Yeah, sure. That seems fair. by [deleted] in TumblrInAction

[–]TheHat2[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Your submission or comment was removed for the following reason(s):


No, seriously, don't bring any SJW bullshit or anything else you found on any other part of Reddit over here. No linking to threads, No screenshots, no "discussing" the character of other subreddits and how they're clear examples of SJWs, no complaining about how you were banned by the mods of other subreddits, none of it. We're neither /r/SubredditDrama nor /r/SubredditCancer, and we don't want to get involved with that shit. Leave us the hell out.

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Any PM sent to individual mods about this action will likely be ignored. Mod mail is the proper channel and will be your best bet for any appeals, so please use the link above.

"We're on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan" by Zandril in halo

[–]TheHat2 32 points33 points  (0 children)


(books) So You want more Rouge one stuff? by nexusx86 in StarWarsLeaks

[–]TheHat2 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Mufasa is Simba's dad.
Mustafar is the melty hot planet.
Mustafa is the guy in Austin Powers who can't stand to be asked the same question three times.

Obesity=Evolution by areyouinsanelikeme in TumblrInAction

[–]TheHat2[M] 21 points22 points  (0 children)

user reports:
1: hate speech subreddit -- you're fucking fascist fucks

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

[Meta] Florian Himsl (co-designer of The Binding of Isaac) Acknowledges attention from KiA and refutes Cracked video in "Cracked vs Violence in Games" by ArchHippy in KotakuInAction

[–]TheHat2 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I didn't make this place. /u/david-me made this place and asked the TiA mods to help moderate. We did, but then AAP and flerps left, and david-me took a step back, so I ended up running the show.

The TiA mods just moved GamerGate talk over here instead of leaving it there, where it first started gaining steam. That's all.

What subscription is actually worth it? by wall__hax in AskReddit

[–]TheHat2 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Unfortunately, our local paper has moved away from area news and is mostly republishing stuff from the Associated Press. It's been losing subscriptions as a result.

Daily Beast: UNC Professor Allowed to Harass LGBTQ Students by tenttable in KotakuInAction

[–]TheHat2 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm just worried that some of y'all went to UNCW and may have actually run into me at some point.

Or just saw me fucking around in the library.

[Community] Micah Curtis could use some help. by TheHat2 in KotakuInAction

[–]TheHat2[S] 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Micah isn't doing YouTube stuff as a primary source of income. He had a job in auto sales, and lost it unexpectedly, now he's in a tough spot as he's trying to get a new one. He's got an interview lined up already, but it won't make him that much money in the amount of time that he needs it. The video explains it better than I can, if you haven't seen it yet.

Daily Beast: UNC Professor Allowed to Harass LGBTQ Students by tenttable in KotakuInAction

[–]TheHat2 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Oh hey, my alma mater.

Convenient of them to leave out that the student in question was investigated by the Secret Service for a comment she made on social media that was implied to be a threat, and is trying to sue the school for causing "emotional trauma" as a result. She threw herself into the public sphere as a victimized social justice activist, and is now flabbergasted that someone on campus is criticizing her.

Adams is abrasive, yes. I've never met the guy (I was in the English and Creative Writing departments, so I never saw him), so I can't say anything about his character beyond his public persona. And while he comes across as a dick, I don't see why he should be censored for it. The Seahawk Respect Compact is a bullshit thing to bring up, too, given its vagueness and restriction of freedom of conscience (FIRE even acknowledges that). But the harassment policy is just as wide-open and can be abused by anybody.

Oh, and the only reason this article was written is because a petition is going around to get Adams fired. I know plenty of people who've signed it, too, including the one who made it. Interesting stuff, but not surprising.

Our President Elect is a real tough guy... by EvanH98 in Jokes

[–]TheHat2[M] 1283 points1284 points  (0 children)

Best one talks about getting hit in the face by a MAGA dick repeatedly. But that's about it.

No Cis November...? by TheHat2 in TumblrInAction

[–]TheHat2[S] -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Again, given the rest of their Tumblr, it's really difficult to tell if this is satirical or not.

How do you guys feel about people who post things like this? I see people every single day on Tumblr asking for donations by [deleted] in TumblrInAction

[–]TheHat2[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

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Your post contains a screenshot of a site that has unredacted personal information. All names, handles, photos, and/or locations must be appropriately censored before it can be posted to TiA

That email needs to be redacted.

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Using this link sends us link to the post/comment in question. Without it, we may be unable to help you. So please use the link provided here.

My name's not even Brad, damn it! by [deleted] in TumblrInAction

[–]TheHat2[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Your submission or comment was removed for one or more of the following:


This is a sitewide rule, but it deserves extra emphasis here. When you go to post something on TumblrInAction, you may notice some personal information, or location may be included in the material you post. Personal information includes full names, locations, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. Whether or not it's in the post, make sure it's scrubbed out before it gets posted here.

Twitter submissions are required to be in the form of screenshots, and must have names, usernames, photos, and locations redacted unless an account is verified (blue checkmark next to the name). This includes non-person accounts, and sites with embedded tweets, since we don't want anyone finding the people who comment on these pages.

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Any PM sent to individual mods about this action will likely be ignored. Mod mail is the proper channel and will be your best bet for any appeals.

Using this link sends us link to the post/comment in question. Without it, we may be unable to help you. So please use the link provided here.

No Cis November...? by TheHat2 in TumblrInAction

[–]TheHat2[S] 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Given the rest of their Tumblr, it's hard to discern what's serious and what isn't.

Was Luke still a renowned pilot after the Galactic Civil War? by 1Boomstick in StarWars

[–]TheHat2 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Even if Luke Skywalker himself was the captain on a Star Tours flight, there's no way I'd fly with them again.

Last time, they put me on a flight with some droid named "Rex" who overshot the Endor moon and flew us straight into a comet storm, not to mention a combat zone. Stupid droid didn't even know how to brake properly!

SJW says they won't post sources because that just lets people refute them by coupdetaco in SocialJusticeInAction

[–]TheHat2 4 points5 points  (0 children)

History is written by the winners. They want so badly to win so they can demonize everyone who doesn't think like them in the history books.