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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Sports, Games, And Pastimes

Sports, Games, And Pastimes.


The New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association is an affiliation of Amateur Athletic Clubs throughout the colony. It was established in 1887, with its headquarters page 213 in Christchurch, where the annual general meeting is held in the month of October. The objects of the Association, as a general governing body, are: to encourage amateur athletic sports throughout New Zealand; to provide and preserve uniformity of rules for the guidance of amateur clubs; to preserve a good moral tone in athletic sports; and to prevent the encroachments of professional competition. Under the management of the Association an annual Championship Meeting—in which only amateur athletes from the affiliated clubs take part—is held. At the fourteenth annual general meeting on the 18th of October, 1901, the following general officers were elected: President, Mr. C. E. McCormick (Auckland); vice-presidents, Messrs J. Sinclair Thomson (Dunedin A.A.C.), W. L. Hooper (Dunedin Harriers), F. Logan (Napier), J. F. Grierson (South Canterbury), A. H. Anderson (Pioneer Club), W. Taylor (Te Awamutu), Professor Cook (Canterbury College), C. A. Knapp (Wellington), L. B. Wood (North Canterbury Public Schools). Local officers: Messrs W. H. Toy (Auckland), W. L. Hooper (Dunedin), A. M. Stuart (Weltington), J. McNaught (Wanganui). Mr. J. F. Grierson was re-elected honorary treasurer, and Mr L. W. Harley honorary secretary.

Mr. Leonard William Harley, Secretary of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association, was first elected to that post in August, 1896, and during his successive terms of office he has fulfilled his duties with credit to himself, and advantage to the association. He has from his boyhood taken a leading part in athletics; in 1886, and again in the succeeding year, he won the Old Boys' race at Christ's College. In the early nineties he was admittedly a prominent athlete, and his victories up to that time included the 250 Yards Running Championship. In 1885 he represented Lancaster Park Cricket Club in Senior Cup matches, and he has on several occasions been chosen a representative in interprovincial matches. Mr. Harley was born in Christchurch in 1868, and is a son of the late Mr. Edward Steane Harley, who is referred to in another section of this Cyclopedia. He was educated at Christ's College, Christchurch, and trained in a merchant's office. Mr. Harley commenced business on his own account in 1901.

The Pioneer Amateur Bicycle And Athletic Club claims to be the first cycling club formed in New Zealand, and one of the oldest cycling clubs in the world. It was established in 1879 by Messrs H. G. Clark (its first captain), E. C. Farr (its first secretary), J. W. Twentyman, R. T. Searell, H. Hobday, E. C. J. Stevens (its first president), and others. Shortly after its establishment the club acquired rooms over Mr E. Wheeler's studio, but afterwards removed to its present premises in the third storey of the Government Insurance Building. The club is affiliated to the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association and to the New Zealand League of Wheelmen. In 1899 it amalgamated with the Canterbury Amateur Athletic Club, and combined amateur running and other sports with cycling. The club won the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association's championship banner in 1900. Representatives from all the chief clubs in the colony were competing, but the Pioneer Club won by a large majority of points. In 1901 the club sent four representatives to the New Zealand Championship meeting at Auckland, when three of them won New Zealand championships, and a fourth came in second. The whole team was picked to represent the colony at the Australasian Championship meeting. The club has always been conducted on business principles, and it now has a membership of 250, whilst the books show a decided credit balance. Four meetings are held annually in Lancaster Park, where bicycle races, weight throwing, running, jumping and other athletic competitions take place. Officers: Hon. E. C. J. Stevens, president; Dr. Thomas and Messrs A. H. Anderson, A. Lowry, H. Kohn and J. F. Grierson, vicepresidents; Mr. E. E. Daniels, captain; and Mr. H. S. Batchelor, vice-captain.

Mr. J. E. Green, Secretary and Treasurer of the Pioneer Amateur Bicycle and Athletic Club, was born in Christchurch in 1865, and educated at the public schools, and by private tuition. He joined the Government Telegraph Department in 1879.

