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Poland Conferences | Poland Meetings | Poland Events

Poland is an Eastern Europe country on the Baltic Sea known for its medieval architecture. Poland has a population of 38.5 million making it the 34th most populous country in the world with Warsaw as its capital and largest city. There are 14 heritage sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage and 54 Historical Monuments and many objects of cultural heritage in Poland. Poland was ranked high in terms of human development, as well as gradually improving economic freedom. Poland is the sixth largest economy in the European Union and among the fastest rising economic states in the world. Poland is one of the safest countries in the world to live in.


Upcoming Poland Conferences

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Conference Series Ltd organizes more than 300 International conferences annually across the globe with the support of more than 1000 scientific associations in various disciplines gathering renowned scientists and business professionals. Highly illustrative and interactive keynote, plenary and poster presentations, exhibitions, symposia, workshops, comprehensive panel discussions make Conference Series Ltd conferences a perfect platform for Global Networking.

Conference Series Ltd organizes conferences in the field of clinical medicine like Medical Conferences to provide a good platform for the Scientists and Research Professionals to Participate and discuss their achievements and upcoming challenges in Medicine. Conference Series Ltd Invites Doctors and Researchers from all the fields of Medicine like Cardiology, Neurology, Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Pediatrics  Dental Conferences are the place for the Dentist from all the branches of Dentistry like Oral Medicine and Radiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Endodontics, Conservative Dentistry, Periodontics, Community Dentistry, and Pedodontics  to participate and discuss research and development in the field of Dentistry. Conference Series Ltd organizes Cancer Conferences to provide a good platform for all the Doctors and Researchers in all the specialties of Oncology like Radiology, Anatomic Pathology, Radiation Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology, Gynecologic Oncology, and Pediatric Oncology to share, and discuss recent advancements in Cancer Treatment.

Conference Series Ltd organizes Diabetic Conferences to provide scope for all the Specialists, Diabetologist and Scientists Researchers, to learn and share Diabetes, Management of the disease, Methods of prevention, precautions to be taken about Diabetes. To assemble people from all the sectors of Pharmacy, Conference Series Ltd Conducts Pharma Conferences inviting people from all the sectors of Pharmacology like Clinical Pharmacology, Neuro Pharmacology, Psycho Pharmacology, Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacognosy around the globe every year. Nurses in all the field of Psychiatry, Critical care, Cancer, Mid-wifery, and emergency Nursing are assured to have good learning in Nursing Conferences . With emerging pressure and Hectic life styles Neuro Science emerged as a most demanding branch of Medicine and Neuro Conferences organized by Conference Series Ltd provide good opportunity for all the all the Doctors and Researches in Neurology and its specialties like Brain injury Medicine, Clinical Neuro Psychology, Epilepsy and Palliative Medicine, Vascular Neurology,  Behavioral neurology, and Child Neurology

Conference Series Ltd also conducts conferences in field of health care and Technology like Immunology Conferences offering valuable opportunity to the Doctors, Scientific researchers, representatives, from all the branches of Immunology like Cancer Immunology, ImmunoPhysics, Immunotoxicology, Immunogenetics, Eco Immunology, and  from Industry Research for further Knowledge. Microbiology conferences are organized to discuss the diseases, case reports, and preventive methods related to all the branches of Microbiology like Phycology, Mycology, Virology, Protozoology, Bacteriology, Medical Microbiology, Agriculture Microbiology Biotechnology, and Immunology. Physics Conferences anticipate participants from all the disciplines of Physics like Astrophysics, biophysics, Chemical Physics, Eco physics, Geo Physics and Medical Physics to share and discuss recent advancements.  Material science Conferences deals with the study of materials which are composite to be understood. Conference Series Ltd provide good platform for the people in Material Sciences. Conference Series Ltd also takes pride in organizing conference in the field of Agriculture, Food Technology and Aqua Culture. Agri, Aqua and Food Conferences are a meet for all the people in Agricultural Engineering, Animal Sciences, Aquaculture, Genetic Engineering, Food and Environmental Sciences to share and discuss breaking innovations and implementations in Industry.

