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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Drainage And Sanitation

Drainage And Sanitation.

Though drainage in the city and suburbs is under the control of a Drainage Board, it is appropriate to mention it here. The Board constructs the sewers, and the surface drainage is collected by side channels. House connections are made, and these, together with internal and external sanitary appliances, receive every care, the work being done by plumbers and pipelayers licensed by the Board for the purpose. About six or seven miles from the city, on the New Brighton sandhills, there is a sewage farm, where sewage is distributed over paddocks, which are laid down in grass. A complete system of collecting the refuse has been in operation for a number of years. Formerly the material was carted to a depot outside the city boundary, but it is now consumed in a destructor, constructed on the latest English model. This work is done without cost to individual ratepayers in all cases where the rubbish is put on the street frontage ready for loading; but a small charge is made if the employees of the council have to enter the property for the purpose of removing the refuse.