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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]


Valetta is nineteen miles from Ashburton on the Ashburton-Springburn railway line, which has an entire length of thirty miles. The Valetta estate was originally taken up by Mr. Chalres Hurst. It has an area of 18,000 acres, 10,000 of which is freehold, and the balance is an educational reserve. It extends from the south branch of the Ashburton river to the river Hinds, and is used as a sheep run, very little cropping being done on the estate. Sheep thrive well, and the cultivated land carries three to the acre. The soil along the river bank is good cropping land, but on the plains, it is stony and much lighter. On the Mayfield side of the county there are some good farms, and also some towards Westerfield.