The Canterbury Athletic And Cycling Club, City Hall, Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch. This club was established in 1899. At its first meeting the following officers were elected; Patron, Mr. G. G. Stead; president, Mr. J. R. Triggs; vicepresidents, Messrs F. A. Cooke, W. F. Burns, E. C. Brown, R. Struthers, W. Reece, J. H. Parker, T. Coverdale, E. C. Ashby, and T. Kincaid; captain, Mr. G. E. Good; deputy captain, Mr. F. McKechnie. Mr. E. J. Righton was temporarily appointed secretary. At first the membership was small, but it now consists of about 243 persons, and the club is amongst the foremost in the colony. At its headquarters the club has a spacious billiard room, a reading room, a social room, furnished with a piano and other conveniences, for winter evening concerts, and other social gatherings. At the back of the hall there is a smaller building, which is reserved by the club for volunteering purposes. It contains a shooting gallery, a volunteer orderly room, and a gymnasium. Officers for the year commencing September, 1901: president, Mr J. H. Parker; vice-presidents, Messrs E. C. Meredith-Kaye, G. E. Good, W. Reece, H. Struthers, and the Hon. Charles Louisson, M.L.C.; captain, Mr. I. Montague; vice-captain, Mr. F. D. Kesteven: secretary, Mr. R. W. Barry; treasurer, Mr. S. A. Edinger. There is also a committee consisting of seven members.

Mr. I. Montague, the Captain of the Canterbury Athletic and Cycling Club, was one of the chief promoters of that popular and progressive body. As a lover of cycling, and social gatherings, he determined, in May, 1899, to organise a social and sports club, for the purpose of providing amusement and recreation for the keepers of the Thursday half holiday. Mr. J. H. Parker ably seconded his efforts, and they soon organised a club confined to men engaged in commercial pursuits. So many joined the movement that the original plan was extended, and the association was named the Canterbury Athletic and Cycling Club. Mr. Montague was elected to the committee, and continued to play a prominent part in the development of the club. Upon the establishment of centres for the League of New Zealand Wheelmen, he was elected to represent the Amberley Cycling Club at the local meeting place, and in 1909 he was appointed chief consul for the North Canterbury centre. In 1901 he accepted the captaincy of the Canterbury Athletic and Cycling Club, which has made substantial progress under his popular management. Mr. Montague was born in 1849. He was educated first at Liverpool, and subsequently at the Cheltenham grammar school. In 1867 he sailed for New Zealand, and on landing at Auckland joined his brother in business, acting, for some years, as commercial traveller for the firm. This position he relinquished in 1878, when he removed to Christchurch and commenced business on his own account in High Street. After conducting an extensive trade for about nine years, he disposed of his business and accepted an appointment as manager of the fancy goods department in the Christchurch branch of the D.I.C., and be still holds this position. Mr. Montague has taken a deep interest in charitable matters, and many of the local institutions have received assistance at his hands. He was married, in 1879, to Miss Isaacs, daughter of a Dunedin resident, and has two daughters and one son.

Standish and Preece, photoMr. I. Montague.

Standish and Preece, photo
Mr. I. Montague.

Mr. Robert William Barry, Secretary to the Canterbury Amateur and Cycling Club, captained the Canterbury representatives on the cricket field for the year 1901. He was born in Christchurch, in 1869, and educated at the public schools and at Christ's College. Mr. Barry has held responsible positions with various commercial firms, and in the Government service, and is now engaged in clerical work.

The New Zealand League Of Wheelmen. Officials for 1902: Mr. A. E. G. Rhodes (president), and Mr. F. D. Kesteven (secretary and treasurer). This society, which was founded in 1892, is the controlling body of cash and amateur cycling, and has seventy clubs in affiliation.

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The Christchurch Cycling Club. Officials for 1902: Mr. R. C. Bishop, president; Dr George Deamer and Messrs E. H. James and J. J. Kinsey, vice-presidents; Mr. F. E. Asquith, secretary and treasurer. This club, which has a large membership, was established in 1893.

