My wife [42F] is upset that our son [14M] has been eating meat in school. by veganpair in relationships

[–]Relationships_Mods[M] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

In the event that a user posts to multiple subreddits, we ask that you please keep your comments and votes limited to this particular subreddit. People post to the subreddits that they do in the hopes of getting the input and participation of just that subreddit. Subverting their efforts by brigading another subreddit is not in their interest, and if you are found to be supporting such behavior, you will be banned.

Unfortunately, we must remove and lock this post to prevent further issues and misbehavior to protect OP from harm, but they have gotten a significant sample of this community's input in the mean time.

I [24M] was planning the perfect proposal to my girlfriend [25F] of 6 yrs, my big-mouthed sister [25F] ruined it, spoiled it for us, and hijacked the entire evening along with my mum. My girlfriend let them and I was ignored by all of them for the entire night. They act like they did nothing wrong. by ruinedproposal in relationships

[–]Relationships_Mods[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

While we want to allow a wide variety of perspectives here that are phrased in a variety of ways, your goal in commenting here does need to be providing some level of guidance to the poster. Tough love is a two-step process of breaking someone down and then building them back up. Simply breaking someone down without real, concrete guidance to help them actually improve the situation is just kicking someone when they are down. We are a relationships subreddit dedicated to helping vulnerable people who are facing difficult situations in real time, so yes, we concern ourselves with maintaining some degree of sensitivity and constructiveness here. If you see comments that are simply laying out "harsh truths" without any substantive attempt to tell how OP how to act on those truths, then you are encouraged to report, not replicate, the behavior.

My step sister [16F] hit the back of my head while I have a concussion (PCS) I [16M] Threatened her. How or should I apologise by Aswerdfg in relationships

[–]Relationships_Mods[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

While we understand that bulllying and violent situations can bring out strong emotions, please follow the sidebar rules and do not advocate violence in this subreddit. It's one thing for OP to react in the heat of a difficult moment, and certainly understandable in context, but it's a complete other thing to encourage that they escalate that violence. There's a difference between self-defense and retribution, and if you don't think you can appropriately make the distinction, then you are encouraged to not comment or you may be banned.

Me [28F] with my boyfriend[28M] of three years, he purposely irritates my elderly cat and I don't know what to do by [deleted] in relationships

[–]Relationships_Mods[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

While we understand that animal cruelty can bring out strong emotions, please follow the sidebar rules and do not advocate violence in this subreddit. Regardless of motivation or severity, violent retribution should not condoned, normalized, or encouraged in reaction to any behavior. Doing so will earn you a ban. There are almost always non-violent solutions for any situation presented in this subreddit, and we ask that you explore them in your guidance. If such a solution isn't possible, then it's probably not a situation appropriate for this amateur community to be addressing.