn't want to start writing it all over again. She now has a kid and seems to be enjoying life as a full time mother.

[–]q-_-o-_-p 32 points33 points  (1 child)

She should be doing a TIFU

[–]Zur1ch 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Important documents or files should always be saved remotely, whether it's with Google Drive, Apple iCloud, or Dropbox etc. Crucial, irreplaceable documents/files, like a dissertation, shouldn't really even be stores locally for this exact reason: They're far too easy to lose entirely. She also could have just used Google Docs and any changes she made would be auto-saved. There's really no excuse to lose something like that in this day and age when remote storage is either free or extraordinarily cheap. Regardless, that totally sucks for your friend. I can't imagine doing all that work and losing it to some asshole thief. That's a brutal way to learn that lesson though.

edit: I see now that it was six years ago, so it's a redundant rant but I'll leave it here. Writers in particular should take note, however, and don't use local storage for important documents. Just keep the actual file on a personal server or cloud account and you'll never have to worry about losing it.

[–]skaterrj 5 points6 points  (6 children)

We worried about that during a two week vacation to Europe, so we uploaded all of our pictures each day to online storage. It took a while and turned out to be unneeded, fortunately, but it was a great relief to know that we wouldn't lose much if our cameras were stolen or somehow damaged the files on the card. Losing the cameras would suck, unquestionably, but losing our pictures would have been even worse.

[–]Collin317 6 points7 points  (2 children)

When I was in school I went on a three week tour of Berlin/Munich and had all of my photos backed up to Dropbox off my phone automatically when I got on the hotels wifi. Waiting at the airport to go home I dropped my phone, screen shattered, and I could not get the phone to respond to anything (USB or otherwise) I lost like two photos from the cab ride to the airport... But like.. I still have the other 300 or so. This is my first advice I give to anyone traveling

[–]whaattodo 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I had a night mare scenario happen to me in peru.. Wifi wasn't reliable enough to upload anything so I kept a copy of my files on a flash drive, the sd card in my camera and the micro sd card on my phone.

I thought this was exagerated until the day the sd-card adapter effed up while transfering the pictures from the sd card to the micro-sd card and I was left with two unformatted cards and, luckily, another backup on my usb drive. Multiple backups are the best.

[–]Spartelfant 3 points4 points  (0 children)

camera equipment ... those memory cards cannot be replaced

Well have I got the perfect quote for you from photographer Peter Krogh:

There are two kinds of people in the world - those who have had a hard drive failure, and those who will.

His 3-2-1 rule is excellent advice and applies to any irreplaceable digital file.

Have at least three copies of your data.

Store the copies on two different media.

Keep one backup copy offsite.

[–]buy_iphone_7 10 points11 points  (0 children)

And if they had, then OP would have been royally fucked if they found him before he figured it out and took it back.

So really, OP should be grateful she was uncooperative.

[–]Hunter_the_Hutt 92 points93 points  (79 children)

can't be replaced if you're broke AF

[–]ChaosRevealed 177 points178 points  (3 children)

Can't be replaced if you in jail for assaulting TSA

[–]foxfai 24 points25 points  (1 child)

This. That's probably where I would drawn my line and start to reason with them. Now, how corporate they will be with you is a different story. Who knows if they TSA tell her to buzz off and pissed her.

[–]Lanko 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Really? I pictured myself assaulting a TSA agent at "Invasive Search."

[–]i_pk_pjers_i 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Life can't be replaced even if you are filthy rich.

[–]depricatedzero 4 points5 points  (0 children)

tell that to David Rockefeller

[–]CWSwapigans 7 points8 points  (3 children)

I think you're underestimating how many people would outright lose their job for losing a laptop. There's a lot of sensitive shit in the world.

And enjoy job hunting and telling people how you lost your last job in that field.

[–]mofang 7 points8 points  (2 children)

Anyone with sensitive data (legal, medical, etc.) would almost certainly be using Bitlocker or a similar whole-drive encryption scheme, rendering a lost laptop nothing more than a mild inconvenience. Actually, everyone should be using Bitlocker or the Mac equivalent - it takes only minutes to set up and provides huge peace of mind.

The lost laptop cases you hear about with dire consequences tend to be when the device wasn't properly encrypted, or when someone does something dumb like logging into their email account using a client app on an unsecured device. (A great example of this was the discovery of Huma Abedin's messages on Anthony Weiner's laptop.)

[–]puckbeaverton 25 points26 points  (27 children)

MacBook can't necessarily be replaced. that's 3 months salary to some folks.

[–]ontario-guy 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Well it can be replaced easier than a record for assault can be erased. I'm in the 3+ month boat myself though.

[–]Epinephrined 30 points31 points  (21 children)

If a MacBook costs you three months salary you'd have to be an idiot to buy one though.

[–]fuckyourpointsystem 13 points14 points  (15 children)

I mean honestly, I work on a laptop and if I lost it I would probably be fired because of the case sensitive stuff if anyone unlocked it. So I can see why she'd flip out.

