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Donald Trump

Trump could act on for-profits, loans, campus sex assault claims

Republican platform offers clues to potential higher education policies, say experts

Gaekeeper, guard, security

The media are the gatekeepers of impact, and they are doing a bad job

How did non-researchers end up with the power to determine the impact of academic work? asks Helen Lees

‘I feel truly ashamed.’ Keith Burnett on Theresa May’s trade mission to India

Sir Keith Burnett reflects on what he learned about international students while in India with the UK prime minister

India, UK, flag
Statue of Plato, Academy of Athens, Greece

Donald Trump’s victory shows why we need philosophy students more than ever

We need to make America think again, say Simona Aimar and David Egan

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psychic tests

Research into clairvoyant powers of mediums using old photographs has been retracted after it was ridiculed by scientists

Trump: Make America Great

The next US president’s scorn for American research bodies and his anti-climate change stance has worried many scientists

Donald Trump

Republican platform offers clues to potential higher education policies, say experts

Spectators watch large domino pieces collapse

Critics fear focus on research impact in next funding programme could lead to a REF-type exercise

Broken bridge

Gates foundation director tells Chicago conference that election has highlighted gulf between ‘haves and have-nots’ in terms of US college education

Donald Trump

Inside Higher Ed's Scott Jaschik looks at how Donald Trump’s victory is likely to be received by universities in the US

fish in water mask

Students on courses that combine online delivery with face-to-face interaction are the least satisfied in Times Higher Education’s US student survey

Chinese folk artist wearing mask performs

More researchers are inventing fake peer reviewers to get their work published, analysis suggests

Donald Trump

Donald Trump is to become the next US president, but what does his election mean for academia?

Mauricio Macri

New higher education initiative an important sign of better relations between the two countries

Guard pushes people onto train in Beijing

Report also cites rise in ‘South-to-North’ ventures

Parent prays for students sitting college entrance exams, Seoul

Yeon-Cheon Oh says serving society can be as rewarding as getting rich

Small robot sitting on pile of books, reading

Pearson’s use of IBM artificial intelligence system heralded as step forward in development of virtual teaching assistants


Gaekeeper, guard, security

How did non-researchers end up with the power to determine the impact of academic work? asks Helen Lees

Statue of Plato, Academy of Athens, Greece

We need to make America think again, say Simona Aimar and David Egan

Donald Trump pledge

John Morgan looks at what Trump U fraud claims could mean for US president-elect Donald Trump


mic, microphone, podcast

The latest edition of Times Higher Education discussed by the editorial team

In Numbers

Men using smartphones against Twitter backdrop

When a UK politician questioned the value of academia, scholars were quick to respond, finds Tommaso Grant


Broken statues vandalised in studio of sculptor Nikolas Pavlopoulos, Athens, Greece

The official weekly newsletter of the University of Poppleton. Finem respice!


Miles Cole illustration (10 November 2016)

What links the anxious, fearful undergraduate and the anxious, fearful academic? Pervasive precarity, argues Matthew Vernon

Two people on the beach looking out to sea

As push-pull factors exert their force on scholars in the UK, the Article 50 ruling buys universities more time to argue their case against a shifting EU backdrop

Elly Walton illustration (10 November 2016)

It’s not just EU nationals that universities should worry about losing, says Timothy Devinney, and a shrinking pound won’t help

Young woman holding old alarm clock

Paul Ashwin takes aim at ‘common sense’ arguments about the link between contact hours and pedagogic excellence


Taxi driver reflected in the rearview mirror

Cheap taxis come at a price but remodelling the online marketplace is an option, says Kylie Jarrett

Joseph Soloveitchik

A study offers a new perspective on one of the most important yet elusive Jewish thinkers of the past century

Sigmund Freud sitting among some of his pupils, Vienna, 1922

Book of the week: New sources yield fresh insights and oversights by the father of psychoanalysis, says Janet Sayers

Illustration from Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, by John Cleland, 1766

Karen Harvey on a cultural history of sexuality that attempts to put real people centre stage


BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings

The ranking will include 300 universities from 41 countries

Duke University sports fans painted blue

When it comes to student engagement, US institutions in the research elite typically have a lot of ground to make up

Johannesburg skyline

The event will include the official launch of the 2017 THE BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings