
The criminal justice sector response is an important aspect of an overall, rule of law-based approach to counter-terrorism. ICCT has worked on a range of issues related to the criminal justice sector, including the close monitoring of a number of terrorism trials and commentary on legal aspects of proceedings and judgements. Next to this, the Centre is implementing a capacity building project on the protection of witnesses and the use of intelligence in terrorism-related court cases to enhance the criminal justice sector response. Similarly, ICCT has analysed the potential role of armed forces in providing evidence for terrorism-trials. ICCT also looks beyond the judicial aspects of terrorism cases and explores the wider, societal implications of trials and their performative power in a seminar series entitled “Terrorists on Trial”.


Perspective | 2 Dec 2013
The Syrian Foreign Fighters Problem: A Test Case from The Netherlands

In what has been labelled as possibly the first trial of its kind in Western Europe, a court in The Netherlands recently convicted two men who wanted to travel to Syria to join the jihad. Research Fellow Dr. Christophe Paulussen analyses the two judgements and their wider implications.

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