[–]Anonate 7 points8 points  (2 children)

I used to handle IP from other companies at my previous job. We had all sorts of protections in place regarding protection of that data.

If your company isn't taking the proper steps to protect that data- which should cover loss of a laptop... then that's their fault, not yours.

[–]spin81 3 points4 points  (2 children)

Not to be that guy, but "case sensitive" just means it matters if you spell it with capitals or not.

[–]Jw156 2 points3 points  (5 children)

You couldn't wipe it remotely?

[–]Stony_Brooklyn 1 point2 points  (2 children)

You couldn't wipe it remotely?

The person will likely still lose many hours of work.

[–]asterixstudio 9 points10 points  (2 children)

Might be a blessing in disguise for you though. Can you imagine if she didn't kick up a fuss, but calmly asked for assistance and they went through the tapes thinking you're a MacBook thief haha

[–]Cronotyr[S] 11 points12 points  (1 child)

That right there was what I immediately thought, because holy shit if she'd had the TSA and the police working for her, I'd have been boned. As I ran it back up to her, I was terrified of some Seinfeld-type stuff happening. If nothing else I've definitely learned to take less with me if I'm flying.

[–]Clustertruck 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Imagine what might be on that laptop. Also TSA. Don't be so quick to judge.

[–]FirstmateJibbs 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Don't feel guilty about it. You should feel guilty of mildly inconveniencing someone, but that's it. She went crazy lmao and that is not your fault

[–]-pretzel 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Good on you for being able to swallow your pride and do the right thing.

[–]JavaReallySucks 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the crazy one

[–]elfliner 13 points14 points  (2 children)

i'll be honest, i can't promise i wouldn't have acted like her. I mean, you put your computer through the scanner and then it's gone? yea, the more i think about it the more i think i would flip my shit as well.

[–]zoxpg 4 points5 points  (1 child)

All I could think was - this lady must have been at the end of her rope to have reacted this way, and I have DEFINITELY been there. She may have had several connections she's already made, sleep deprived, hungry, and just received bad news in an email or something. This doesn't excuse it or anything, but I can definitely say that I could see myself flipping my shit if my laptop went missing in a "final straw" scenario.

[–]Gouranga56 54 points55 points  (22 children)

You know, IMO, it comes down to the modern experience of flight. So first you have to go through the nightmare of getting to the terminal which in a lot of airports is a frikkin joke. Park 900 miles away or pay $900 a day. Wait forever for a bus to come and you get to stand in a cramped bus all the way to the terminal. Everyone fights for room for thier bag, for seats, so you are already miffed and you are not even at the terminal yet.

Now you get to the terminal and have to check in (if you got luggage) you wait in a line like cattle, to get ao a do it yourself kiosk that breaks down 1/8th of the time at least. A lot of folks are very confused and frustrated, everyone behind you pis already pissed, if you take too long they are going to give you the gaze of death. If you have luggage you are going to be overcharged.

Now you go to the TSA line. Again, hammered in like cattle. You get through the initial check (ID check), hopefully good but since TSA agents frequently dont even know how to read a lot of ID (I have seen those over and over), maybe that did not go well. As you use the table, everyone is pushing their shit on yours, pushing you shit down on you whether you like it or not, you are trying to break you stuff out into bins, if you have not flown a lot you realize you have to strip half naked and put all that shit in bins, everyone still pushing you down the line. You get separated from your stuff and your worst fear is someone will take it. So now you get to the other side, you are stressed, worried, possibly frisked..etc. and your laptop has been stolen and the TSA agents dont give one rats ass whatsoever. Not their problem, so you now are missing a $1200 piece of equipment with personal stuff on it.

So after every thing else, you lose your shit (bear in mind you have not even gotten to the gate, got seating with no overhead or room under your seat, sandwiched in between big bertha and big Al who hang into your seat and refused to drop the armrest. Being told you get to check your bags, etc etc.

Given the stressors folks have this entire system is like some sick ass NASA test to see if you are good enough to be cramped into spaceflight so it is not surprise so many folks lose their shit. The entire system could not be designed any better to overstress folks and gurantee a loon or two on each flight. I have flown a TON and I have seen it all with folks. This woman, sounds like she likely already had some anxiety and just snapped.

[–]upnflames 12 points13 points  (2 children)

I can't say I agree with this all. I fly out of JFK or Laguardia at least 6-12 times a year and it's never that bad. I think a lot of people are just really bad with time management and/or have no ability to read and follow rules. Everything you need to do at the airport is spelled out about a million times online, during booking, and as soon as you walk in. I supposedly use one of the worst airports in the country and long term parking with a shuttle has never been that difficult to figure out or crowded for that matter. It's just a bus or train that comes to get you. If it's full, you wait five minutes and take the next one. If you knew you needed long term parking and didn't show up until an hour before your flight, that's your problem. I check in for the flight early and pay for my luggage online if I can, or right at the kiosk. Never encountered one that didn't work. But even if I did, there are usually plenty that are open. And if there wasn't, well I give myself time, so I'll just wait for another one. Even if you have to wait in line at security for a while there are a million signs telling you what you need to do as well as TSA agents telling you what you need to do before you get to the bins. There's plenty of time to get your shit together before the bins. If you waited to untie your 12 lace boots until right before you have to go through, you're just an idiot. And sure people might be in a rush, but if I need extra time for whatever reason, I just waive them ahead of me. No big deal.