The Union Cycling Club is an offshoot from the Christchurch Cycling Club. It was established in August, 1899, with a total membership of thirty-five. In the year of its inception, a suitable allotment was acquired on lease, at 79 Cambridge Terrace, and the present club house was shortly afterwards erected. The building is of wood, is onestorey high, and stands on a concrete foundation. It is divided into three apartments— a reading and committee room, a billiard room, and a card room, the first of which is regularly supplied with numerous periodicals for the use of the members. Meetings are held annually at Lancaster Park. The Union Cycling Club was victorious in the first test match in the inter-club billiard tournament for the Alcock Challenge Shield. Officers for the year 1902: president, Mr R. R. Lightbody; vice-presidents, Messrs E. Fox and Charles Hulston; captain, Mr J. D. Fraser; sub-captain, Mr. W. Mably; secretary and treasurer, Mr. A. T. Washer. There is also a committee consisting of five members.

Mr. Robert Reid Lightbody, President of the Union Cycling Club, was one of the vice-presidents of the club for the first few years of its existence, and in 1901, he was elected president. Mr. Lightbody was born in Wigtonshire, Scotland, in 1861, and arrived in New Zealand in 1887. He was engaged in various commercial undertakings till 1898, when he purchased the business of Messrs Yerex and Jones, American bicycle importers, of Colombo Street. This business he still conducts under the style of Messrs R. Lightbody and Co.

Mr. James Duncan Fraser, Captain of the Union Cycling Club, has been associated with the club since 1899. He became sub-captain in 1900, and in 1901, was elected captain. Mr. Fraser is an enthusiastic cyclist, and the present healthy condition of the Union Cycling Club is, in no small degree, due to his efforts. He is the chosen representative of his club at the North Canterbury Centre of the New Zealand League of Wheelmen. Mr. Fraser is also a footballer, and in that connection holds a high reputation. He has represented the Canterbury province in interprovincial matches some sixteen times, and is at present (January, 1902) delegate for the Merivale Football Club at the Canterbury Rugby Union. Mr. Fraser was born in Christchurch in 1870, educated at the Normal School, and in 1894, entered the hardware department of Messrs Mason, Struthers and Co. He is still in that firm's employment.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. J. D. Fraser.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. J. D. Fraser.

Mr. Authur Theobald Washer, Secretary of the Union Cycling Club, has been associated with cash cycling since its inauguration. He was for six years a member, and at the latter end of that period a committeeman, of the Christchurch Cycling Club. On the formation of the Union Cycling Club, Mr. Washer was appointed treasurer of the new institution, and on the resignation of the original secretary, the offices of secretary and treasurer were combined, and placed under his charge. Mr. Washer was born at Brighton, Sussex, England, in 1855, and arrived in New Zealand in 1866. He landed at Lyttelton, and completed his education at Christ's College, Christchurch. After leaving school he was engaged in various pursuits, until 1890, when he accepted a position in the “Lyttelton Times” office.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. A. T. Washer.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. A. T. Washer.


The Canterbury Rowing Club. Officers for 1901–2: Messrs R. J. S. Harman (president), A. F. N. Blakiston, R. D. Thomas, and A. E. G. Rhodes (vice-presidents), K. W. Fisher (treasurer), G. J. Robertson (secretary), and F. I. Cowlishaw (captain). This Club, which is the oldest in New Zealand, was founded in 1861. The club-house and boat-sheds are situated across the bridge at the junction of Kilmore Street and the East Belt, and consist of a fine two-storey wooden building; the whole of the ground floor being occupied by the plant, comprising thirty-one boats of all descriptions; the upper floor contains committee-rooms and has a social hall. There is a total membership of 200 honorary, life, and active members. Regattas and club-races are held during the season.

Mr. Francis Ion Cowlishaw, Captain of the Canterbury Rowing Club, was born in Christchurch in 1869. He was educated at Rugby and at Oxford, gained his B.A. degree in 1891, and was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple in the following year. Since returning to the Colony in 1893, he has been associated with the legal firm of Messrs Garrick, Cowlishaw and Fisher. He has been interested in the Canterbury Rowing Club for some years, having been a member of committee prior to his election as captain in 1898. He has also been interested in the Amateur Athletic Club, and Christchurch Football Club.

