• Crown Copyright

    British Army report declassified

    The bitter war to stabilise southern Iraq

    A British Army report into the post-conflict stabilisation of Iraq has just been declassified. Here, the report is published and its author – IISS Senior Fellow for Land Warfare Ben Barry – explains some of its conclusions.

  • Photo by KNS/AFP/Getty Images

    New Strategic Comment

    North Korea’s fifth nuclear test

    North Korea conducted its fifth and most powerful nuclear test on 9 September, and is moving towards mounting a nuclear bomb on ballistic missiles of increasing range. Greater US and Chinese assertiveness and more creative strategies are needed to restrain Pyongyang.

  • The Annual Review of World Affairs

    Strategic Survey 2016

    Now in its 50th edition, Strategic Survey 2016: The Annual Review of World Affairs charts the significant events and strategic decisions of the year. The book launch, featuring IISS experts, was streamed live from our London headquarters on 27 September.

  • Survival


    Democracy in America

    In this issue, Anatol Lieven, Nigel Inkster and Kori Schake consider America's electoral choices. Also in the issue, Pierre Noël on the new oil regime; Sophia Besch, James Black and Seyed Hossein Mousavian on Brexit; and Bruno Tertrais on imagining a NATO-Russia conflict.

  • Adelphi Books

    The Nuclear Collection

    All IISS Adelphi books are on offer at three for the price of two. Here we recommend the nuclear collection, to mark the publication of 'Improving the security of all nuclear materials', a new report by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) and the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP).

  1. British Army report declassified

  2. New Strategic Comment

  3. The Annual Review of World Affairs


  5. Adelphi Books

Strategic Survey 2016: Launch Highlights & Expert Interviews

Fighting and Negotiating with Armed Groups

This new Adelphi book looks at what constitutes an effective and realistic strategy for dealing with armed groups.

The IISS Digital Annual Review

Driving Strategic Thought and Action

The IISS’s inaugural online Annual Review highlights its key achievements in 2015–16.

the military balance

The Military Balance 2016

The annual assessment of the military capabilities and defence economics of over 171 countries. It is an indispensable handbook for anyone conducting serious studies of security policy and military affairs.

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