I'm not saying people don't struggle at the airport, but they've gotten so much better in recent years I just don't understand it. Granted, I'm an experienced flyer, so I'd anticipate having an easier time than others, but it just seems like common sense. If you really don't fly that often, just look it up online, follow the advice, and give yourself an extra 30 minutes or whatever. As far as space on the plane goes? Yeah, I'll agree, that part sucks. I usually try to fly JetBlue or Southwest. I feel like they have the roomiest seats, but it's still kind of a crapshoot who you're next to. But you can have that kind of bad luck in just about any situation.

[–]psidragon0 8 points9 points  (9 children)

I think it's designed to stress people out. The TSA probably believes it will make it easier to spot the people breaking the law.

[–]Gouranga56 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I would hope not because stressed out people are far more likely to act out while the plane is in flight, which can end up a total shit show. I was on a flight to Seattle when we had that happen. 2 folks totally lost their shit (sober too believe it or not). One of them reclined, the other started poking the dude in the head repeatedly, then they both lost their shit. The pokee started screaming "Help help I am being accosted!!!!!" and mashing the crap out of all the buttons on the overhead to call the flight attendant. The poker, she jumps out of her seat cackling like a witch, runs down the aisle up a row of seats (I mean stepping on people). They nearly diverted us but instead separated them, calmed the down, and then the Seattle police department gave them both matching jewelry when we landed at SEATAC. The poker got simple assault, the pokee, interference with a flight crew.

Though I would never give TSA credit for fully planning shit so I would not be surprised if they did not even consider that as an issue. Since really once the flight leaves, it aint their issue anymore.

[–]DontMentionWombats 5 points6 points  (2 children)

The problem is that behavioral profiling, such as the Israelis actively do, requires highly trained staff. Most of the TSA I've seen are not trained to that level - and they wouldn't have the resources to deploy the number of skilled, experienced profilers needed to all the airports they have to cover.

I think it's just an unintentional effect of thoughtlessly implementing a process.

[–]treiliae 5 points6 points  (3 children)

Am I just lucky or is it really not that bad? I've been through a variety of security checkpoints and the airport ones are pretty streamlined and easy, I'd rather have them x-ray my bag than dig through it or worse, not be allowed to carry my purse at all(NFL). Getting to the airport has never been a problem because of public transportation.

[–]lastwhangdoodle 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I agree with you. It's not that bad, even in some of the busiest airports in the US. Boring yes, wildly stressful? I've got better things to worry about.

[–]DontMentionWombats 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I've had it both ways. To be fair, most of the bad ones have been in US airports (along with some totally civilized experiences). But I can imagine that, especially if you don't fly so much, it can be extremely stressful.

[–]ta70000 80 points81 points  (15 children)

You see these types of attitudes in children. If they are not corrected in time, they grow with the person into adulthood.

[–]Dahkma 35 points36 points  (9 children)

... they grow with the person into adulthood.

Yup, I've seen this before with all of those whiny adults when the British tried taking taxes. They had a tantrum and pushed Tea into the ocean. Some people.

[–]Better-be-Gryffindor 14 points15 points  (7 children)

And turned us in to the America we know today? I know how this story goes, can we get a new ending?

[–]DoctorRaulDuke 16 points17 points  (5 children)

Should've not put the tea in the ocean. Tea goes in hot water, its understandable people got upset.

[–]Better-be-Gryffindor 8 points9 points  (3 children)

True, good tea is hot tea, some people didn't know how to have a proper Tea Party.

[–]DestroyedAtlas 6 points7 points  (2 children)

It should only start out hot to distribute the sugar properly. Then sit in the fridge for a couple hours. Then poured over ice in a nice big ol' glass.

[–]blazefreak 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Hipsters with their cold brew ocean tea.

[–]CWSwapigans 5 points6 points  (4 children)

Lol at this thread. It's like people are competing to outdo each other on committing the Fundamental Attribution Error.

We weren't there. We have no idea what happened before, during, or after the laptop theft.

[–]GarrukTak 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Yea some people get really upset when they think their $2,500 laptop has disappeared.

[–]Desert_Unicorn 16 points17 points  (2 children)

Yeah I mean what you did was totally an accident. Unfortunate but understandable. Don't worry too much about that lady getting arrested. She chose to act the way she did after and got herself into all that extra trouble.

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (3 children)

Laptops are expensive and could contain some important shit/a lot of work. This is one time I could understand someone getting a little crazy

[–]Why_the_hate_ 7 points8 points  (1 child)

It's possible she didn't assault them, but was very loud and upset that someone was getting away with her laptop. They probably took her anger and being "in their face" (three feet away) as being threatening.

Or she is a dumbass who straight up assaulted them but I still think it was probably more trying to get past security to get her laptop.

