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  1. Millionaires will still have to pay taxes on Olympic medals under new provision

  2. Legal battle over American Dream bonds heats up

  3. Drivers are wasting their money on premium gas via

  4. Authorities are focusing on suspected bomber's motive and whether he acted alone

  5. .: Fort Lee mayor is the man in the middle at Bridgegate trial

  6. NY, NJ lawmakers finally agree: New bus terminal should be in Manhattan

  7. With downtown booming, Fort Lee launches inaugural restaurant week

  8. Jury selection continues in assault trial for former Hackensack football star

  9. Trump talks terrorism during North Carolina swing

  10. Paramus Catholic principal returns to work after being abruptly removed

  11. Bridgegate trial: Fort Lee mayor describes how he was courted by Christie aides, then ignored

  12. ICYMI Jury selection begins for three men charged in killing of Paterson girl

  13. Hackensack scraps plan to privatize garbage pickup, easing fears of job cuts

  14. BREAKING: Federal officials charge Elizabeth man with planting bombs in New Jersey and New York City

  15. Cancer-causing metal found in drinking water in Bergen, Passaic counties, report says

  16. Suspected bomber traveled in and out of the country five times in past six years

  17. Disciplinary hearing for retired Palisades Park police chief adjourned after Ramos doesn't show

  18. H.S. sports in 2016: Competition brings out the best in us, but no one wants to lose

  19. Mylan CEO's mother used position with education group to boost EpiPen sales nationwide

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