Jessica Dorsey J.D., LL.M. – Associate Fellow

Jessica Dorsey is a Research Fellow at ICCT, and a Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute in the areas of International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law. Originally from the United States, she received her J.D. in 2008 while concentrating on international and comparative law (with distinction), before completing her LL.M. (cum laude) in public international law writing her thesis on the responsibility to protect at Utrecht University School of Law in 2010. After her studies, she worked on various legal research projects as well as on a human rights initiative for the Municipality of Utrecht. In 2011, she was a junior lecturer at the Utrecht University School of Law, where she taught general international law and comparative human rights. She also teaches international humanitarian law and international criminal law during a summer field studies program with Duke University in the US.

Jessica is a member of several research networks, including the Law of Armed Conflict and Peace Operations (LACPO) at the University of Amsterdam, The Counterinsurgency Network (COIN), and the Dutch-Flemish Network for Terrorism and Radicalization Research (NVNT) at Leiden University. She is also the Editorial Assistant for the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, an Assistant Editor for the international law weblog Opinio Juris and she collaborated on a project for the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Counter Terrorism investigating the civilian impact of the use of drones. She has also made a name for herself in the use of social media in legal research.

Key Publications include:

Dorsey, J. and C. Paulussen. “Towards a European Position on Armed Drones and Targeted Killing: Surveying EU Counter-Terrorism Perspectives”, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague 6, no. 3 (2015).

Dorsey, J. “Accountability and Transparency in the United States’ Counter-Terrorism Strategy”, Perspectives, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague 6 (2015).

Dorsey, J. and C. Paulussen. “Boundaries of the Battlefield: A Critical Look at the Legal Paradigms and Rules in Countering Terorrism”, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague 4, no. 3 (2013).


Follow Jessica Dorsey on Twitter @jessicadorsey.