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(This week and next week, Race/Related will explore the election. We start with a look at polling among non-white voters, followed by a guide to local races that might otherwise be ignored. Tell us what you think at
“They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”
“A total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”
“Look at my African American.”
Donald J. Trump’s candidacy has often seemed like a carefully tailored attempt at alienating all voters who are not white conservatives. If so, it has worked: non-white voters express an overwhelming antipathy toward the Republican nominee, and huge numbers say he does not understand their perspective, according to a pre-election New York Times/CBS News poll released Thursday.
But a closer look at the numbers reveals a deeper layer of nuance and angst.
Strong Clinton Support — Kind Of
Non-white voters, who now represent roughly 31 percent of the electorate, are not getting behind Hillary Clinton in the same numbers as they did President Obama’s historic candidacies.
The Democratic nominee has support from 66 percent of likely non-white voters, and 83 percent of African-Americans, according to the poll released Thursday. That’s well shy of where Mr. Obama was in 2012, when he won 80 percent of non-whites and 93 percent of black voters.
Early voting tallies this week also showed that black turnout in crucial states like North Carolina and Florida has not been as robust as it was in 2012, when historically strong African-American turnout helped propel Mr. Obama to victory.
Too Much Trump?
Aversion to Mr. Trump runs strong: four out of five non-white voters say Mr. Trump does not understand the needs and problems of people like themselves, compared with three in 10 who said they feel that way about Mrs. Clinton.
Mr. Trump has support from just 19 percent of non-white voters, including a minuscule 2 percent of African-Americans. That suggests he could fall below Senator John McCain’s record-low 4 percent showing among African Americans in 2008.
Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, not surprisingly, has placed a heavy focus on attacking Mr. Trump, calling him unfit to serve as president.
But Steve Phillips, the author of “Brown Is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority,” suggested that some voters — particularly those of color — might be eager for less Trump criticism, and a deeper explanation of her own priorities.
“This election could be a clarion call to continue the legacy of Obama’s election, and the policies he was championing to foster greater racial equality and progress,” said Mr. Phillips, who is also a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank. “That would require leading with and continuing to hammer immigration reform, police accountability, and the racial wealth gap. But those aren’t the issues they lead with.”
White voters are relatively split when asked who would better handle some of today’s most pressing issues. Voters of color favor Mrs. Clinton over Mr. Trump by wide margins on:
Immigration: Minority voters diverge from whites most starkly on immigration: White voters trust Mr. Trump on it by a margin of 17 points; non-whites choose Mrs. Clinton by a gaping, 54-point spread.
Inequality: Eighty percent of non-white voters, and 56 percent of all voters, think that Mr. Trump’s policies would favor the rich. That’s particularly noteworthy, since voters across ethnic divides are most likely to name jobs and the economy as their top voting issue.
Obamacare: Non-white voters report broad approval of the Affordable Care Act, which Mr. Obama signed in 2010. But only about one third of white voters agree.
Race and Revelation
Finally, many non-white Clinton supporters seem less alarmed by Mr. Trump’s campaign than her white backers do. Nearly three-fifths of white Clinton supporters say they would lose respect for an acquaintance if they found out that person were a Trump supporter; most non-white Clinton voters say this would have no effect on their feeling.  
“I think a lot of white liberals are shocked and appalled by what they’re seeing,” Mr. Phillips said, “whereas people of color deal with implicit and explicit racism on a daily basis. So that what he is revealing is not as unfamiliar to people of color.”
Giovanni Russonello
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Ruth Fremson/The New York Times
Five Races to Watch
There are dozens of races across the nation in which race is playing a major factor. Many Americans know of California’s Senate race between Kamala Harris, the daughter of immigrants from Jamaica and India, and Loretta Sanchez, the daughter of Mexican immigrants.
A victory by either woman would be a milestone: Ms. Harris, the state’s attorney general, would be the first black woman in the United States Senate since Carol Moseley Braun, an Illinois Democrat who served from 1993 to 1999. Ms. Sanchez, a Congresswoman, would become the first Latina elected to the Senate.
Here are some other races that caught our eye:
Nevada – Catherine Cortez Masto:
The state’s former attorney general is locked in a tight race with her Republican opponent, Representative Joe Heck for the seat held for 30 years by Harry Reid, the retiring minority leader. If she wins, Ms. Cortez Masto, a Democrat who is the granddaughter of a Mexican immigrant, would be the first Latina to enter the Senate. Earlier this fall, Ms. Cortez Masto’s ethnic heritage made her a target of Republican operatives, who claimed she was not really Hispanic, noting her lack of fluent Spanish. 
Washington State – Pramila Jayapal:
The state senator and immigrant rights’ advocate is also in a close race, with her fellow progressive Democrat, State Representative Brady Walkinshaw, to represent Seattle in Congress. She was born in India and could become the first Indian-American woman to serve in Congress. (Her opponent, Mr. Walkinshaw is of mixed-race descent, with his mother immigrating from Cuba.)
California – Bao Nguyen:
The mayor of Garden Grove, in Orange County, was born in a United Nations refugee camp in Vietnam 36 years ago. He’s running against a fellow Democrat and former state senator, Lou Correa, for the Congressional seat held by outgoing Rep. Loretta Sanchez, who is running against Kamala Harris for California’s open U.S. Senate seat. Ms. Sanchez and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader, are supporting Mr. Correa, leaving Mr. Nguyen as the clear underdog.
Minnesota – Ilhan Omar:
A native of Somalia who lived in a refugee camp in Kenya for four years, Ms. Omar, a community activist, defeated the longest-serving state legislator in Minnesota history in the Democratic primary in August – giving victory speeches in English and Somali – and will face another Somali refugee in the general election, the Republican Abdimalik Askar, who ran for the presidency of Somalia in 2012.
California – Emilio Huerta:
The son of the labor organizer Dolores Huerta, Mr. Huerta is going after the seat of an incumbent Republican congressman in the Central Valley, where a longstanding disconnect has existed between the population – dominated by Latino and Asian immigrants, groups that tend to favor democrats – and its elected officials, who tend to skew white and Republican. The elder Huerta has also floated an interesting theory about her son’s challenger: she believes the incumbent, David Valadao who is Portuguese, is pretending to be Latino. Mr. Valadao delivers speeches in fluent Spanish and uses the colors of the Portuguese flag (which are the same as those of the Mexican flag) on campaign materials. “He’s really trying to pass for a Mexican-American,” Ms. Huerta told The San Jose Mercury News.
Adeel Hassan and Caitlin Dickerson
Around the Web
Here are some of the stories that we’re talking about, beyond The Times.
First of all, check out the efforts by FacebookGoogle and Twitter to put information about federal, state and local elections at voters’ fingertips.
In other news… Facebook’s advertising system allows advertisers to exclude black, Hispanic, and other “ethnic affinities” from seeing ads? Yes. Yes it does. 
A new category is poised to count those of Middle Eastern and North African heritage in the 2020 United States Census. It was championed by advocates, but some are wary of being targeted.
The director of ‘Doctor Strange’ explains why he cast Tilda Swinton as The Ancient One, erasing the comic book character’s Asianness, but also its steretyping.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Henry Louis Gates, Jr., recently discussed race relations in the United States. 
And, circling back to technolgy and race, Airbnb successfully blocked a proposed class action alleging racial discrimination on the company’s platform, but it will now require hosts to agree to an anti-discrimination policy.
Plus, this: The reason I'm not an ex-con; I'm white, and my parents had some money.
In The Times
The Times publishes many stories that touch on race. Normally, we choose six favorites. This week, though, our coverage was especially deep and wide-ranging so we’re offering an expanded selection. 
Supporters of Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, during a rally last month in Naples, Fla. Eric Thayer for The New York Times