Conference Series Ltd serves scientific fraternity with its highly valued 700+ Open Access Journals. Qualified team of 50,000 Editors and reviewers ensures the quality and quick editorial review process with publishing time of just 21 days from the day of manuscript submission.

Poland Conferences | Poland Highlights

Poland was the first country to establish Ministry of Education. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, ranks Poland's educational system in its PISA 2012 as the 10th best in the world, scoring higher than the OECD average. Poland provides education in multiple disciplines through universities like Classical Universities, Publicly funded technical universities, Medical universities and Colleges, Universities of life Sciences, Universities of Economics, Pedagogical Universities, Academics of Music, Academics of Theatres and Film, Academics of fine arts, Theological Universities, Maritime Universities, Military Universities.

Poland Conferences | Education and Research

Poland has an extensive list of Medical and Health care universities and Institutions like Jagiellonian University Medical College , Medical University of Bialystok, Medical University of Gdansk, Medical University of Lubin, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw, University of Technology and life sciences  in Bydgoszcz, Agricultural University of Cracow, University of life Sciences in Lublin, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Wroclaw University of environmental and Life Sciences. University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce, Pedagogical University of Cracow. Former Universities and Colleges in Poland Include Akademia Zamojska, Lubranski Academy, Agricultural University of Szczecin, and Szczecin University of Technology.

Poland Conferences | Economy

Poland emerged as an important and dynamic market since the country began its transition to democracy and a market driven economy. Poland is recognized as a regional economic power within East-Central Europe, with nearly 40 percent of the 500 biggest companies in the region (by revenues) as well as a high globalization rate .The United States and Poland enjoy a very close bilateral relationship, which has fostered strategic and commercial cooperation. The Polish public holds very positive attitudes toward foreign investment. U.S. investors represent a wide range of industry sectors including automotive, aerospace, information technologies- hardware and software, food products, transportation, pharmaceuticals, paper production, appliances and financial services. Poland has also emerged as a favourable location for business processing centres, including call centers, shared services centers, and research and development operations. U.S. companies have invested significantly in Poland in recent years. With its well-regarded workforce, proximity to major markets, and political stability, it is an excellent choice for firms wishing to expand their export markets. Poland is the 17th most visited country in the world by foreign tourists, as ranked by World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in 2012.

Poland Conferences | Tourist Attractions in Poland

The Royal Road of Kraków
13th century Salt mine in Wieliczka
Augustów Canal
Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum
Czocha Castle
Dunajec river castles
European Route of Brick Gothic
Gdańsk Old Town in Gdańsk
Gniezno Cathedral
Gola Dzierżoniowska Castle
Gorzanów Castle
Grodziec castle
Imperial Castle in Poznań
Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa
Jewish Heritage Trail in Bialystok
Kliczków Castle
Kłodzko Fortress
Kraków (Cracow) Old Town
Krzeszów (Grüssau) Abbey
Książ Castle
Lubiąż Abbey
Malbork Castle
Medieval Town of Toruń in Toruń
Mount Ślęża in the Sudetes
Muskau Park shared with Germany
Niesytno Castle
Old City and Fortress in Zamość
Pomeranian Dukes' Castle, Szczecin
Poznań Old Town and its Ostrów Tumski, Poznań
Project Riese Nazi underground factories
Royal Castle, Poznań
Sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska
St. Mary's Church, Stargard Szczeciński
The Royal-Imperial Route in Poznań
Tourist attractions in Warsaw
Wawel Royal Castle
Wooden Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica
Wooden Churches of Southern Little Poland
Wooden Vang stave church in Karpacz
Wrocław including Wrocław Zoo, and the Centennial Hall
Wrocław Old Town

Poland Conferences | Research Institutes in Poland

Curie Institute, Warsaw
Ewa reactor
Institute for Physico-Medical Research
Jewish Historical Institute
Maria reactor
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego – Państwowy Zakład Higieny
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine
Polish Panel Survey
Polish Polar Station, Hornsund
Railway Institute
Włodzimierz Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research

