
In North America ICCT focuses on the topic of terrorist trials and cases, for example relating to Guantanamo Bay, as well as the future trends of terrorism and countering violent extremism. US policies and the effect of recent UN Resolutions on global counter-terrorism efforts are also important aspects of the Centre’s focus in this region.


In North America ICCT focuses on the topic of terrorist trials and cases, for example relating to Guantanamo Bay, as well as the future trends of terrorism and countering violent extremism. US policies and the effect of recent UN Resolutions on global counter-terrorism efforts are also important aspects of the Centre’s focus in this region.


Perspective | 22 Jan 2015
Accountability and Transparency in the United States’ Counter-Terrorism Strategy

In this Commentary, Research Fellow Jessica Dorsey responds to the recently released CIA "Torture Report" and discusses the accountability and transparency in the counter-terrorism strategy of the United States.

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