The Union Rowing Club, which in the matter of membership ranks second amongst the Christchurch rowing clubs, was founded in 1866. One of its principal promoters was Mr. Henry Thompson, who is yet and has all along been identified with its fortunes. The shed was then on the opposite side of the river to that of the Canterbury Club, but later the City Council required the site for a road, and the club removed to its present position in Oxford Terrace, a short distance from the East Belt bridge. The ground on which the boathouse stands contains more than a quarter of an acre in area. In 1890 the boathouse, which had been erected some fifteen years previously, was found to be much too small for the plant which the largely increased membership required, and a much more convenient boathouse was built. This, however, was destroyed by fire on the 23rd of June, 1896, and in January of the following year the club opened its present handsome and commodious building, which ranks as the finest equipped boathouse in the Southern Hemisphere. The ground floor is devoted to the storage of plant, and has a large dressing room, with lavatories and other appointments. The next floor has a spacious and well-fitted social hall, handsomely furnished, a large billiard room, a committee room, ladies' rooms, and an extensive balcony and tower. The plant comprises eleven pleasure boats, two semi-racing stumps, three racing stumps, one best-and-best four and one best-and-best convertible pair and doublesculler, three association fours, and one clinker practice four. Besides holding a splendid page 215 record in a long list of victories, the club has the satisfaction of knowing that many of the finest rowers in Christchurch, and in other parts of the colony, can trace their still to the training received in the Union Rowing Club. Meetings for the election of officers are held annually in the month of September. Officers for 1901–1902: president, Mr Joseph Gould; vice-presidents, Messrs R. H. Rhodes C. Lewis, and A. Loughrey; captain, Mr. F. D. Kesteven; deputy-captain, Mr. G. E. Berry: honorary treasurer, Mr. F. A. Moore; honorary secretary, Mr. C. E. Watkins. There is also a committee of seven members.

Mr. Charles Edwin Watkins, Secretary of the Union Rowing Club, has been associated with the club since 1895, and was elected to the office of secretary in 1901. Mr. Watkins was born at Rangiora, in 1877, and is a son of Mr. E. Watkins, principal of the Christchurch Normal School. He received his primary education at the public schools, and afterwards studied at the Christchurch High School. On leaving school he entered the office of Mr. T. G. Russell, barrister and solicitor, and in 1899 was appointed managing clerk to that gentleman.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. C. E. Watkins.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. C. E. Watkins.

The Avon Rowing Club was established in September, 1881. Some of those who figured prominently in its organisation have passed away, but at least two of its founders still survive—Messrs W. Lamb and A. Runge, and Mr. Lamb still takes an active interest in the club. The club's first temporary premises were at Mr. E. Rees' shed, then standing at the bend of the Avon near the East Belt. In the course of a few months a more substantial shed was erected in the neighbourhood by the members, who then numbered fifteen. As time went on the membership increased so much that more commodious sheds became necessary. The club then sold its property to the Union Rowing Club, and bought about half an acre of land about a quarter of a mile further down on the left bank of the river. On that site it erected its present handsome two-storey boathouse. Besides the apartments and fittings essential to a modern boathouse, this establishment contains many conveniences which add to the pleasures of the sport. The dressing room and the lavatory are to the rear of the boat room, which occupies the greater portion of the ground floor. The second storey contains the social room, the ladies' dressing room, and the committee rooms, with a spacious balcony, which overlooks the river. The plant consists of one beat and best four, one association definition four, one clinker practice four, three racing stumps, and a complete pleasure plant, consisting of eight boats, some of which carry as many as fourteen passengers. In competitive matches the Avon Rowing Club has always taken an active part, and, considered in conjunction with its status, it holds a very honourable record. During the winter evenings, quadrille assemblies occupy the social room in the sheds, whilst the hockey club, affiliated to the rowing club, has proved of great service in keeping the members together during the winter months. Officers for the year 1901–02: Mrs E. C. J. Stevens, president; C. Allard, F. Fuller, E. C. Ashby, J. H. Fountaine and H. A. Stewart, vice-presidents; J. McDonald, captain; J. Hannan, vice-captain; E. C. Good, honorary secretary; G. Scott, honorary tresurer.

