
Become a Charter Subscriber to this unique new publication that is by, for and about Native Peoples

Dear Friend,
Shekóli. Native life is many things … it’s the tribe, the community, the family, the environment, the history and, most of all, the land. It grows from many roots and has many interests, from art to education to current events to Native cooking.

And in today’s world, there are also thousands of Indian stereotypes, pretenders and wannabes. So many Internet “experts” on the Native world. So many people boasting about their great-great grandmother, the Cherokee princess.

But for those people who actually are Native … and for those non-Natives who actively seek to learn and understand … and for anyone who demands authenticity, honesty and expertise … there is one place to turn.

This is Indian Country, with the deepest of roots in Native culture and a vast expertise in Native issues and interests. Subscribe today and join a genuine Indian community where you can share in the lives of proud Peoples all across Turtle Island.

When you read Indian Country magazine, you will …

  • Learn about everything from Indian cooking to sports to spirituality to entertainment to history to genealogy
  • Expand your world and your kinship with other Natives
  • Gain inspiration from stories of joy, triumph, success and perseverance across a wide range of endeavors
  • Discover new places to go, dances to enjoy and skills to learn
  • Be informed, entertained, enlightened and intrigued by the full range of Native culture

Indian Country is created and published by Indian Country Media Network, the leading voice of American Indians today. And you can be a Charter Subscriber to Indian Country to get all this every other month.

But who is Indian Country Media Network? How did it become an industry leader in writing about American Indian issues and culture? Certainly there are few resources today with the respect and deep understanding of Native cultures required to spread greater knowledge to a world in desperate need of it. But Indian Country Media Network is just such a resource, offering in-depth, culturally sensitive coverage of Native Peoples and their many cultures, accomplishments and history.

Indian Country Media is an internationally recognized news service owned by the Oneida Indian Nation of New York, but its award-winning journalists cover all Peoples.

Among its most recognized journalistic efforts are the reports on the 2013 U.S. Supreme Court ‘Baby Veronica’ case; a series of articles covering the controversial 2015 National Defense Authorization Act “land swap” provision that would give land sacred to the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona to Resolution Copper Mine; and ongoing coverage of the Native American mascot controversy.

Indian Country Media has won numerous awards at the Native American Journalists Association. In 2014, ICTMN earned 17 awards including Best Digital Publication for its 12-page digital newsletter and first place for General Excellence. In 2013, ICTMN took 11 awards at the conference.

So don’t hesitate. Become a Charter Subscriber to our new publication, Indian Country, right now, and enjoy every word, every issue.

What will you read about in Indian Country?

There is much to celebrate in Native culture. That’s why we write about it in so much exquisite detail. We write about news, history, education, culture and travel in every issue, and all from a culturally-sensitive, Native point of view.

We write about Native dances. We write about Native crafts and the people who practice them. We write about Native athletes, artists, musicians, political and community leaders, businessmen and women, and much more.

Indian Country magazine truly is a celebration – because while we don’t shy away from the difficult issues that face American Indians, we are dedicated to exploring the accomplishments of our many Peoples as well as their challenges.

For example, you might read about influential native women, such as Carol Evans, the first woman elected to the Spokane Tribal Council in 25 years – since the time her mother, Pauline Stearns, served. Carol’s grandmother, Cecilia Abrahamson, had also served on the CDC Tribal Council in her day. What inspires Carol? Who are her role models, and which issues drive her? Indian Country magazine helps you get to know intriguing people in every issue.

Or perhaps you’ll read about a group of Lapwai students who spent their summer vacation engaged in sustainable building research that will ultimately help their tribe. Or Navajo Natives who are learning that exercise is fun, as well as the best way to fight obesity and related diseases.

Tribes who are building solar energy generators to establish energy independence and ease the burden on the Earth.

Books written by Native authors.

Flint knapping. Native prayers. Haute cuisine Indian chefs. Native basketball stars. Enriching travel to Native lands. History that non-Native schools never teach.

All of this and more comes to your home all year long when you become a Charter Subscriber to Indian Country.

Gain access to the recognized voice of American Indians

You can certainly read about Native issues and culture in other resources. But remember, Indian Country Magazine has deep roots in the Native community all across North America, and delivers insights and ideas you simply can’t get anywhere else.

We have direct access to information, records and photographs that are not available – or even of interest – to non-Native writers and researchers. Our contributors are experts in their fields, who live and work among Natives, and whose work reflects their profound love for Native culture and concepts.

Indian Country understands the minds and hearts of American Indians, and speaks in your voice.

Enjoy photos of sacred places, pow wows, artifacts, natural wonders, musicians, art and other Native people and places.

Discover new Indian-made products and their creators.

Gain a new understanding of Indian words and concepts.

Learn about Indian inventors, business people, social and political leaders, educators and athletes.

Meet Indian celebrities and entertainers.

Celebrate every facet of Native culture and be a part of this newest endeavor that spreads that appreciation to the larger world.

All of this is what you get when you become a Charter Subscriber to this exciting new publication, Indian Country. And as we mentioned above, you’ll be able to get it in traditional print format, tablet format, and our innovative website edition – which is completely platform-neutral and allows you to access Indian Country Magazine on any device, anywhere, any time.

We are not just any magazine. We are the most forward-thinking, in-depth, knowledgeable publication for and by Natives available today.

That’s why we urge you to join us now, at the very beginning of this adventure, by becoming a Charter Subscriber. Come with us on a journey of discovery and celebration that you can enjoy in every issue.

We look forward to having you with us.

Nʌ ki’ wa,

Ray Halbritter

PS: There’s something for everyone in Indian Country. Find out which tribe boasts the best high school football player in America … the making of the Navajo-language version of Finding Nemo … how Natives harvested Chesapeake Bay for oyster for millennia, and what we need to learn from Natives to bring them back … recipes for seaweed and soapberry … Subscribe now!

PPS: In Indian Country, you can enjoy the work of prominent Native authors, photographers, speakers and thought leaders, such as Suzan Shown Harjo, Mary Annette Pember, Gyasi Ross, Dina Gilio-Whitaker, Mark Trahant, Steve Russell and many more.