Publishing open access with Taylor & Francis

At Taylor & Francis we aim to offer authors choice in their route to publishing, and that includes when they choose to publish open access (OA) with us. Whilst there are many different definitions of OA, Taylor & Francis authors can choose to publish either “gold” or “green” OA in our journals.

What’s gold OA?

Gold OA means that the final published version of your article (or Version of Record) is permanently and freely available online for anyone anywhere to read. There are usually no restrictions, or few restrictions, on how people can reuse your work (and they must credit you if they do so).

Open Access Publishing Infographic

Infographic: click to enlarge and share.
PDF version

What’s green OA?

Green OA refers to self-archiving of your article, and often applies to earlier versions of your paper. Find out more about green OA at Taylor and Francis at Sharing your work.

Why publish OA?

Publishing gold OA in a Taylor & Francis journal guarantees:

  • A wide choice of journals to publish in, ranging across disciplines and subject areas.
  • Input from, and dialog with, expert editors and editorial boards.
  • Rigorous peer review for every open-access article.
  • Rapid online publication.
  • Immediate access to your article on publication, accessible by anyone, anywhere.
  • High visibility and discoverability via Taylor & Francis Online.
  • Global marketing and publicity, ensuring your article reaches the people you want it to.
  • Article metrics (downloads, citations, and Altmetric data) for your article including in My Authored Works, so you can measure its impact.
  • Retention of full copyright of your article through unrestrictive publishing agreements.
  • Guaranteed legacy preservation of your article.
  • Discounts and waivers for authors in developing regions.


Read our five minute factsheets (on Publishing open access and Open access and funding) for a quick introduction to publishing open access, what it offers researchers, some of the key terms, funding options, plus more.

Taylor & Francis Open and Routledge Open

Every article published in our Open journals is published as gold OA. This is usually after payment of an article publishing charge (APC), and the majority of these journals use Creative Commons licenses. Browse our growing list of Open journals.

Taylor & Francis Open Select and Routledge Open Select

Open Select provides you, your institution, or your funder with the option to make an article gold OA in one of our subscription-based journals (hybrid OA). This option is made available once an article has been accepted, and usually requires the payment of an article publishing charge (APC).

This initiative currently encompasses most titles published under the Routledge and Taylor & Francis imprints, offering you a huge choice across subjects and disciplines.

Watch publishing OA with Taylor & Francis:

Checking your OA options

All the information on OA options across all Taylor & Francis and Routledge journals can be found in our OA journal finder. You can use this page to check:

  • Which of our journals offer Gold OA
  • What the current APC is on specific journals
  • What the green OA embargo periods are on our journals
  • Which licenses you can publish under

Understanding article publishing charges

An article publishing charge (APC) is applicable for authors publishing in most Taylor & Francis Open and Routledge Open journals. These are lower than the standard Open Select APC. APCs vary by journal and are subject to occasional special offers. Please check the instructions for authors on the journal’s web page to confirm the current APC (please note that this charge is exclusive of tax).

Our standard article publishing charge (APC) for our subscription-based Open Select journals is:

£1,788 | €2,150 | $2,950 (excluding tax), though this does vary.

View all Open Select journals, with APC information.

Peer review is carried out separately from the invoicing and APC process. Please note that academic editors, board members, and reviewers have no involvement with the invoicing process and can’t grant waivers.

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Author FAQs

Do I have to pay to publish my work in an Open Select title?

No. If you don’t pay the APC then your work will be published behind the subscription paywall. You can still make your work OA on a green OA basis.

Can the APC be discounted or waived?

A number of institutions have signed up to an open-access membership scheme with us, which means that you may be eligible to have your APC covered by your institution, or be entitled to a discount on the APC (details on how to confirm your eligibility will be sent to you by email when your article is accepted). View a list of current partners and further information.

If you are publishing in one of our Open Select journals and are based at a U.K. institution, you may be entitled to a reduced APC of £450 as part of our NESLI APC allowance scheme. Please speak to your librarian to find out more.

Authors are eligible to apply for a full or partial waiver of the appropriate APC if they are based in countries classified by Research4Life. Authors based in a Band A country can apply for a full waiver; authors based in a Band B country can apply for a 50% discount. Waivers may also be granted in exceptional cases. If you are not based in a country classified by Research4Life (see above) and are requesting a waiver, you should request this when you submit your article. Your request should include details of the affiliation and country of residence of all authors, details of where the research was conducted, and confirmation of all research grant funding received (including details of any funding body which has stipulated mandatory open-access publication).