I'm saying this because I would be EXTREMELY upset about my laptop and all of the information on it being lost.

[–]OrangeSunshine64 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I don't know man, It would probably take me a couple years to be in a comfortable enough situation to buy another MacBook. I'd be pretty pissed myself.

Also she probably didn't assault anyone. Most likely got in a TSA members face about losing her information and money.

[–]Dahkma 9 points10 points  (0 children)

because she was apparently getting arrested for assaulting a TSA agent.

because she was apparently getting arrested for assaulting a TSA agent.

That is all speculation. She could have been emotional, was told to calm down, didn't and then they decided to cuff her to get her away so as not to make a scene.

The TSA have a track record of stealing and the government has a track record of not giving a shit about personal property. Had that guy not returned it, do you really think she would have been compensated?

[–]Sw8estbro 304 points305 points  (39 children)

I am so paranoid about having my laptop stolen every single time I go through security for this very reason. The few seconds you lose sight of your stuff is more than enough time for someone to walk off with the laptop, and from your story, TSA is clearly not monitoring whose stuff gets taken by whom. I hate the current security system so much.

[–]nightcrawleronreddit 139 points140 points  (15 children)

That's why you put out your stuff in a specific order. Put out your bag and jacket first then your laptop then your shoes that way you can tell where it is.

I travel a lot between school and home. I have a gray and red backpack I can distinguish from afar. One thing you could also do is put your jacket on your laptop bin if the TSA lets you or doesn't notice.

[–]Granadafan 45 points46 points  (11 children)

That's the real Life Pro Tip. I'm flying out the day before Thanksgiving (pray for me!) and will do exactly that. Put the laptop last or near last

[–]xaricx 35 points36 points  (8 children)

Another: If you are really worried about it, if your laptop has a security hole for a lock, get a lock for your laptop and tether it to your bag/whatever. It is still out for inspection, but a thief will have a harder time running off with more than just your laptop.

[–]Granadafan 10 points11 points  (4 children)

Damn, this thread is full of good LPTs!

[–]xaricx 2 points3 points  (3 children)

I was thinking of something like this. Cheap, and also not something I'd rely on if I were, say, in a library and walked away for any significant time. But, should work great to tether your laptop to your bag (or run the cable through a jacket sleeve, etc) and with the keys, is fast enough to undo once you are through.

[–]MyGradesWereAverage 17 points18 points  (7 children)

Assume you are in US, get TSA precheck. You don't take your laptop out of the bag (nor shoes off, belt off). It's actually a good deal at ~$100 for 5 years.

[–]zer0t3ch 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I still can't believe that's a thing. That just proves that they don't care that much about security, and would rather make a quick buck.

[–]TheMeiguoren 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They do run a background check with that money. Which IMO is pointless because everyone knows that since you haven't done bad shit in the past, that means you won't do bad shit in the future. Right?

[–]Juan_Kagawa 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I had a scare once flying earlier this year. It was a last minute trip so I was already frazzled when I got to the airport. My laptop got pulled aside to be checked but I was held up at the scanner and once I got through I couldn't find my laptop. Although I had a backup in my bag I still freaked out and no TSA agent mentioned taking my laptop aside. I didn't calm down for a good 5 minutes even after I got my laptop back. I wouldn't wish that level of panic on anybody.

[–]elektrohexer 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I hate the current security system so much.

Thanks, Osama!

[–]brucelovesyou 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Get a tsa approved backpack and you won't even have to take it out of your bag!

[–]ghostoutlaw 190 points191 points  (13 children)

"Lady, he just brought this back to you, if he is a thief, he's the worst damned one I've ever seen heard of."

But you have heard of him.

There, much more better.

[–]bhopfu1 27 points28 points  (12 children)


can't wait for the new movie in a few months

[–]PrinceTrollestia 16 points17 points  (11 children)

Thank God you specified [Capt] Jack Sparrow, otherwise that bot would appear.

[–]PirateCaptainSparrow 26 points27 points  (10 children)

Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?

I am a bot. I have corrected 2012 people.

[–]bobbyditoro 200 points201 points  (9 children)

Her reaction is hers entirely.

[–]J7critter 259 points260 points  (31 children)

Thanks for using the proper IATA code for Orlando (MCO). Most people say OIA.

[–]Cronotyr[S] 138 points139 points  (13 children)

Lol. NP. I work at UPS and it is a common flight for us to load.

[–]J7critter 53 points54 points  (12 children)

I figured you were in the biz. Delta here. You can guess where lol. I've got a buddy who flies for UPS. Loves it.

[–]AmsAdvice 34 points35 points  (4 children)

Must be so nice being a cargo pilot, just you and your co pilot, no people, no bs just a quiet flight.

[–]shaded_in_dover 54 points55 points  (1 child)

Until that one time when it crashes somewhere in the Pacific and you're stranded talking to a volleyball.

Oh wait that's FedEx. You're good.

[–]xaronax 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Yeah UPS is where the guy tries to kill you and the copilot with a hammer and you have to do a barrel roll and a near supersonic dive in a DC-10 to survive.

