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IMDb > Arthur Bishop (Character)
Arthur Bishop
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Arthur Bishop (Character)
from The Mechanic (1972)

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The Mechanic -- An aging hitman befriends a young man who wants to be a professional killer. Eventually it becomes clear that someone has betrayed them.

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Alternate Names:
Young Bisop


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  1. Mechanic: Resurrection (2016) Played by Jason Statham / Dylan Farrell (as Young Bisop)

  2. The Mechanic (2011) Played by Jason Statham

  3. The Mechanic (1972) Played by Charles Bronson
    ... aka "Killer of Killers" - USA (reissue title)

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Fun Stuff

From The Mechanic (1972)
Arthur Bishop: That was pretty cold.
Steve McKenna: I knew she wouldn't do it.
Arthur Bishop: But, had she done that, would be willing to pick up the tab?
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