Poland Conferences | Companies in Poland

Krka Polska
Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Adamed
Madaus AG Natur Produkt
Meda Pharmaceuticals 
Medagro International
Mepha Polska 
Merck Sp. z.o.o
Natur Produkt Pharma
Naturwaren Dr. Peter Theiss Natur Produkt
Nestlé Polska S.A.
Novartis Pharma Sp. z.o.o.
Novo Nordisk Pharma Sp. z.o.o
Nycomed Poland
Pharmaton Boehringer Ingelheim
Polfarmex Sp. z o.o
Polfa-Warszawa Warszawskie Zaklady Farmaceutyczne
Polpharma S.A. Zaklady Farmaceutyczne SA
Procter & Gamble
Ranbaxy Laboratories
ratiopharm Polska 
Roche Polska 
Scheffler Natur Produkt
Schering AG
Schering-Plough Central East AG
Sebapharma Polconsult
Stiefel Polska Sp. z.o.o., PL 
Sun-Farm Sp. z.o.o., PL 
Technilab Profarm
Torf Corporation Fabryka Lekow 
UCB Pharma
Unia Zaklady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe
Unipharm Inc.
Vis Zaklady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Spoldzielnia Pracy
Wyeth Polska
Wytwornia Euceryny Coel Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne S.c.
Xenon Spoldzielnia Pracy Chemikow
Ziololek Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczna Spoldzielnia Pracy
Aesculap Chifa
Alcon Polska 
Alfa Wassermann Medagro
Allergopharma Nexter
Amis Medica
Apipol - Farma 
Astellas Pharma 
Baxter Polska 
Bio-Diät Miralex
Biomed Wytwornia Surowic i Szczepionek
Bittner Pharma International
Boehringer Ingelheim 
Boiron Przedstawicielstwo w Polsce 
celon pharma
Chema Elektromet
Chemapol Polska 
Ciech S.A
Curtis Healthcare
Ebewe Farm Plus
Egis Polska 
Espefa Chemiczno - Farmaceut. Spoldzielnia Pracy
Ewopharma AG
Ferring Farmaceuticals Polska
Ferrosan A/S oddzialw Warszawie
Filofarm Farmaceutyczna Spoldzielnia Pracy
Gal S.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiebiorstwo Rolno Przetworcze
Galenus Farmaceutyczno - Chemiczna Spoldzielnia Pracy
Gedeon Richter Ltd.
Gerot Pharmazeutica
Hälsoprodukter AB Krotex
HEXAL Polska 
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Roche Polska 
Homeofarm, OneMed Group Member

Poland Conferences | Universities in Poland

Name of University in English (and Polish)
University of Białystok
Casimir the Great University 
University of Gdańsk 
Jagiellonian University
John Paul II Catholic University 
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University 
University of Łódź 
University of Warmia and Mazury 
Opole University 
Adam Mickiewicz University 
University of Rzeszów
University of Silesia 
University of Szczecin
Nicolaus Copernicus University
University of Warsaw 
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University
University of Wrocław 
University of Zielona Góra
Jan Kochanowski University

Poland Conferences | Conferences in Poland


Fictional Maps Katowice, Poland
Entertainment Supersystems Academic Conference Wroclaw, Poland


Mobile Deployable Communications Warsaw, Poland
5th International Ontological Workshop on Topological Philosophy Warsaw, Poland
50 Shades of Popular Culture Krakow, Poland
ISER-8th International Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials (IC2NAM) Warsaw, Poland
ISER – 9th International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM) Warsaw, Poland
ISER- 8th International Conference on Physical Education and Sport Science (ICPESS) Warsaw, Poland
ISER – 8th International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Science (ICABS) Warsaw, Poland
ISER-9th International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Science (ICABMIS) Warsaw, Poland
ISER- 26th International Conference on Education and Social Science (ICESS-2016) Warsaw, Poland
ISER- 9th International Conference on Science, Health and Medicine (ICSHM) Warsaw, Poland
ISER- 9th International Conference on Chemical and Environmental Science (ICCES) Warsaw, Poland
ISER-25th International Conference on Economics and Business Research (ICEBR-2016) Warsaw, Poland