Haha just kidding that's FedEx too.

[–]J7critter 18 points19 points  (1 child)

Yeah. He spent many years flying commercial and he says cargo is where it's at. lol

[–]Sam-Gunn 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Cargo doesn't bitch.

[–]kellonathan 2 points3 points  (4 children)


[–]TurboChewy 7 points8 points  (3 children)


[–]J7critter 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Bingo. lol

[–]kellonathan 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Oh, the same airport! That makes sense. My bad, I thought you'd be at a Delta hub airport.

[–]nvanprooyen 30 points31 points  (11 children)

If anyone is wondering why the fuck Orlando's airpoirt code is MCO, it's an abbreviation for what was originally there... McCoy Air Force Base.

[–]PrinceTrollestia 8 points9 points  (4 children)

You know, I never questioned why MCO is the code for Orlando, I sort of just accepted it.

[–]J7critter 6 points7 points  (3 children)

Yup. Also, there is a park on property with a B52 bomber on display. You can get very close to it to check out if you are interested. You would need a vehicle to get there though, it's not within walking distance from the terminal.

[–]TheOneTrueTrench 3 points4 points  (0 children)

IATA sucks. I prefer ICAO.

"Oh, this starts with a K? CONUS! Starts with a C? Canada! Starts with PH? Hawaii! Starts with P(A,F,O,P)? Alaska! Anything else staying with P? Pacific island somewhere!

IATA can go suck a big one.

Not to mention the overlaps in IATA airline codes...

[–]callmetmrw 171 points172 points  (1 child)

Jokes on you, she wanted the free cavity search.

[–]xaronax 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Diddle me timbers, Xerxes.

[–]Ristake 131 points132 points  (31 children)

My hands are nearly full at this point, but the machine just keeps spitting the bins out and the people behind us are pissed at the delay, so I start fumbling to grab my bag, shoes, belt and wallet, my 3ds and oh shit, I almost forgot my MacBook.

I see no reason to try and rush due to other people waiting. Everyone in line has to unpack and repack. It takes time to ensure you have all of your things and if someone cannot understand that it's their problem.

Edit: Added the quote

[–]Mirshikar 57 points58 points  (9 children)

People are generally accustomed to this and will just reach over and around you as need be to get their things.

[–]Aesop_Rocks 30 points31 points  (2 children)

That's always been my experience. Of course, there's the occasional asshole who may or may not be in a legitimate rush, but most folks go about their business and move on.

[–]XenoFractal 33 points34 points  (1 child)

It does suck to miss your flight cause jenny and joe and their 30 fucking kids take six years to walk through a damn security scanner

[–]DetroitDiggler 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Easy. Check the kids as luggage.

[–]Th3_St1g 27 points28 points  (5 children)

Apparently no one ITT knows how to airport. You don't repack your stuff in the security line. You grab all of your bins and leave the security area and go to the designated repacking area with the tables and do it there. The people who repack their shit at the end of the X-Ray machine are the reason why going through security takes so long.

[–]Anti-AliasingAlias 4 points5 points  (0 children)

designated repacking area

I think I've maybe gone through one airport with something like this. Every other one has been nothing or just a couple metal benches. I've never had to go through security at any of the huge airports though.

[–]LondonCalling07 4 points5 points  (0 children)

This. I want to upvote this a million times. THIS is why the lines are so long!!

[–]clifyt 33 points34 points  (5 children)

Having traveled last week, it was the TSA that was telling everyone to hurry up. I'm sorry, I don't have shoes on, I have four plastic bins because even though my bag is one that is SUPPOSED to allow the laptop to stay in, they backed up the line and asked me to take it out and put it in a separate bin. Oh. Phone in a separate bin. Oh put that bag in another and why do you have wires in it. Why would anyone with a laptop need cables?

Most places I travel, its unzip the bag and flip it so that the laptop can be scanned, everything else goes in it and its fine. Two trays at most. Beyond that, no place to sit but told LEAVE THE BINS AT TSA.

It fucking sucked. I'm honestly surprised no one did this in our lane with the way the gestopo was ordering people around and trying to hurry and confuse everyone.

[–]nocte_lupus 5 points6 points  (3 children)

I flew recently in the UK. For security it was basically 'if you have heavy shoes/metal on them take them off, laptops need their own tray, everything else can stay in your bag, don't have anything in your pockets like phones or keys ok good now go pick your stuff up and repack'

[–]Sparkstalker 8 points9 points  (2 children)

I get it, but MCO is a special kind of hell. Always busy, lots and lots of kids, frazzled parents, everyone has a bunch of shit, etc. It's honestly one of the worst places to fly out of...

[–]SixBiscuit 3 points4 points  (0 children)

MCO is such a fucking shit show coming and going. People that hardly ever fly. A thousand kids running around. Everyone has like five bags of shit from Disney including balloons and other assorted bullshit.

