Majestic as fuck by Chengweiyingjie in gifs

[–]marctz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

that is one of the beste videos things i've seen on reddit. Also I was expecting to see some eagle come in and claw your fingers off.

What is the saddest food out there? by NovaGoml in AskReddit

[–]marctz -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Prawns, because of slave labor in Asia. You thought the prawns were salty because of sea water? nope, its because of the tears of Asian slaves.

Besides "Airplane Mode," what are some disappointing things with cool names? by TheRedgrinGrumbholdt in AskReddit

[–]marctz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

when i was little I always thought that Voodoo and Gforce (video cards or graphics cards..or something) were computer games, the boxes were always f*cking awesome and I always wanted to play them. I was really dissapointed when I found out that they were just hardware and that the boxes mislead the shit out of me. I feel a bit ashamed to be honest.

What seems like it shouldn't be awkward but somehow is? by Cugudor in AskReddit

[–]marctz 51 points52 points  (0 children)

when you meet with a friend, they wait for you in an open space, you see each other from a long distance but you pretend like you dont notice them until they are handshake-length away.

Kanye calls Trump an "Absolute Genius" by Malformed1 in The_Donald

[–]marctz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Kanye West has no right to talk about politics if he doesnt vote.

Turkish bill clears men of statutory rape if they marry by marctz in worldnews

[–]marctz[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think this would prevent girls to report when they are raped for fear of marying their rapist. then in a few years the rape stats will go down and they will say, "you see?! it worked"

My grinder fits perfectly into the toilet paper roll (oddly satisfied) by Cpttxl in trees

[–]marctz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What happens when you turn it on? full speed, must be cool.

Ax from Viking era, before and after conservation 10th–11th century [566x674] by gorillaz0e in Archeology

[–]marctz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's amazing. how did they clean off the rust but leave the engraving so clear?

I made this hamburger with french fries, it was really good! [Homemade] by marctz in food

[–]marctz[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

sorry for the late reply. I don't really remember the exact measurements or if i left something out but mostly the sauce is, mayonaise, heinz ketchup, mustard, onions chopped up really fine, pickles or gurgins chopped up really small, salt, pepper.