Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9> Delegate


Encapsulates a method that has nine parameters and does not return a value.

Namespace:   System
Assembly:  System.Core (in System.Core.dll)

public delegate void Action<in T1, in T2, in T3, in T4, in T5, in T6, in T7, in T8, in T9>(
	T1 arg1,
	T2 arg2,
	T3 arg3,
	T4 arg4,
	T5 arg5,
	T6 arg6,
	T7 arg7,
	T8 arg8,
	T9 arg9


Type: T1

The first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.

Type: T2

The second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.

Type: T3

The third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.

Type: T4

The fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.

Type: T5

The fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.

Type: T6

The sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.

Type: T7

The seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.

Type: T8

The eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.

Type: T9

The ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.

Type Parameters


The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.


The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.


The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.


The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.


The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.


The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.


The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.


The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.


The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.

You can use the Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9> delegate to pass a method as a parameter without explicitly declaring a custom delegate. The encapsulated method must correspond to the method signature that is defined by this delegate. This means that the encapsulated method must have nine parameters that are all passed to it by value, and it must not return a value. (In C#, the method must return void. In Visual Basic, it must be defined by the SubEnd Sub construct. It can also be a method that returns a value that is ignored.) Typically, such a method is used to perform an operation.


To reference a method that has nine parameters and returns a value, use the generic Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, TResult> delegate instead.

You can also use the Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9> delegate with anonymous methods and lambda expressions.

Universal Windows Platform
Available since 8
.NET Framework
Available since 4.0
Portable Class Library
Supported in: portable .NET platforms
Available since 4.0
Windows Phone Silverlight
Available since 8.0
Windows Phone
Available since 8.1
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