Welcome to Finland Conferences

Finland is a Nordic country in Northern European nation bordering Sweden and Russia with a population of 5.5 million.  Helsinki is the capital city of Finland. Finland is a parliamentary republic with a central government based in Helsinki. Other large cities include Tampere, Turku, Oulu, Jyvaskyla, Lahti, and Kuopio. Finland has one of the world's most extensive welfare systems, one that guarantees decent living conditions for all residents, Finns, and non-citizens. Finland is a top performer in numerous metrics of national performance, including education, economic competitiveness, civil liberties, quality of life, and human development. Finland ranked first in the world Human Capital Index in May 2015.


Upcoming Finland Conferences

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Conference Series Ltd serves scientific fraternity with its highly valued 700+ Open Access Journals. Qualified team of 50,000 Editors and reviewers ensures the quality and quick editorial review process with publishing time of just 21 days from the day of manuscript submission. Conference Series Ltd organizes Diabetic Conferences to provide scope for all the Specialists, Diabetologist and Scientists Researchers, to learn and share Diabetes, Management of the disease, Methods of prevention, precautions to be taken about Diabetes. To assemble people from all the sectors of Pharmacy, Conference Series Ltd Conducts Pharma Conferences inviting people from all the sectors of Pharmacology like Clinical Pharmacology, Neuro Pharmacology, Psycho Pharmacology, Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacognosy around the globe every year. Nurses in all the field of Psychiatry, Critical care, Cancer, Mid-wifery, and emergency Nursing are assured to have good learning in Nursing Conferences . With emerging pressure and Hectic life styles Neuro Science emerged as a most demanding branch of Medicine and Neuro Conferences organized by Conference Series Ltd provide good opportunity for all the all the Doctors and Researches in Neurology and its specialties like Brain injury Medicine, Clinical Neuro Psychology, Epilepsy and Palliative Medicine, Vascular Neurology,  Behavioral neurology, and Child Neurology

Conference Series Ltd organizes conferences in the field of clinical medicine like Medical Conferences to provide a good platform for the Scientists and Research Professionals to Participate and discuss their achievements and upcoming challenges in Medicine. Conference Series Ltd Invites Doctors and Researchers from all the fields of Medicine like Cardiology, Neurology, Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Pediatrics  Dental Conferences are the place for the Dentist from all the branches of Dentistry like Oral Medicine and Radiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Endodontics, Conservative Dentistry, Periodontics, Community Dentistry, and Pedodontics  to participate and discuss research and development in the field of Dentistry. Conference Series Ltd organizes Cancer Conferences to provide a good platform for all the Doctors and Researchers in all the specialties of Oncology like Radiology, Anatomic Pathology, Radiation Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology, Gynecologic Oncology, and Pediatric Oncology to share, and discuss recent advancements in Cancer Treatment.

Conference Series Ltd also conducts conferences in field of health care and Technology like Immunology Conferences offering valuable opportunity to the Doctors, Scientific researchers, representatives, from all the branches of Immunology like Cancer Immunology, ImmunoPhysics, Immunotoxicology, Immunogenetics, Eco Immunology, and  from Industry Research for further Knowledge. Microbiology conferences are organized to discuss the diseases, case reports, and preventive methods related to all the branches of Microbiology like Phycology, Mycology, Virology, Protozoology, Bacteriology, Medical Microbiology, Agriculture Microbiology Biotechnology, and Immunology. Physics Conferences anticipate participants from all the disciplines of Physics like Astrophysics, biophysics, Chemical Physics, Eco physics, Geo Physics and Medical Physics to share and discuss recent advancements.  Material science Conferences deals with the study of materials which are composite to be understood. Conference Series Ltd provide good platform for the people in Material Sciences. Conference Series Ltd also takes pride in organizing conference in the field of Agriculture, Food Technology and Aqua Culture. Agri, Aqua and Food Conferences are a meet for all the people in Agricultural Engineering, Animal Sciences, Aquaculture, Genetic Engineering, Food and Environmental Sciences to share and discuss breaking innovations and implementations in Industry.

Conference Series Ltd organizes more than 1000+ Global Events annually across the globe with the support of more than 1000 scientific associations in various disciplines gathering renowned scientists and business professionals. Highly illustrative and interactive keynote, plenary and poster presentations, exhibitions, symposia, workshops, comprehensive panel discussions make Conference Series Ltd a perfect platform for Global Networking.

Finland Highlights:
Finland education curriculum is set by Ministry of Education and the Education Board. Two separate and non-interoperating sectors found in Finland are the Profession Oriented Polytechnics and the Research Oriented Universities. There are 20 Universities and 30 Polytechnic colleges in the country. Helsinki University is ranked 75th in the top university ranking. World economic forum ranks Finland’s education No.1 in the world. Finland has large number of graduates in the Science related fields. Forest improvement, materials research, environmental sciences, neural networks, low-temperature physics, brain research, biotechnology, genetic technology, and communications showcase fields of study where Finnish researchers have had a significant impact. Finland is highly productive in Scientific Research. In 2005, Finland had the fourth most scientific publications per capita.

Research and Technology:
Finland is famous for education in Research and Technical field. Multi-disciplinary universities of Finland include University of Helsinki, Abo Akademi University, University of Turku, University of Tampere, University of Jyvaskyla, University of Oulu, University of Vaasa, University of Lapland, University of Eastern Finland, Aalto University. Specialized Universities in Finland include Hanken school of Economics, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Tampere University of Technology, National Defense University, and University of arts Helsinki. Polytechnic Universities in Finland are also known as University of Applied Sciences, University of Applied Sciences includes Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Centria University of Applied Sciences, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Novia University of Applied Sciences, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, and Turku University of Applied Sciences.
Finland offers a wide scope of Research Especially in the field of Science and Health care. Some of the important Research Institutes in Finland are Centre for Metrology and Accreditation, European Forest Institute, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finnish Geodetic Institute, Finnish Institute of Marine Research, Geological Survey of Finland, Minerva Foundation Institute of Medical Research, National Public Health Institute of Finland, and Turku Institute of Computer Science. Finland Institute of Molecular Medicine (FIMM) is an international Research Institute in Helsinki focusing on human genomics and Personalized Medicine.

Finland has highly industrialised mixed economy. Finland is ranked 16th in the 2008 global Index of Economic Freedom and 9th in Europe. Manufacturing of Electronics, Machinery, Vehicles, Engineered metal products and Chemicals are economic factors of Finland. Forests play a key role in the country's economy, making it one of the world's leading wood producers and providing raw materials at competitive prices for the crucial wood-processing industries. Finland is highly integrated in the global economy, and international trade is a third of GDP. Finland is rated the least corrupted country in the world in theCorruption Perceptions Index and 13th in the Ease of Doing Business Index .