
What’s something that you are surprised how cheap it is? by TippityTopKek1010 in AskReddit

[–]SBprod 6489 points6490 points 2 (0 children)

Pineapple farmers rarely grow pineapples that way. It results in poor quality fruit. They typically grow new pineapples via baby plants that bud from the originals (we called them "keikis"). You can also grow them by seed, although using the keikis is the easiest and most reliable method for growing delicious pineapples.

Source: I worked on a pineapple farm

Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 15, 2019 by AutoModerator in Fitness

[–]SBprod 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm in the same boat. It really helps to mix up deadlift variations quite often. I'll usually cycle between standard, sumo, and trap bar deadlifts. If I feel my form is slipping on standard, I'll usually just do trap bar and/or sumo for a couple weeks.

I think that many long-legged people often use the back muscles too much in deadlifting (due to feeling the need to hinge more at the hips to reach the bar), which is why training the more leg-focused trap bar deadlift will help you to engage the legs/glutes when you return to conventional deadlift.

Yoga helps a lot as well, as it gives you more awareness of your form. Maintaining good form in your back is critical for deadlift.

The ab wheel rollout on knees gets easy (20+ reps), but the standing rollout is absolutely impossible. Any tips? by PopcornPriest in Fitness

[–]SBprod 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Whatever you do, be careful not to go too far out with the ab wheel (to the point where you're really feeling it in your shoulders). It can cause some shoulder issues if your form is off.

How much to warm up for a heavy top set of deadlifts? by [deleted] in Fitness

[–]SBprod 0 points1 point  (0 children)

More than you think. Don't rush it or you could get seriously injured. For example, I'll usually do sets of 185 lbs. -> 275 lbs. -> 315 lbs. -> 365 lbs. -> 405 lbs. and so on.

What is the worst thing you have ever smelled? by seawolfie in AskReddit

[–]SBprod 17 points18 points  (0 children)

When I was a kid, we had an extra fridge in the woodshop behind my house. My dad, an avid fisherman, had stored about 50 lbs. of crab, salmon, and other fish in the freezer. Well, the fridge broke one day and my dad didn't notice for at least a couple weeks.

When he asked me to clean it out, I didn't expect it to be a big deal. Boy was I wrong. Inside that freezer lived every color of mold in the rainbow, and the stench stays with me to this day. Being very young, I just did what I was asked to do - but today, I wonder: why did he even have me clean it out if we were just getting rid of the fridge anyways? I'd like to think it was some sort of character-building exercise, but unfortunately my dad is too scatterbrained to come up with that kind of ruse.

And if you're wondering, the answer is yes - I no longer eat fish.

Which celebrity is NOT as nice as they seem? by Wh33ze in AskReddit

[–]SBprod 653 points654 points  (0 children)

Deepak Chopra. He makes money by taking advantage of people who are suffering - for example by claiming that your attitude and "quantum healing" can cure cancer. He claims to live in an enlightened state of mind but has a surface-level understanding of spirituality, at best. He's just another scam artist who masquerades as a spiritual teacher.

WTB New Way Longs, 34, Flat Black or Deep Gray by [deleted] in OutlierMarket

[–]SBprod 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thank you, not a fan of those unfortunately

Celiac with trouble keeping weight on, now with high cholesterol. Pondering how to eat. by CorruptInHadleyburg in gainit

[–]SBprod 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I feel you, I also have tons of allergies to various foods (and I don't eat meat or fish). I just eat several protein shakes a day on top of my normal diet. 500 extra calories here, 500 extra calories there. Calorie-dense foods like peanut butter and hemp seeds help a lot. Sometimes you just have to accept that during particularly bad times, you're going to lose weight. In the long run, you can gain weight, but much slower than other people.

If you have issues like this, eating is always going to be a chore. Just make sure that you don't overdo it on any one food - you'll either get sick of it, or (in my case), eventually develop an intolerance to it.

What's your best Mind fuck question? by FrankyPany37 in AskReddit

[–]SBprod 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This video is deliberately misleading. It does not equal -1/12. It's associated with -1/12. If you create a formula for calculating 1 + 2 + 3 + 4... that formula is 1/2*x(x+1). For example, with 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, you plug x in for 4 and it results in 10.

Imagine graphing the results. Now, if you start plugging in negative numbers for x, there will be a small area below the x axis with an area of 1/12, and since it's below the axis we will say that area is -1/12. The areas of the portions to the right and left of the y axis are infinity and negative infinity, so when you add all the areas together you end up with -1/12. In physics, there's something called the Casimir effect that correlates to this, but I won't go into that.

In truth, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4... does not equal -1/12. If you're creative enough, it is simply associated with -1/12. Videos like this are deliberately misleading and contribute to the idea that math is unintuitive and mystical, when in fact it's not.

A Single Courageous Senator Can Derail the Trump Administration by Creasy007 in politics

[–]SBprod 9 points10 points  (0 children)

If you didn't vote, you are the biggest part of the problem. Both candidates may have sucked, but the reality is that you're never going to agree with any candidate 100%. The responsible thing to do is to vote for the candidate that you agree with the most. By failing to engage in the democratic process, you are giving more power to those who seek to dismantle our democracy.

How many people can you offend in one joke? by 4775795f4d616e in AskReddit

[–]SBprod 1 point2 points  (0 children)

At least 10