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Anna (Character)
from Like Crazy (2011)

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Like Crazy -- A British college student falls for an American student, only to be separated from him when she's banned from the U.S. after overstaying her visa.
Like Crazy -- A British college student falls for an American student, only to be separated from him when she's banned from the U.S. after overstaying her visa.
Like Crazy -- A promo for the romantic drama Like Crazy.
Like Crazy -- A British college student falls for an American student, only to be separated from him when she's banned from the U.S. after overstaying her visa.
Like Crazy -- A promo for the romantic drama Like Crazy.

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Young brit Anna is a passionate young woman and an... See more »


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From Like Crazy (2011)
Anna: It's someone that is very close to me and he's been quite an inspiration in my life. And i almost through my writing i wanted to give something back.
Liz: Yeah, when i was reading it just made me think about the fact when i was working in NY, my husband was in LA, so he was driving across country. So, on the way over he would take all these pictures of himself and the dog at varies places. So, I sent photos of me and we got all them together and they were all the moment and time being separate, but yet we were together on these photographs.
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