Please note that in order to guarantee peer-review integrity, the waiver process is not managed by journal academic editors.

Could I be eligible for funding?

Your research funder or host institution may have funding available for OA publication fees – please contact them for further information.

How do I pay?

For our Open Select journals, after your article has been accepted you will receive an email that explains the steps you should take if you wish to make your article available on a gold OA basis.

For our Taylor & Francis Open and Routledge Open journals, the corresponding author of the paper will receive an invoice on acceptance of their article (after peer review), outlining the APC and payment terms.

Are any taxes applicable?

Authors resident in any of the countries of the European Union have to add U.K. Value-Added Tax (currently 20%). Institutions outside the U.K. paying the fee on behalf of the author and who provide their VAT registration number will not be charged U.K. VAT.

Under what circumstances are refunds made?

Before publication: If Taylor & Francis reasonably considers that the article should not be published, on the advice of our legal counsel, we may decline to publish the article, in which case we would refund the OA article publishing charge.

After publication: If Taylor & Francis reasonably considers that the article should be retracted or removed from our website (for example, because of a breach in author warranties), we may retract and withdraw it, and in such case will be under no obligation to refund the OA article publishing charge.

Compliance with funders’ and institutional mandates

The majority of our journals comply with mandates from funders and institutions. We enable authors to adhere to mandates from Research Councils UK, Wellcome Trust, the National Institutes of Health, and most others.

You can find a list of our journals, including whether they offer gold OA options and their green OA embargo periods here.

Some funders require any gold OA articles to be published under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which is offered on the majority of our Open Select and Open journals.

We have deposit agreements with PubMed Central and Europe PubMed Central for articles from certain funders, including the NIH and those listed by Europe PMC. We also deposit World Bank-authored articles into their repository (see FAQs), if authors acknowledge this funding in their article.

Check Open Access funder policies and mandates.

OA and permissions

Please note that much of the same information on permissions applies to both OA and subscription articles. Find out more in Using third-party material in your article. Below are some of our most frequently asked questions about OA articles.

What type of permission do I need to seek?

Whether you are publishing your article on an OA basis or not, you will need to seek permission to reuse any content in which copyright is owned by a third party (the “rightsholder”) in your article. General guidance is provided in Using third-party material in your article.

Authors of OA articles can choose to publish under a license with fewer restrictions on reuse, especially if the article is published under a Creative Commons license (please see Copyright and licenses and for further information). However, an author does not have the right to license the reuse of any third-party copyright material contained within an OA article, and so it is essential to obtain appropriate permission from the relevant rightsholder (please see “How do I request permission?” below)

How do I request permission?

When seeking permission to reproduce any kind of third-party material from rightsholders, please tell them the license you are likely to publish your work under, and the license conditions. For example:

[license] the Creative Commons Attribution License (, [terms] which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The third party can grant you permission either to include their material under the same terms as the license or to include their material with reuse not permitted (please see “How should I prepare my paper?” below for information on appropriate captions in each case).

You will also need to ask for the following:

  • Non-exclusive rights to reproduce the item within your article in [the named scholarly journal], for a specialist academic readership on an open-access basis.
  • Print and electronic rights in perpetuity (i.e., no time-limited licenses) to cover reproduction of the material in an online version, available to customers.
  • Worldwide English-language distribution rights.
  • If an image, 300 dpi minimum resolution (please refer to the journal’s instructions for authors for more details).

How should I prepare my paper if I have used third-party material?

If you have used third-party material, please ensure you have obtained permission either to include the material under the same terms as the license, or to include the material with reuse not permitted.

You will need to ensure that captions for any third-party material reflect the conditions under which permission has been granted. Follow the relevant step below to do this:

  1. If you have permission to include the material under the same terms as the license you are signing, please ensure that your caption notes the copyright holder (e.g., © Joe Bloggs).
  1. If you have permission to include the material within the article only (not under the same license terms as your work) please ensure that your caption notes the copyright holder (e.g., © Joe Bloggs. Reuse not permitted). Please submit copies of all permissions documentation and approval from third parties with your article, to ensure rapid publication of your work.