Mr. John McDonald, Captain of the Avon Rowing Club, became a member of the club in 1889. Three years later he was elected a member of the committee, and in 1895 was chosen captain. Mr. McDonald was born in Christchurch in 1865, and is a son of the late Mr. John McDonald, an early Canterbury pioneer. He was educated at private and public schools, and afterwards apprenticed to the upholstery trade, under Mr. A. J. White, with whom he remained for about twelve years, and was afterwards associated with Mr. Jacobsen in establishing the firm of Jacobsen and McDonald, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, of Madras Street, Christchurch. Mr. McDonald is a member of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, and takes part in its management as a member of the financial committee.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. J. McDonald.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. J. McDonald.

The Christchurch Amateur Rowing Club was founded in 1890, under the
Yachting on the Estuary, Sumner. Photo by F. A. Rosewarne.

Yachting on the Estuary, Sumner. Photo by F. A. Rosewarne.

page 216 title of the Young Men's Christian Association Rowing Club, and continued as such until 1898, when it was reconstructed on somewhat different lines, and renamed. Amongst those who took a prominent part in establishing the club were: Messrs P. Hercus (the first president), R. A. Bradbury, H. H. Smith, E. G. Blunt, and W. Roxburgh. The premises, first occupied, consisted of one room in Mr. Rees' shed at the East Belt, on the corner of the Avon. This was retained till 1892, when the club purchased the premises formerly in the hands of the Union Rowing Club. These served the club's purpose for about two years. In 1894 the club erected the wooden building, which it still occupies, on the right bank of the river, close to the East Belt Bridge. It contains one large boat room, a dressing room, and a committee room. The club's fleet consists of eighteen vessels; namely, three fours—one outrigger, one association, and one practice; one outrigged double-sculler and pair car; one wager boat; four racing stumps, one semi-racing stump, four double-scull or pair-oar practice stumps, one single scull stump; two large pleasure boats and one skiff. Several of these vessels are of the best English make, imported specially by the club. Since 1898 the club has distinguished itself by its frequent successes in competitive events, having won over £300 in prize money since that date. In this connection it is claimed to hold the record among the provincial rowing clubs. Officers: president, Mr. George Humphreys; vicepresident, Mr. J. C. Adams; captain, Mr. R. F. Crosbie; secretary, Mr. J. M. Anderson.

The New Brighton Sailing Club was founded in 1890. At its first meeting it had a membership of twenty. This gradually increased for several years, and at one time the club had a membership of over sixty with a fleet of about a dozen yachts, mostly of the skimming-dish type. Latterly the membership has fallen off, and the club's fleet now comprises only five vessels. The boat shed on the right bank of the Avon at the New Brighton tram bridge, is used only for the storage of yachting material. Officers for 1902: president, Mr. George Slater; captain Mr. Alfred Rides; secretary and treasurer, Mr. C. E. Willsteed.

The Christchurch Sailing Club was established in 1891 by a number of enthusiastic yachtsmen, who desired to encourage the building of yachts and the development of the sport. Since its inception the club has pursued a most progressive course, and now has a membership of about 110. It has its headquarters on the estuary of the Heathcote and Avon, near Sumner, where a boathouse, for the storage of yachting equipments, and a jetty projecting into the estuary, constitute its premises. The fleet connected with the club consists of eleven yachts. These are of the most modern kind, consisting chiefly of the skimming-dish type. Many different styles have been tried, amongst others the proa, but these have now been replaced by up-to-date American designs. Meetings for the purpose of general sport and competitive matches between the various yachts and members of the club take place on Thursdays and Saturdays, and Sunday is reserved for cruising as a recreation. Officers: J. S. Monck, president; A. E. G. Rhodes, W. Rollitt, C. Louisson, M.L.C., G. Laurenson, M.H.R., W. Reece, and S. Brooking, vicepresidents; H. J. Raphael, commodore, R. Kennett, vice-commodore; L. R. Langdown, honorary secretary. There is also a committee of five members.