[–]DogsPlan 6 points7 points  (8 children)

But it sounds like OP is one of those people who has a ton of crap in several bins, slowing up the line, and making other people crazy. People think they need a bin for everything. You don't need a bin just for your shoes. A belt can get stuffed into a shoe and they can be placed directly on the belt behind our bag (they will make it through). Valuables can get shoved into a bag side pocket. The main reason that security queues are so out of hand are that people are extremely inefficient in dealing with the process.

[–]ineedthatcat 8 points9 points  (2 children)

That's because TSA makes it so damn hard and seems to make t slightly different every where.

Last week I had to put computer in one bin; shoes and jacket in another; liquids, phone and other crap in a third. Plus my carry on bag had to go on the belt. This shit is ridiculous.

[–]daaaaaaBULLS 7 points8 points  (0 children)

People think they need a bin for everything.

Oh you mean the TSA? Don't blame people for being confused on what they don't need a separate bin for.

[–]SchindHaughton 52 points53 points  (3 children)

The real fuck-up here wasn't of your doing. You were in a tough spot, and you made an honest mistake. It happens to the best of us. When you realized your mistake, you resolved it in the most appropriate fashion.

You know who didn't try to resolve this in an appropriate and reasonable manner? Her. A reasonable person would have asked you to make sure you took the right laptop, and politely informed a TSA agent that her laptop went missing (and I'm sure they would have been able to help). A reasonable person would not have tried to snatch the laptop out of your hands, nor would one have assaulted a TSA agent. I get that losing an expensive laptop is a stressful event, and that airport security is a stressful place, but jesus christ. Anyone that reacts like that loses my sympathy.

You were a minor agent in her fuck-up, OP.

[–]send-me-bitcoins 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Nice to read a TIFU where you didn't get punished for an easy mistake. Sure, unfortunate for her.

It would have been much worse if she had acted like a normal person, they had reviewed the security footage and come to arrest you sitting there with 2 macbooks.

I think this would be much different if you had to explain yourself after the fact.

[–]Hankol 14 points15 points  (12 children)

German that is interested in languages here, is "schlep" really a word in English?

[–]Anthony780 20 points21 points  (1 child)

It's an informal word with yiddish origin, so it's more commonly used in the Jewish community.

[–]booble_dooble 3 points4 points  (5 children)

there are many german-sounding words in english stem from yiddish origin, and as a german speaker you'd think they are using the german word. cannot remember too many, but shlep and bizl and look here words

[–]Hankol 3 points4 points  (3 children)

Thanks. It's funny because it's not only german-sounding, "schleppen" is actually a german verb ("to carry"). I obviously know the most common german origin words like Rucksack or angst, but until now I never heard of schlep.

[–]gatorglaze 3 points4 points  (2 children)

Its a word we use but i wouldn't consider it a "real" word. Unless it was added to the dictionary but its one of those words that people use so much that it became part of the vocabulary. But i still dont consider it a genuine english word.

[–]FogItNozzel 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Don't be mashugana. Its Yiddish, not English.

[–]JacquePorter 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Bad things happen to good people all the time and it's sad. Sometimes bad things happen to bad people and that's always worth a watch.

[–]FresherTyp 103 points104 points  (17 children)

I'm mostly amazed at that you gave it back to her! Not that I wouldn't have wanted to give it back, but I have crippling social anxiety which would've made me to anxious too give it back to her FREE STUFF!!

[–]carcinogenicshitlord 56 points57 points  (11 children)

Just turn it upside down put it on the ground and slide it along the ground to her with a post it note that says sorry in shitty handwriting on it

[–]DoubleForte 48 points49 points  (9 children)

Or just write sorry on the MacBook with sharpie. Lol

[–]bestjakeisbest 16 points17 points  (5 children)

this is why we cant have nice things

[–]Ringbearer31 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Some rubbing alcohol and a good cloth would set it right.

[–]bestjakeisbest 13 points14 points  (1 child)

no liquids over 4 ounces at tsa

[–]XenoFractal 6 points7 points  (0 children)



[–]fuzzby 1 point2 points  (1 child)

If someone writes with a sharpie on something of yours, just write over it with a whiteboard pen and it'll wipe right off. It's the additive in the whiteboard markers that make them non-permanent.

[–]jack33jack 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I read this as "I use made-up excuses of crippling social anxiety to justify being a complete jackass!!"

[–]tehdark45 8 points9 points  (0 children)

If she asked, I would have been like, I don't think so, let me check.

But if you come out swinging, fuck you, I ain't checking.

[–]HideousCarbuncle 7 points8 points  (0 children)

You made a mistake. So did she.

[–]PurlToo 5 points6 points  (0 children)

There was a shooting downtown Orlando last weekend, and I couldn't find a story about it the next morning. No one is going to write about a lady freaking out in an airport. This is Florida. Was a face eaten? Not news worthy.

[–]imakenosensetopeople 25 points26 points  (6 children)

Assaulting an agent is on her, but [TSA does have a history of theft]( unfortunately. Edit - still can't make the link work. Oh well.

[–]totallypregnant 26 points27 points  (2 children)

Yeah, I can't say that I would assault a TSA agent over it but I would not be very rational or nice if my laptop went missing at the security checkpoint because I've seen these stories and it seems like a nightmare to prove what's happened.

