How Theresa May can deliver the Goldilocks solution to Brexit: neither soft nor hard but the one that serves the country best

Theresa May: 'no unnecessary delays in invoking Article 50' Theresa May: 'no unnecessary delays in invoking Article 50' Play! 01:35

The human mind has a natural tendency to fit opinions or circumstances into categories. The weather is fine or miserable, the economy is strong or weak, and political views are Right or Left. In fact, of course, the reality is often more complex but our brains jump to fit things into convenient pigeonholes that spare us the burden of more detailed analysis. 

So it is that the arguments about how to implement our exit from the European Union are now being categorised as leading to a “soft Brexit” or a “hard” one. Yet it would be a mistake to think this way, partly because there are countless permutations of how to do this; also because there might be creative solutions with broad appeal; and additionally because many decisions will be neither soft nor hard but just unavoidable. 

Theresa May on stage on the first day of Conservative Party conference
Theresa May on stage on the first day of Conservative Party conference Credit: Matt Cardy/Getty Images

Take the decision, announced by Theresa May on Sunday, to trigger the famous Article 50 by the end of March. Some advocates of a “soft” Brexit wanted her to wait longer than that. But think about what waiting longer would mean. Given the two-year timetable for exit negotiations, it would imply entering the run-up to the 2020 general election with us still in the EU, and no margin for taking extra time. It would also bring the ludicrous prospect of the UK having to elect MEPs in European elections in the spring of 2019, even though we would be about to leave. 

Furthermore, the EU position that they will not discuss details until Article 50 is invoked means we have nothing to gain by delaying longer than is necessary to settle our objectives. And the argument that Britain should wait for French and German elections next year collapses when you realise that the hardest bargaining will be at the end of the two years, when compromises will be made, rather than in the opening months. 

As someone who was on the Remain side, I therefore find myself out of sympathy with any “soft” argument for delay and think the Prime Minister has got this early decision absolutely right. What she has said is neither soft nor hard but it is well-thought out and sensible. 

EU flag and Union jack
EU flag and Union jack Credit: -/-

I hope she will employ the same clarity of thought in crafting the actual terms of exit she will propose. We now have “soft” advocates calling for us to stay in the European single market, even though it is obvious that the rest of the EU cannot agree to that unless we maintain freedom of movement and pay into their budget, and these are things the British voters will not wear. At the other end of the spectrum are “hard” campaigners saying we should prepare to withdraw unilaterally without an agreement, but why write off the chances of getting a good deal if there is one to be had? 

Members of the Cabinet are now, quite rightly, constrained from saying what terms the Government might propose until they have consulted widely and argued it out together. But one of the wonderful things about being an ex-member of the Cabinet is that I can give my own opinion without the tiresome business of spending weeks discussing it first. 

So here is my proposal for the overall shape of Brexit. 

Border control signs at Terminal 2 of Heathrow Airport
Work permits for EU nationals will give UK authorities more control while enabling sufficient labour to come here Credit: Neil Hall/Reuters

Introduce work permits for nationals of EU countries – yes, this is bureaucratic, but other countries manage perfectly well to monitor who is working within their borders. Make clear, however, that any of them who get a job here will be given such a permit, unless they have a criminal record, or are on a terror watch list. Say we will not help them look for work, we will not pay them out-of-work benefits, we will not give them social housing and they will have to earn the right to any in-work benefits over time, but if they find work here they can come. 

Pragmatic EU governments would find a plan for work permits and trade arrangements one stop short of the single market a reasonable approach. So would huge numbers of people in Britain

That way, our economy will still be supported by the Europeans who help keep our restaurants, financial services and agriculture running, but we will have control over who comes here and what we give them. If the numbers in any one year were impossibly large, we could stop issuing such permits, but in practice this system would be one significant step short of the freedom of movement we have today, and we would expect the EU to give the same rights to British citizens in return. 

Boris Johnson: Brexit vote was a liberation Boris Johnson: Brexit vote was a liberation Play! 02:05

Imagine at the outset of the negotiations next spring that this is what we have in mind, and that having proposed something that would still allow British people and continental Europeans to take up jobs across the new divide, we are seeking a trading relationship that is correspondingly just one step short of the single market. Tariffs and other barriers would be zero or kept to a minimum, and a clear procedure would be established to settle differences in product standards or regulations, so that they could be broadly equivalent but not necessarily the same. 

Woman on Westminster Bridge with a Union Jack balloon and party hat
We must seek a balanced Brexit that's best for Britain Credit: -/-

Pragmatic EU governments would find this a reasonable approach. So would huge numbers of people in Britain, from both sides of the referendum campaign. The Conservative Party could rally behind it, provided it has the discipline to support a leader who obviously can’t please everybody. A variation on this plan would be to restrict the work permits given to unskilled workers while keeping the better qualified coming in, but this would naturally lead to a less open trading agreement and so carries an economic price. Overall, a plan like this could set the right tone for the talks and lead to a worthwhile agreement. 

Alice Cooper, one of thousands of Remain supporters who gathered outside the Scottish Parliament to show their support for Brexit in June 2016
Peering beyond the EU Credit: Jane Barlow/PA

“Soft” advocates would complain that this would take us out of the single market. The answer to that is that now we’re leaving the EU, it would become intolerable to us anyway to have the entirety of the regulating of our industries and services conducted from Brussels without us having any vote or influence over it. The battle to stay fully in the single market was lost on June 23.

“Hard” thinkers might say this would still let too many people in. But many prominent leaders of the Leave campaign, from Boris Johnson down, argued for control over migrants – not for hurting our own economy by refusing to allow jobs to be filled. 

The answer is to resist the trap of thinking soft or hard. Think what could actually be negotiated, and would be in the best interests of both us and them. And then let’s all support it.