The legendary director sits down to chat about his films, his upbringing, and being peculiar.
If there’s one thing Davy Liu has learned from Disney films, it’s that dreams are worth following.
Fok Ching-fung spent his life in many different homes, and struggled to fit in wherever he went, but along the way, he found the courage to tell his story.
The United States, Britain, Canada and Australia are popular destinations for university. But have you ever thought about Taiwan?
When I first discovered Tim Burton was coming to Hong Kong, my first thought was, “Oh my God! How cool would it be if I got to meet him?”
The legendary director sits down to chat about his films, his upbringing, and being peculiar.
Leung scored 39.1 on a scale of 0 to 100 in the Chinese University poll, and for the last three months his score has consistently been below 40. A passing, or acceptable, grade is seen as 50.
Hidden in Sheung Wan, Enchanting Studio is a dainty and charming wood-themed room adorned with low-hanging lightbulbs. We settled into the calming atmosphere almost instantly.
Classmates may be together for a few years; friends will support each other for decades; family members are there for a lifetime. To have a happy family, communication is the key.
Many students complain about their school life. They say school is like a prison. Is going to school really that bad? I don’t think so.
Since I was a child, I have always had male friends.
If there’s one thing Davy Liu has learned from Disney films, it’s that dreams are worth following.
In celebration of Brovember, we want to know about the men you look up to – and you could win an awesome prize.
In 2016 alone, a nursing home run by Bridge of Rehabilitation Company has recorded numerous cases of death and mistreatment of mentally disabled patients.
Mak Cheuk-wing, the 13-year-old junior world windsurfing champion, says she won’t let her sporting success affect her school work.
Fok Ching-fung spent his life in many different homes, and struggled to fit in wherever he went, but along the way, he found the courage to tell his story.
Over the past 30 years, 3D printing has developed rapidly. In the near future, you may be able to customise your ideal home and print it out!
The toughest assessments are perhaps self-assessments. How should you evaluate yourself? Conservatively, generously, or something in between?


On the way to work Four people are talking about the journey to work they make each workday. Listen to what they say and then fill in the answer questionnaires with the relevant information.
Dreams Voices: Nick Walton and Rachel Crowther
Dreams All of us dream. Some of us remember our dreams quite clearly while others never remember them. Listen to these six people talking about the dreams they have had recently and then answer the...
ZOE: Hello, I’m Young Post reporter Zoe Mak and this is Listening Plus. Today’we’ll be talking with Timothy Chui who is reporting on South China Morning Post National News Desk Editor Ting Shi’s wrap...
Author Mark Twain once said: 'I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.'
In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler said: 'The great masses of the people ... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.'
Confucius said: Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This also applies to school life, which can be a bit like climbing The Dragon's Back - it has its ups and downs.
To be an effective independent learner, you need to be good at communicating what you know. Developing your presentation skills is very important, not just for exams but also for...
To be an effective independent learner, you need to introduce yourself to the 1.5kg mass of jelly in your head known as the brain. The brain is your thinking centre. To succeed in school and in life..
Newsflash: A long stretch of time without engaging your brain with the learning process is bad for you. Experiments have shown that students who enjoy long summer holidays are more likely to be...
Mention the word 'essay' and you get a divided classroom: some of you love them and the rest would rather run round the school 10 times.
To be an effective independent learner, you need to keep a quality record of what you are learning. We all need a point of reference, whether it's for exams or...
Step 10: Use your learning to achieve something re
Remember you can use any opportunity to become a lifelong learner and achieve something even more remarkable than passing tests and exams.
Neighbours Listen to these four people talking about the people who live next door to them and then fill in the question boxes with the relevant information. Part I
Neighbours Listen to these four people talking about the people who live next door to them and then fill in the question boxes with the relevant information. Part I


Jacky Lo (left) is thought to have fled to mainland after public outrage.
Photos of a dog churning in a washing machine have gone viral since gaining public attention last Thursday. The man who posted the photos on Facebook is thought to have fled to the mainland on...
Hate it when you can't talk back? Well, you can with Young Post. Have your say and share with students around Hong Kong.
Junior reporter Yasmin Subba interviewing Red Bull Junior Team driver Tom Blomqvist in Macau
If you like to write in your free time, have a passion for reporting, shoot videos, have a blog, or just want to share your enthusiasm with the YP community, the Junior Reporters Club is for you.
The cadets at Young Post put their cookery skills to the test by taking on a rice cooker challenge: preparing four unconventional, non-rice dishes in one of the staple appliances of any Hong Kong...
Former YP junior reporter Gloria Cheung wins the inaugural Human Rights Press Award essay award.
Gloria Cheung graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a bachelor's degree in journalism, and has worked at some top news organisations, including CNN and Voice of America.
Is it fair for male athletes to be paid more than their female counterparts? Two students discuss.
The government has denied its radical new Reflective Path scheme to deter teens from breaking the law is to frighten the city's impressionable youth into steering clear of political activism.
Over the years Young Post has received some funny letters which we just have to share with you … typos and all! Names and places have been taken out to protect the innocent.
Choreographer Daniel Yeung shows some moves to students of Ying Wah Girls' School.
Contemporary dance isn't like classical ballet or Chinese dance. It favours free experimentation over traditional moves. Modern dancers explore their bodies' ...
Your paperwork is in order and now your parents are going to throw you to the lions, er, I mean the overseas teachers or agents who will decide your fate.
Renaissance College pitched in to help in relief efforts for Nepal.
Many schools in Hong Kong have made efforts to help rebuild Nepal. Here is a taste of what students have done to help Nepal recover from the disaster earthquakes.
When we feel sure of ourselves, our body and brain chemistry changes. Here's how we can fool our bodies into feeling more powerful just by changing our posture.
Superwoman, Lilly Singh, was met with thunderous applause.
Young Post sent junior reporters Snehaa Senthamilselvan Easwari and Belinda Ng to see Canadian YouTuber IISuperwomanII perform in Hong Kong. Here's what they thought about the lovable Lilly Singh.
A working hours protest on Tuesday turned chaotic when police officers pushed people to the ground.
A 17 year-old girl in Harbin, Heilongjiang province, got into a fight with a dog and its owner, resulting in the girl’s left ear being bitten off … not by the dog, but the owner.


Young Post is so impressed when student photographers capture amazing pictures at sporting events. We want to see more of your work - and we want to celebrate it.
When I first discovered Tim Burton was coming to Hong Kong, my first thought was, “Oh my God! How cool would it be if I got to meet him?”

What's the best thing about a three-day weekend?
