How to make a complaint about Guardian or Observer content

Find out about our readers’ editor, how to complain about a piece that appeared online or in print and how the process works

The readers’ editor

The readers’ editor is the Guardian’s internal ombudsman. The Guardian was the first UK newspaper to adopt a readers’ editor in 1997.

The job of the readers’ editor is “to collect, consider, investigate, respond to, and where appropriate come to a conclusion about readers’ comments, concerns, and complaints in a prompt and timely manner, from a position of independence within the paper”.

Paul Chadwick, Guardian readers’ editor
Paul Chadwick Photograph: Jill Mead for the Guardian

Paul Chadwick is the Guardian’s fourth readers’ editor and took up the role in June 2016. Paul, journalist and lawyer, was director editorial policies at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, where he was responsible for reforming the broadcaster’s self-regulatory framework.

The Guardian’s policy is to correct substantial errors as soon as possible. Corrections appear on the relevant web page and/or in the newspaper and significant corrections are collated in our corrections and clarifications column.

What does the readers’ editor cover?

The readers’ editor can look into complaints about articles in our newspapers and the online services that we control. The readers’ editor looks at complaints and queries against the Guardian News & Media Editorial Code.

The Editors’ Code, which was developed by the industry and used by the Press Complaints Commission over many years, has formed the basis of the Guardian News & Media Editorial Code since the post of readers’ editor has been in existence.

Before contacting the readers’ editor, you should read through Guardian News & Media’s Editorial Code to understand whether the readers’ editor is the correct route for your complaint. The Editorial Code handles complaints in 16 areas. They are:

  1. Accuracy
  2. Opportunity to reply
  3. *Privacy
  4. *Harassment
  5. Intrusion into grief or shock
  6. *Children
  7. *Children in sex cases
  8. *Hospitals
  9. *Reporting of crime
  10. *Clandestine devices and subterfuge
  11. Victims of sexual assault
  12. Discrimination
  13. Financial journalism
  14. Confidential sources
  15. Witness payments in criminal trials
  16. *Payment to criminals

Where there are asterisks above, the Editorial Code recognises that complaints should be weighed against a judgment as to whether the story is in the public interest.

What the readers’ editor won’t look at

The readers’ editor won’t look at complaints that fall outside of the Guardian News & Media Editorial Code (see above).

The readers’ editor office was created to resolve substantial complaints and queries from individuals who feel we’ve breached the Guardian’s editorial standards. As such, the readers’ editor’s time, effort and resources will be focused on such complaints, and he reserves the right not to consider complaints:

  • From anyone not personally and directly affected by the matter which forms the subject of the complaint.
  • That are trivial, hypothetical or otherwise vexatious or insignificant.
  • That are without justification (such as an attempt to argue a point of view or to lobby).
  • About advertising (unless in exceptional circumstances).
  • About Guardian reader offers.
  • That are legal complaints.

How do I complain?

Please read the Guardian News & Media Editorial Code first to understand whether the readers’ editor can look into your complaint. You can then email the readers’ editor’s office directly on or write to The readers’ editor, The Guardian, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London, N1 9GU outlining the following points:

  • The article you’re complaining about.
  • The date on which it appeared.
  • Whether the article appeared in print or online (and whether through a browser or via one of our mobile apps).
  • The nature of your complaint in no more than 500 words.
  • Which part of the Editorial Code it breaches.

You can also get in touch with the readers’ editor’s office by phone on +44 (0)20 3353 4736 between 10am and 1pm Monday to Friday UK time.

The readers’ editor is also on Twitter @GdnReadersEd.

Please note that in making a complaint, you agree to respond promptly to any request for further information. Our complaints process is free of charge, regardless of outcome.

We reserve the right to amend this policy as required. We will publish the current policy on our website. Your complaint will be considered against the published policy on the date of receipt of your complaint.

What happens to your complaint?

Once we’ve received your complaint, you should receive an automated reply acknowledging receipt. If your complaint is being taken up, we aim to contact you within 72 hours.

We aim to give a substantive response to your complaint within 28 days of receiving all the necessary information to allow us to investigate. However, this may take longer in more complex cases where more information is required, or where journalists are away or unreachable.

If we receive multiple complaints about the same issue we may not respond to all.

If the readers’ editor deems there to have been a breach of the Guardian Editorial Code, he will suggest an appropriate remedy. Corrections and clarifications will appear on the relevant web page and/or in the newspaper.

We will always aim to handle your complaint fairly, courteously and with respect. We expect the same behaviour from complainants and reserve the right to decline to consider complaints that are abusive or gratuitously offensive.

If at any stage of your complaint we do not hear back from you within 28 days, we will consider your complaint satisfied and closed.

Appeal process

If you are unhappy with our final response to your complaint the readers’ editor will direct you to the Review Panel, which provides an external review of the decision of the readers’ editor.

Should your complaint reach this stage, the readers’ editor will send you all the information you need to appeal to the Temporary Review Panel.

Useful links

Open Door is a regular column by the readers’ editor about your suggestions, concerns, complaints and other things.

To find out more about the readers’ editor and his remit, please read the full terms of reference.

See our information site for other contact information, terms of service, help for contributors and more.