Corbyn: "We now face the task of creating a New Britain from the fourth industrial revolution" by AonghusMacKilkenny in ukpolitics

[–]AonghusMacKilkenny[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

Ninja edit there man.

Yeah, I tried to fit it in before the 3 minute * appeared but obviously a few seconds too late :/

Corbyn: "We now face the task of creating a New Britain from the fourth industrial revolution" by AonghusMacKilkenny in ukpolitics

[–]AonghusMacKilkenny[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

I thought you were implying I meant he should be more like tories/UKIP policy wise; that's not what I meant.

Corbyn: "We now face the task of creating a New Britain from the fourth industrial revolution" by AonghusMacKilkenny in ukpolitics

[–]AonghusMacKilkenny[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

No, you've misunderstood my comment and put words in my mouth. In his tweet he's made something that's very simple - technological advancement - sound as complicated as possible. Making things sound complicated is not how you win votes.

Cannabis cookies leave eight people sick by SausageRollBap in northernireland

[–]AonghusMacKilkenny 0 points1 point  (0 children)

To be fair, my mate had a space cake in regulated Amsterdam and that still made him throw up all night and hallucinate. He said he felt like he was a video game character and the only way to get out of the game was to make himself sick, which he also has a phobia of. He spent about 3 hours just walking out of the hotel bathroom, standing in the bedroom, and then walking back in and staring at the mirror. The next day he said he thought his body never left the bathroom but his mind did to try and find help.

Ingesting Marijuana can have a much more powerful effect than just inhaling it. Be careful.

Corbyn: "We now face the task of creating a New Britain from the fourth industrial revolution" by AonghusMacKilkenny in ukpolitics

[–]AonghusMacKilkenny[S] 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Making Technological Change our Ally

Now that's an easy to understand soundbite that can be used.

Corbyn: "We now face the task of creating a New Britain from the fourth industrial revolution" by AonghusMacKilkenny in ukpolitics

[–]AonghusMacKilkenny[S] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

It's basically "fully automated luxury communism". Something Aaron Bastani, Owen Jones and his irk have been banging on about for the past few years. The fact Corbyn has tried to explain this in a paragraph of glossy nonsense is further proof he is absolutely out of touch with the ordinary people who just want short, concise plans.


UKIP - "Take back control", "Australian style points system"

Tories leading up to 2015 GE - "Long-term economic plan."

These were soundbites repeated over and over again and the whole point is the drill it in to peoples heads so they know what they stand for.

Can you imagine Corbyn repeating this tweet for every media appearance he has? Laughable