Amazon Cares - Creating Opportunities, Transforming Lives

At Amazon we believe the most radical and transformative of inventions are often those that empower others to unleash their creativity—to pursue their dreams.

Likewise we believe we have an equally strong opportunity in India to use our resources and strengths of innovation, technology, infrastructure and market reach to create opportunities that will transform lives of the communities we operate in and support India’s development goals in education, sanitation & health and skill development for livelihood.

We currently run several programs like Gift a Smile that is transforming and enabling new ways of giving or Amazon in the Community that is empowering local communities with tools and services that enable them to create opportunities for their growth.

We do this by creating value for and through engagement and partnership with our employees , customers, partners and civil society. All Amazon Care initiatives are envisaged to withstand the test of time by becoming self-sustainable and all our initiatives are implemented with the expertise of registered non-government organizations (NGOs) who come with a proven track record for outcomes.