Vintage coin-operated horses set free by solar power in Alberta.News Article (cbc.ca)

submitted by isle_say to /r/Art

Riders Officially Sign Henoc Muamba by HomerSPC in CFL

[–]isle_say 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It will be fun seeing if the Riders will be able too make a late season push to the playoffs.

What 2,000 Calories Looks Like – NY Times visualization [OC] by kartik_sundar in dataisbeautiful

[–]isle_say 0 points1 point  (0 children)

to maintain my healthy weight I should eat 2500 calories a day. Guess I won't be having any of these meals soon.

What is the hardest or weirdest thing to explain to people who've never been a christian? by 93ImagineBreaker in exchristian

[–]isle_say 2 points3 points  (0 children)

For me, who was raised a fundamentalist, telling people that merely leading a good life just was not good enough to get into heaven. You had to be 'born again' which means that most people who consider themselves Christian are going to fry in hell for eternity.

America's Love of Baked Goods by LilWayne-Brady in Infographics

[–]isle_say 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Substitute SUGAR for 'baked goods' in title.

Why do so many people here seem so interested in studying the Bible? by chodaranger in exchristian

[–]isle_say 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I'm with you OP. I got better things to do with my time. In fact I am somewhat resentful of the time that was taken away from my youth by the church (i.e. my parents). There are so many other things to learn about and experience.

How easy was to get new identity and "vanish" at the end of WW2? by JustStayingThere in AskHistorians

[–]isle_say 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Were there cases of Allied solders vanishing to avoid criminal charges at home or bad marriages for example?

George, the scam(?) Persian rug salesman.? by W-Ender in vancouver

[–]isle_say 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I agree with the second part of your post but the first half is a bit over the top. 'alert ..... building management right now', and they will?

The Six Main Reasons Why The Times Tax Story Could Be Devastating For Trump by Mynameis__--__ in progressive

[–]isle_say -1 points0 points  (0 children)

But still, but still more than 40% of Americans will vote for him and he may very well win!

My mom's family, rural Saskatchewan, 1964 by DuoSonicSamurai in TheWayWeWere

[–]isle_say 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I was a kid in Saskatoon when this picture was taken. Though I don't know the family in the picture I sure knew farm families just like this one. Great picture thanks for the memories!

Linocut print on a glamour magazine page by anikud in printmaking

[–]isle_say 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This is great, thanks for posting. Post it anywhere else and you'd get BIG karma!

The sky tonight was amazing! by rix0r in vancouver

[–]isle_say 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Is that from the Lions Gate Bridge?

Looking for a really good cookbook by SaphuA in IndianFood

[–]isle_say 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Vegetarian India, A Journey Through the Best of Indian Home Cooking

Jaffrey, Madhur

This is a terrific book