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Blackhat (2015)
2 out of 4 people found the following review useful:
Cybercrime, 19 February 2015

It's a dangerous world of cybercrime and one wouldn't think so at first glance, but do take a second glance or better yet watch this movie. The story is interesting and very intense. Michael Mann still has it, I particularly like his usage of big frames. Chris Hemsworth is looking very sexy and he is also very convincing, not just another pretty face. There are many bad reviews of this film out there, but undeservedly, in my opinion. True it can be a bit confusing to watch the plot but this is a movie that pushes the viewer to actually use his/her brain while watching and no, you don't need to be tech-savvy to get it. Ladies take your men with you, you'll enjoy looking at Chris Hemsworth and they'll enjoy in all the technical details.

Foxcatcher (2014)
4 out of 7 people found the following review useful:
Fascinating, 17 February 2015

This is a fascinating movie. I don't want to give spoilers so I won't talk about the plot. The actors did incredible work, particularly Steve Carell as a billionaire Du Pont and Channing Tatum as his wrestling star. Mark Ruffallo was also great as Dave Schultz. Carrell's performance is outstanding, he should really win an Oscar. He literally became this eccentric rich man, not just physically but also psychologically. Kudos to Carrell. I knew he had this in him, in spite of his many comedic performances. Tatum is also a nice surprise, he too became Mark Schultz and I might add he was very convincing. It is based on a true story, but there are some inaccuracies due to artistic freedom, which doesn't ruin the story. Do watch this one.

0 out of 7 people found the following review useful:
Another war movie, 17 February 2015

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Did we really need this movie? To be honest, no. It is based on a true story, about a man named Chris Kyle who goes to Iraq and becomes known as a legend for being able to shoot targets from large distances and having multiple successful shots. I don't know whether there's a documentary about this man's life, but if there is one, I hope it's more accurate than this so called movie. I do admire Clint Eastwood for some of his previous work behind and in front of the camera, but this one is not to my liking. The entire story is somewhat exaggerated and a bit fabricated, although it's based on the main character's autobiography. I don't think this movie did justice to Chris Kyle. The only positive aspect is the acting, especially Bradley Cooper's, who has done an amazing job for which he is deservingly nominated for an Oscar.

7 out of 11 people found the following review useful:
There is still hope for the movies after watching this brilliant one, 17 February 2015

Without revealing the plot, it's a beautiful story about different types of relationships. Unlike modern stories, there's nothing superficial about this one. The entire cast is excellent, especially Russell Crowe. The interaction between him and Olga Kurylenko's character is simply put wonderful, the physical attraction and mutual understanding is there from the beginning but I particularly liked the way it was portrayed, done with taste, nothing in your face. This movie will take you on a roller coaster of emotions and you'll be grateful that you had the opportunity to be a part of it, even just as a viewer. Amazing and incredible story!

20 out of 52 people found the following review useful:
Better than the book, 11 February 2015

It is good, there isn't one extra scene or out of place. The only thing that comes to mind is underused sex scenes and a particular scene which takes place in the garden. The focus is on the leads and this leaves other characters looking like extras but that's fine by me. The script is so much better than the book, all the lines are perfect. Reading the books Anastasia usually got on my nerves, but it's entirely different story watching this character on screen. She is already in this first installment of the trilogy a confident, strong person, unlike in the books, where we get to see that transformation in the third book. Chemistry between Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson is there, that's for sure, perhaps not an animal kind of attraction, but it's palpable. Both actors have done an amazing job in this movie, so well that I truly became interested into finding out whether there could be future for them or not, even though I knew how it all unfolds because I read the books. I also liked the ending and am curious to see the sequel. I would recommend this even to those who haven't read the books.

4 out of 9 people found the following review useful:
Extraordinary in ordinary, 12 January 2015

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This film is a biopic of Alan Turing's life, with the main focus on those WWII years. We as an audience are also treated to glimpses of his youth here and there, then briefly to a short period after the war. Benedict Cumberbatch is a perfect choice for this role, he really becomes Alan Turing in the process, he is incredible. Supporting cast is quite good too, especially Keira Knightley, who surprised me one more time with such an exquisite performance, which is full of subtlety and finesse. It is beyond words what this Turing's accomplishment meant for the future of humanity and there's also a moral message that movie provokes when questioning are we God, because Turing's discovery was used and to some abused, as a dice choosing who gets to live and who doesn't, all for higher purposes and having the end result in sight. This choice affected many, I believe even Turing in some way although he hadn't shown it. It is sad how his life ended, but we should all be forever grateful to him for what he has achieved. He really was an extraordinary man, ordinary only on the surface.

1 out of 2 people found the following review useful:
St.Murray, 15 December 2014

This movie is amazing, it has everything, great story, even better acting and all the technical details are spot on. Bill Murray is incredible as this old cranky dude Vincent, his performance is Oscar worthy. Mellissa McCarthy is just fine, the role doesn't give her much to work with, which is a minor setback considering how funny she can be. Naomi Watts is pretty good as a Russian exotic dancer and not just that, she really nails the Russian accent. The little boy Oliver is a delight. This may be a comedy, but it's not your typical laugh out loud comedy, it's more of a dramedy. When there are so many superficial movies out there, this one surprises you how deep it is so much that it shines like a real gem among ordinary stones.

John Wick (2014)
9 out of 19 people found the following review useful:
He's Wicked alright, 15 December 2014

This movie doesn't take itself seriously and that is exactly how a viewer should approach it. Keanu Reeves can act no matter what some people say. I can't picture any other actor in this role, that's how good he is. My only complaint is there aren't enough explosions. The plot is silly but that's the point. It almost seems as if Quentin Tarantino wrote and directed it. One gets that Tarantino vibe while watching. It's a perfect action movie with a few laughs thrown in between. John Wick is one bad-ass dude that you don't want to cross and he doesn't leave things unresolved. Eat popcorn, shut down your brain and you'll have a great time.

Brilliant, 23 November 2014

Something like this could rarely be made in Hollywood. The plot is actually original and brilliantly executed, unlike modern American movies. It works as a psychological thriller, mystery and horror. Spanish cinematography is one of the best in the entire world. Sure, they tend to make strange and weird movies, but it happens that I enjoy watching such films. One thinks while watching, nothing is served on a plate like in American movies, so one feels engaged while watching, not disconnected and one cares what will happen to the characters. Everything is top notch in this film. The best part is the ambiguous ending, one is left wondering how it will all resolve and how would one behave in similar situation. The movie questions one's actions and a moral compass, whether anybody in the story has one or not. This will probably be remade in Hollywood, but it won't outdo this Spanish masterpiece.

Warrior (2011)
1 out of 1 people found the following review useful:
Left me speechless..., 23 November 2014

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...and this rarely happens. Amazing story, characters and how the actors portrayed them. Story about redemption, forgiveness, wrong decisions, bad choices, letting go of the past and moving on. Nick Nolte should've won the Oscar for his performance, he was incredible as a father who wants to make amends and connect again with his sons. Then we have the two sons, who didn't communicate with each other for years and then they're forced to face one another in the ring. The fight is literal and psychological. The ending was so emotional and also liberating. As a viewer, one doesn't know for whom to root, because the characters aren't one-dimensional but very ambiguous. Definitely watch it. I got the chance only recently and I'm glad I did.

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