
My actual Handheld Collection, can’t get enough! by skaroh030 in Gameboy

[–]p_121 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm assuming you run a lot of emulators on the Go?

First speeding ticket today, what are your stories of tickets in your Z? by Gwoody1313 in 370z

[–]p_121 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't OP have gotten pulled over regardless of whether or not he had a radar detector? From my understanding, the radar detector only goes off when it detects a speed gun if it's fired at the car itself or at a car close by.

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick - This is the most powerful red pill documentary ever. by LightBringerFlex in conspiracy

[–]p_121 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What exactly do you mean by the Cabal trying to prevent people growing psychologically?

Monitor carefully while letting your kids watch kid videos on Youtube and Youtube Kids App. by [deleted] in conspiracy

[–]p_121 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Let me first start off by saying that these videos are disgusting and inappropriate for children.

With that being said, I don't think these videos are created by pedophiles to groom children.

Nowadays, children grow up with an iPad or some type of device, and an internet connection, and many parents leave their kids unsupervised.

I've watched a couple of these videos, and one thing I noticed is that there's a lot of potty humor; farts, poop, butts, attractive women showing cleavage, pregnancy, etc.

Psychologists say that the first thing babies find funny is potty humor, so I find it only natural for them to be drawn to this kind of stuff.

I feel that kids are also very naturally curious about the subject matter in this videos, and since they're parents probably wouldn't allow them to watch something like this, it adds to the entertainment value of the videos.

I still don't quite understand the needles, dirty feet, and gummy worm shit though.

Tl;dr: these videos aren't created by pedophiles to groom children, but by fucked up people that take advantage of unsupervised children for a monetary gain.

Amazing video of new Type R by kyledravis in cars

[–]p_121 0 points1 point  (0 children)

not trying to shit on your decision, but assuming you live in the U.S., why would you buy this car over an RS, Golf R, WRX, etc.?

Can't seem to figure out recursion for the life of me by p_121 in C_Programming

[–]p_121[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I understand what a recursive function is; it's a function that calls itself, has a terminating case, and basically takes a problem and breaks it down into the same problem but smaller.

I really have trouble trying to solve problems using recursive functions though. For example, I've been trying to figure out how to write a recursive function that takes a number (let's use the number 316 for example) and returns a number which is each digit multiplied together (so for 316 it would return 3 times 1 times 6=18) for a few days now and I don't seem to be making much progress.

I'm pretty sure I have to do modulus 10 to get the ones digit, and then to get the 10's digit I would need to subtract what the ones digit is from the original number (so I would do 316-6=310) and then do mod 100 (would would be 10) divided by 10 (giving me 1) and then I would subtract 10 from 310 (so now I have the number 300) and then mod by 1000 (300%1000=300) and then divide by 100 to give me 3.

So I guess I've figured out the general pattern, I just have a problem trying to figure out how to write this recursively.

How do I [19 M] tell my parents [53 F, 58 M] that they don't have any friends and need to go out and make some? by [deleted] in relationships

[–]p_121 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

What right do they have to complain? Don't they know that some kids wish that their parents were still alive?

Just because someone else has a problem that's more severe than your's doesn't make your's null.

How do I [19 M] tell my parents [53 F, 58 M] that they don't have any friends and need to go out and make some? by [deleted] in relationships

[–]p_121 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Like I said, my parents really don't do much since my dad retired, so they're not really obligated to stay in one area. I was going to go to a local community college but my dad knew I wanted to go to this one larger school and all of a sudden asked me if I wanted to go there and that I could live at home and go there(similar to if I just went to the community college). It's a bit of a long story why he suddenly decided to do this, but to sum it up, I think it's because he felt guilty of single-handedly taking away a huge opportunity from me in high school.

I would love to move out, but I'd have to take out loans and I figured it wouldn't be worth it. At times I seriously consider it though because it would be a lot easier on myself, but I really don't want to go into debt.

