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IMDb > Julie Powell (Character)
Julie Powell
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Julie Powell (Character)
from Julie & Julia (2009)

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Photos (See all 12 | slideshow) Related Videos (see all 7)
Julie & Julia -- A culinary legend provides a frustrated office worker with a new recipe for life in Julie & Julia, the true stories of how Julia Child�۪s (Meryl Streep) life and cookbook inspired fledgling writer Julie Powell (Amy Adams) to whip up 524 recipes in 365 days.
Julie & Julia -- Frustrated secretary Julie Powell (Adams) tries to shake up her life by chronicling her attempt to cook all 524 recipes in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking in a year's time.
Julie & Julia -- Here's a clip from the movie Julie & Julia.
Julie & Julia -- Interview: Stanley Tucci "On how Paul Child supported Julia Child in her desire to cook"
Julie & Julia -- Interview: Meryl Streep "On who Julia Child was"

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Fun Stuff

From Julie & Julia (2009)
Julie Powell: She changed everything. Before her, it was frozen food and can openers and marshmallows.
Eric Powell: Don't knock marshmallows.
[Julie smiles]
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