[–]Pass_that_aux_cord 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I wouldn't assault anyone. BUT I would likely not be permitted to catch my flight, or any flights thereafter, for that matter lol

[–]CWSwapigans 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I mean it's worth notingwe have no idea what the TSA agent said, or even if she actually assaulted him.

Bayes says to be very skeptical here. Most people don't assault someone because their laptop is missing.

[–]bhopfu1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

url isn't embedded correctly

[–]HorderLock 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's a lot of zeros.

[–]starwars_and_guns 5 points6 points  (0 children)

From American Gods:

He found himself thinking about a guy named Johnnie Larch he'd shared a cell with when he'd first been put inside, who told Shadow how he'd once got out after five years behind bars with one hundred dollars and a ticket to Seattle, where his sister lived.

Johnnie Larch had got to the airport, and he handed his ticket to the woman on the counter, and she asked to see his driver's license.

He showed it to her. It had expired a couple of years earlier. She told him it was not valid as ID. He told her it might not be valid as a driver's license, but it sure as hell was fine identification, and damn it, who else did she think he was, if he wasn't him?

She said she'd thank him to keep his voice down.

He told her to give him a fucking boarding pass, or she was going to regret it, and that he wasn't going to be disrespected. You don't let people disrespect you in prison.

Then she pressed a button, and few moments later the airport security showed up, and they tried to persuade Johnnie Larch to leave the airport quietly, and he did not wish to leave, and there was something of an altercation.

The upshot of it all was that Johnnie Larch never actually made it to Seattle, and he spent the next couple of days in town in bars, and when his one hundred dollars was gone he held up a gas station with a toy gun for money to keep drinking, and the police finally picked him up for pissing in the street. Pretty soon he was back inside serving the rest of his sentence and a little extra for the gas station job.

And the moral of this story, according to Johnnie Larch, was this: don't piss off people who work in airports.

"Are you sure it's not something like 'The kind of behavior that works in a specialized environment, such as prison, can fail to work and in fact become harmful when used outside such an environment'?" said Shadow, when Johnnie Larch told him the story.

"No, listen to me, I'm telling you, man," said Johnnie Larch, "don't piss off those bitches in airports."

[–]Delevicton 6 points7 points  (1 child)

You have a 3DS AND a wife?? What's your secret?

[–]imdaterminator 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Being as this story happened in Florida.......I'd say it checks out!

[–]quelques_heures 4 points5 points  (0 children)

On the one hand I kinda feel bad for the lady, because a Macbook is the kind of possession you would naturally expect someone to freak-out if they lost; on the other hand I have no sympathy for people who cause a disturbance in public because they can't find their shit.

[–]atgnottingham 8 points9 points  (19 children)

Her own fault, she got into trouble by her reaction to an honest mistake, completely her fault and well done to you for risking taking it back.

[–]Pass_that_aux_cord 8 points9 points  (18 children)

How was she supposed to know it was an honest mistake? It certainly appeared that she had been the victim of Grand larceny until OP returned the computer. I'd freak the fuck out too, I have thousands of confidential medical records on the laptop I am forced to travel with. Cleaning up that mess would be a HIPAA nightmare, let alone the bureaucratic bullshit I'd have to deal with at work if my laptop was stolen. I'd probably lose my job, regardless of the circumstances. I DEFINITELY wouldn't assault anyone, but it would certainly be difficult to maintain emotional composure as my entire life falls apart in front of my eyes, and everyone is telling me that I'm overreacting.

[–]HyperbolicTrajectory 8 points9 points  (2 children)

I'm not that familiar with US law, but it's my understanding that if you have anything HIPAA-y on a nonencrypted laptop that leaves the facility, your firm is already in breach, regardless of if you lose it or not.

If you genuinely have to have confidential info on a laptop you take offsite, request (in an audit-loggable way) that it is properly encrypted. Worst case, you've covered your ass and pissed off your IT and compliance departments. Best case: you get a shiny new laptop that you don't have to worry so much about losing. I know we had to upgrade a bunch of folks to machines with faster processors and SSDs to mitigate the overhead of full disk encryption.

[–]nobody65535 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'd freak the fuck out too, I have thousands of confidential medical records on the laptop I am forced to travel with. Cleaning up that mess would be a HIPAA nightmare, let alone the bureaucratic bullshit I'd have to deal with at work if my laptop was stolen

I hope you're encrypting all the data. Hard drive and any removable media.

[–]atgnottingham 1 point2 points  (1 child)

She still didn't have to assault the TSA guy. That is her fault.

[–]blackfishfilet 10 points11 points  (11 children)

Your biggest fuckup was not having TSA precheck

[–]CutesPDX 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Shush, if you tell everyone they are going to be filling up our lines with all their nonsense.

[–]IAmAssButtKingofHell 6 points7 points  (6 children)

Seriously, greatest thing EVER!

[–]Redowadoer 3 points4 points  (5 children)

Only if you want to give $100+ or whatever it is nowadays to the TSA for doing absolutely nothing but being greedy motherfuckers.