How do I [19 M] tell my parents [53 F, 58 M] that they don't have any friends and need to go out and make some? by [deleted] in relationships

[–]p_121 -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

That argument doesn't make any sense. What I'm saying is that when I have a friend over, they talk like crazy to them because that's the only person they've had a chance to communicate with. It becomes uncomfortable because the guest I have will obviously not be interested in conversing after a while, but my parents keep trying to start conversation. I understand it's their house and all, but that doesn't mean it makes it not rude.

How do I [19 M] tell my parents [53 F, 58 M] that they don't have any friends and need to go out and make some? by [deleted] in relationships

[–]p_121 -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

I'm not saying that I don't mind them saying hi and making some small talk with my friends, but when we are hanging out and they're CONSTANTLY trying to make conversation. Like they're talking to my friend more than I am and my friends usually start to get annoyed as well and just start not really conversing back. My parents don't pick up on these social cues and it's pretty uncomfortable for me and my guest.

I'm assuming they do this because the only people they see on a regular basis is themselves and me, and whenever I invite someone over they try to become their friend even though they don't have any common interests and they really just want someone to talk to.

How do I [19 M] tell my parents [53 F, 58 M] that they don't have any friends and need to go out and make some? by [deleted] in relationships

[–]p_121 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I'm not sure if you read through the whole story, but when I have a friend over, they talk their ear off and it's quite annoying. I don't want to straight up tell my parents that I don't want them talking to my friends because that would be rude, but at the same time they don't really have anything in common with my friends and that they came over to hang with me, not them you know?

I feel like this is a sign that they need to make friends of their own that have things in common with them. They are both social people, it's just that they don't have any friends that they regularly see and hang out with.

pls subscribe if u have the perfect pitch. by connor-ross in perfectpitchgang

[–]p_121 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I have a question about perfect pitch. I have a friend that told me to sing a B flat, and pulled out a tuner. I was able to sing the note perfectly. This doesn't mean I have perfect pitch though, does it? Isn't this what singers do when they're reading sheet music?

2019 BMW Z4 Spyshots Confirm Manual Gearbox Will Be Available by [deleted] in cars

[–]p_121 52 points53 points  (0 children)

The demand just isn't here in America.

[Question] Has anyone gotten any version of App Admin to work on iOS7? by Drivium in jailbreak

[–]p_121 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm on 7.1.2 and I can't seem to get app admin to work. Is it possible to download a previous version of an app without having the latest version installed?

Using a Chromebook for University by KingomTrek in chromeos

[–]p_121 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What webapps do you use for programming?

Looking for a cheap Chromebook by p_121 in chromeos

[–]p_121[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thank you! These computers don't look bad, although I've heard some bad things about the touch pad. Any opinions on the touch pad?

Looking for a cheap Chromebook by p_121 in chromeos

[–]p_121[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I code in C and Python sometimes. I normally use Vim. I'll check out c9.io though!

Dangerous blue pill lies about life western society tells young men and the red pill truths to those lies. by ralphnlauren in TheRedPill

[–]p_121 2 points3 points  (0 children)

For your first lie, I sort of agree on what the truth is. IMO, it's not too much about how high your IQ is, but how determined and how hard you work. If you want to start a business, I believe if you work hard, never give up even when you fail, and just believe in yourself, you will eventually make it. There's pros and cons though. At first, you might be working a LOT more than someone working a 40 hour work week, but you might make more in the future, work less, and/or at least be your own boss.

Not everyone is up for working that hard to start their own business, and that's alright. You can still make a good amount of cash working a 40 hour a week job.

Ultimately what happens though is that many people want to start their own business, but get a regular 9-5 job first, and many people just don't have the energy to come home after work and do more work. They'd rather just do something more fun. Many people also start having kids, and 9-5 jobs are going to usually be pretty steady and reliable ways of making cash to support their family so taking a risk to start a business is that much worse.

I'm not saying there's necessarily anything wrong with this because if you work a 9-5 you're still probably working hard, it's just two different lifestyles with different pros and cons.