From “Brexit” to the rise of Donald Trump, white anxiety is fueling political unrest in the West.

Gary Jones, right, the Cubs’ third-base coach, congratulating Willson Contreras in Game 6 of the N.L.C.S. Despite a lengthy résumé, Jones has not managed a major league team. Jon Durr/USA Today Sports, via Reuters

Commissioner Rob Manfred speaks of pipelines and entry-level positions while seemingly qualified black and Latino candidates wait for a chance to fill a void.

Researchers from the University of Washington, M.I.T. and Stanford say a study found that African-American users faced racial discrimination by some Uber and Lyft drivers. Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg

Researchers who studied trips in Seattle and Boston said African-American users might wait up to 35 percent longer for rides than white users.

Hamdi Ulukaya employs about 300 refugees from Africa and the Middle East at Chobani. Mr. Ulukaya started a foundation to help refugees. His advocacy has made him a focus of racist attacks. Drew Nash/Times News

Hamdi Ulukaya employs resettled refugees at his yogurt factories. Now he’s being targeted on social media and by right-wing websites.

Donald Glover and Zazie Beetz on the FX series “Atlanta,” which has its season finale on Tuesday. Guy D’Alema/FX

This FX series painstakingly bypasses theme songs and obvious contemporary hits in favor of a hyper-accurate local vibe.

The Rev. Joseph Darby at the Harbour Club in Charleston, S.C. Travis Dove for The New York Times

The trials of a police officer and a white supremacist will draw renewed attention to South Carolina, where many still struggle with killings that rattled the nation.

Angus Mordant for The New York Times

The tension had been building for months, with Native Americans who had camped out saying that the Dakota Access pipeline threatens the region’s water supply.

Caitlin O’Hara for The New York Times

Two daughters of Mexican immigrants who crossed the border illegally. Two different futures for young Latinos. Which will we choose?

Donald Trump speaking at a campaign event at the Kinston Jet Center in Kinston, N.C., on Oct. 26. Sara D. Davis/Getty Images

For all he gets wrong on race, the Republican nominee got one thing right: The Democratic Party does take black Americans for granted, and that’s a problem.

Early voting at the Board of Elections in Durham, N.C., on Tuesday. Justin Cook for The New York Times

The numbers in several states have begun pointing to a slump many Democrats feared might materialize without the nation’s first black president on the ticket.

“Vote Trump” was spray-painted on the side of Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in Greenville, Miss., which was badly damaged by fire Tuesday evening. Rogelio V. Solis/Associated Press

The attack, determined to be arson, reinforced fears of potential violence as a polarizing and racially charged presidential race nears its conclusion.

As a Republican presidential candidate, Ronald Reagan toured the South Bronx in the summer of 1980 to try to win urban voters. Vic DeLucia/The New York Times

In a fundamental realignment in which race plays a key role, population density has become a strong predictor of how people vote.

Bianca walked her 6-year-old son, Anthony, to the bus stop before sunrise on Wednesday. She and her family decided to return to the United States from Honduras after being threatened by gang members there. Justin T. Gellerson for The New York Times

Two families who came to the United States illegally show the enormous risks and weight of unanswered questions in divergent paths toward asylum.

Protesters at a Black Lives Matter rally in Melbourne, Australia in July. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake/Anadolu Agency, via Getty Images

Indigenous and other nonwhite Australians are tired of telling the country what is wrong with the degrading practice.

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