[–]mofang 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Get NEXUS or Global Entry instead. They provide real benefits at international border crossings and include PreCheck for free, and NEXUS is actually cheaper thanks to the terms of the agreement with Canada ($50/5 years).

[–]yosimba2000 2 points3 points  (3 children)

I am confused. So your original laptop was in your backpack, with a piranha sticker on it.

And the lady's laptop that you took ALSO had the same piranha sticker on it?

Or did you take the laptop out from the backpack to put into the Xray machine, and at the end take the lady's laptop and put it in your bag, forgot you had just done so, and took another laptop in your hands, which was actually yours?

[–]ShortPhotoGuy 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Your last paragraph is the correct one. Her laptop went into his bag.

[–]Sam-Gunn 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I get back to the security station and she's pinned to the floor in handcuffs, bawling her eyes out, because she was apparently getting arrested for assaulting a TSA agent.

Yea, you weren't the one who fucked up. If that were me, I would've just asked for them to check the security cameras. Not, you know, assaulted a TSA person.

[–]washheightsboy3 2 points3 points  (0 children)

LPT: when you assault a TSA agent, you really need to take out the whole team or this will happen. It's like Castle Wolfenstein. Or you can try not assaulting TSA agents.

[–]ithinarine 5 points6 points  (7 children)

Honestly dude. You two sound like horrible travellers if you've got too much stuff to handle.

One bin for your carry on bag, you put your keys and wallet in that one as well. One bin for your laptop. That's it. What else do you have that you've got a literal backlog of bins piling up behind you?

Put your wallet in one pocket, keys in the other, slip your laptop in your bag, that's 15 seconds of work, and you're done. Having your wife's single bin at the end waiting for her to finish screening should not use up so much space that everyone else can't get by.

[–]advion 8 points9 points  (5 children)

Why do you have keys in your pocket anyway? You're already at the airport they should be in your carry on.

[–]ithinarine 2 points3 points  (4 children)

Exactly, stuff like this is what makes a terrible traveller. It shouldn't take more than 30 seconds to get your crap together. Only thing that could slow you down is a belt.

[–]skorpiolt 4 points5 points  (0 children)

You didn't cause her to flip out and assault a TSA agent; that is all on her for not being able to handle such a situation like an adult. Plus your title is misleading; no intent to steal.

[–]TRIPWIREC4 1 point2 points  (1 child)

The TSA sucks.

Hell I would throw a fit if my computer didn't come out the other end of the machine after I clearly put it in one end.

Mostly because of the browser history not the value.

The TSA people were probally like "S'cuse me Mam, gonna need to check inside yo asshole".

[–]f16stingcontrol 1 point2 points  (0 children)

They definitely had high resolution security cameras filming the whole ordeal.

[–]Kotanaru 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's her problem for assaulting a TSA agent

[–]BadLuck-BlueEyes 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I know they're not all bad people, but I can't help but feel a little good about a TSA agent getting assaulted.. I'm going to hell..

[–]Daddy_0103 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Dang, I feel bad for her. You never know what people are going through. Maybe a loved one just died and all pics were on that laptop.

[–]gellenburg 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Orlando native here.

You put WAY too much faith in the newspapers and TV stations in Orlando.

The LAST thing the papers want to report on is the possibility of a tourist getting something stolen.

Bad press and publicity and it's ruins the image of Orlando being "The Happiest Place On Earth".

Oh wait… that's Disney.

But Disney IS Orlando. /s

Go Pioneers! (ORHS c/o 1990)

[–]Nurizeko 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Security theatre for you, creating lots of pointless drama, hassle and jobs (for the TSA).

[–]QuinoaPheonix 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I love how you refer to each Macbook in line with the way you were thinking at the time:

"putting my Macbook in my backpack"

"Oh shit, I almost dropped my damned Macbook so I decide to hold it directly in my hands..."

[–]__word_clouds__ 1 point2 points  (1 child)

[–]Cronotyr[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That is awesome. I love the prominence of 'shit' in that cloud.

[–]burgerchef618 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The real person for FU is the lady. Good on you for not FU!

[–]PiggypPiggyyYaya 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I must confess. I bought a Mac book in 2003 because I wanted to be unique. 4 years later I needed a new laptop, and apple has become popular by then. Now everybody has an apple laptop. Well I just wanted to say they're are too many apple laptops out there that you can easily take someone elses by mistake.

[–]Codename13 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Inb4 post titled "TIFU by getting arrested because my MacBook was stolen"

[–]PlebbySpaff 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So this is all a clear mistake since you thought it was your own Macbook, even though you could have checked your computer pouch before.

However, the real TIFU is on that girls parts since she's apparently "assaulting" (we don't know the story of what actually happened with her) a TSA agent over a goddamn Macbook. Also, her trying to snatch it away from you is already a red flag, especially at an Airport of all places.

[–]thr0w18 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I was at MCO just last week and they wanted us to keep our laptops inside the bag and then send it into the screening machine. This is not done at any other airport. Looks like you made the airport change their rules