ICCT Research Report NATO Project: Transitioning from Military Interventions to Long-Term Counter-Terrorism Policy

6 Sep 2016

By Prof. Dr. Edwin Bakker, Prof. William Maley and Sergei Boeke LL.M.

This NATO research project focused on assessing how military interventions can best prepare the ground for an effective long term counter-terrorism policy, looking at the interventions in Libya, Afghanistan and Mali. The combined insights of these case studies were distilled into a set of strategic policy recommendations, organised around the three phases of pre-intervention, entry and transition to local authority. The recommendations range from improving early warning methods to clarifying the strategic and political objectives of the intervention, and applying a whole of government approach in working with local partners. While based on the lessons identified and good practices of three very different and complex military operations (and their transitions), these lessons can help avoid common pitfalls that occur in times of crisis.

Read the Report.

How to cite: E. Bakker, W. Maley and S. Boeke. “ICCT Research Report NATO Project: Transitioning from Military Interventions to Long-Term Counter-Terrorism Policy”, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (2016).


Transitioning From Military Interventions to Long-Term Counter-Terrorism Policy (2016) Boeke, S., De Roy van Zuijdewijn, J. & Maley, W. 

soldier-708711_1280-624x399Transitioning From Military Interventions to Long-Term Counter-Terrorism Policy (2014) Boeke, S.



Prosecuting Foreign Terrorist Fighters: What Role for the Military?  (2016) Van Ginkel, B.