Racism, Nationalism and Xenophobia - International Interdisciplinary Conference Warsaw, Poland
OLLO2016 Orient in Literature - Literature of the Orient : Sources & Inspirations Torun, Poland
Economy Today. Interdisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Economic Challenges Lodz, Poland
IASTEM- 23rd International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE) Warsaw, Poland
IASTEM- 23rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICRAET) Warsaw, Poland
IASTEM - The 23rd International Conference on Civil and Architectural Engineering (ICCAE) Warsaw, Poland
IASTEM -The 23rd International Conference on Science Technology and Management (ICSTM) Warsaw, Poland
IASTEM- 23rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH) Warsaw, Poland
IASTEM -The 23rd International Conference on Medical, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICMBPS) Warsaw, Poland
IASTEM-21st International Conference on Economics and Business Management (ICEBM) Warsaw, Poland
IASTEM- 24th International Conference on Environment and Natural Science (ICENS) Warsaw, Poland
25th annual Conference of The Polish Association for the Study of English: Multiculturalism, Multilingualism and the Self Szczyrk, Poland
The 7th World Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHy) Warsaw, Poland


Jesuit Culture between the Arts Torun, Poland
ExRe(y). Spaces of Expression and Repression in Post-Millennial North-American Literature and Visual Culture Lublin, Poland
Sustainable Finance & Accounting Torun, Poland
ACADEMICS WORLD-37th International Conference on Recent Advances in Medical and Health Sciences (ICRAMHS) Warsaw, Poland
ACADEMICS WORLD-38th International Academic Conference on Development in Science and Technology (IACDST) Warsaw, Poland
ACADEMICS WORLD-42nd International Academic Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovations (IACETI) Warsaw, Poland
ACADEMICS WORLD-33rd International Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (IC2NM) Warsaw, Poland
ACADEMICS WORLD-38th International Conference on Science, Social Science and Economics (IC3SE) Warsaw, Poland
ACADEMICS WORLD-42nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC) Warsaw, Poland
ACADEMICS WORLD-38th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (ICESD) Warsaw, Poland
ACADEMICS WORLD-39th International Conference on Management and Information Technology (ICMIT) Warsaw, Poland


19th SIS World Congress on Breast Healthcare Hilton Warsaw Hotel, Grzybowska 63, Warsaw, 00-844, Poland
ICFSLA 28th  International Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition: Life-long learning: the age factor in second/foreign language acquisition and learning Szczyrk, Poland


THEIIER-75th International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Technology (ICABMIT) Warsaw, Poland
THEIIER-62nd International Conference on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (ICCBE) Warsaw, Poland
THEIIER-65th International Conference on Recent Advances in Medical Science (ICRAMS) Warsaw, Poland
THEIIER-70th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIET) Warsaw, Poland
THEIIER-70th International Conference on Natural Science and Environment (ICNSE) Warsaw, Poland
THEIIER-62nd International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics (ICAPM) Warsaw, Poland
THEIIER-57th International Conference on Science, Innovation and Management (ICSIM) Warsaw, Poland
THEIIER-66th International Conference on Social Science and Economics (ICSSE) Warsaw, Poland
Context dependence in language, action and cognition Warsaw, Poland
5th International Conference Advances in Clinical Neuroimmunology ACN 2016 Warsaw, Poland
International Conference Information Technologies in Biomedicine (ITIB) Kamien Slaski, Poland
CRACOW LANDSCAPE CONFERENCE 2016: Landscape as impulsion for culture: research, perception & protection Kraków, Poland


Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Cracow, Poland


5th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition Krakow, Poland
The Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR2016) Lodz, Poland
Participatory Culture and the Future of Democracy Krakow, Poland