Mr. John Stanley Monck, President of the Christchurch Sailing Club, has from earliest manhood been an enthusiastic sportsman. He was one of the founders of the Christchurch Sailing Club, and was first elected its president in 1894. Mr. Monck has manifested even deeper interest in other phases of sporting life. As a cricketer he has a considerable reputation, and though now an elderly man, he still takes his place on the cricket field. In his earlier days, he took a prominent part in running championships, and in 1872, was the champion long distance runner for the colony. Mr. Monck was born in 1845 in Berkshire, England, and is a son of Mr. John Bligh Monck, of Coley Park, Reading. He was educated at Bradfield College, Berkshire. On leaving school he sailed for New Zealand, landed at Lyttelton in 1863, and shortly after took up a run near Lake Coleridge, where he lived till 1869. In that year he removed to his present place of residence near Sumner, and was one of the earliest settlers of the district. Mr. Monck went on a visit to England in 1881, and returned in 1882. He was married, in 1870, to Miss Tomes, daughter of an early Canterbury colonist, and has two sons and three daughters.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. J. S. Monck.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. J. S. Monck.

Mr. Leonard R. Langdown, who was appointed Honorary Secretary to the Christchurch Sailing Club in 1901, is an enthusiastic yachtsman. He joined the club in 1894, and, being part owner of a yacht, he has materially assisted in maintaining interest and enthusiasm in the sport. Mr. Langdown also takes considerable interest in rowing and hockey. He has for many years been a member of the Sydenham Hockey Club, in which he has held the various leading offices. In 1898 and 1899 he represented Canterbury in hockey, and in 1900 he was one of the selectors of a team which represented Canterbury against Wellington. Mr. Langdown was born in Christchurch in 1878, and is a son of Mr W. Langdown, well known in commercial circles. He was educated at Warwick House School, Christchurch, and in 1894 was apprenticed as a chemist under the late Mr. George Bonnington, of High Street. In 1900 Mr. Langdown was promoted to the position of assistant in Mr. Bonnington's pharmacy.


The Canterbury Bowling Club was established in 1883, by Messrs R. Struthers, H. Williams, E. C. Ashby, M. Sandstein, D. Christie, J. Foovey, W. Jones, and F. Hobbs. At the first meeting of the club, there were thirty members, and Mr. John Holmes, M.H.R., was elected president. The bowling green, in Cashel Street, opposite the Kaiapoi Woollen Company's promises, is a square allotment, well adapted for the purpose, and over a quarter of an acre in extent. It was secured at the inception of the club, and shortly afterwards a suitable pavilion was erected on the spot. The club now has 110 members. Officers for 1902; president, Mr W. Jacques; vice-president, Mr. C. Duggan; secretary, Mr. H. Hellyer; treasurer, Mr. J. Greig. There is also a committee consisting of five members.

Mr. Henry William Simpson Hellyer, Secretary of the Canterbury Bowling Club, has been an energetic member for some years, and was appointed secretary in April, 1900. Mr. Hellyer is captain of the Christchurch Hockey Club, and was formerly secretary of the Warehousemen's Cricket Club. He was born in Dunedin in 1868, educated at the public schools, trained as a warehouseman, and entered the service of Messrs Sargood, Son, and Ewen in 1887. In 1892 he was transferred to the firm's Christchurch branch, and seven years later was promoted to the post of manager of the hosiery and haberdashery department.


The Canterbury Chess Club was established about 1877, under the title of the Christchurch Chess Club, and was re-named shortly after its inception. Messrs H. M. Lund, H. Hookham, A. Ollivier, and others were among the earliest members, of whom, at first, there were but few, but there are now about fifty. Meetings are held three times a week; namely, on Thursday afternoon, and Tuesday and Friday evenings, in the Chamber of Commerce. Officers for 19011902: President, Mr. J. G. L. Scott; vicepresident, Mr. W. Hunter; secretary, Mr. Charles Wotherspoon; treasurer, Mr J. J. Milner. There is also a committee of six members.

Mr. Charles Wotherspoon was elected Secretary of the Canterbury Chess Club in October, 1899, only a few months after becoming a member. He was born in London, in 1862, and completed his education at Montreaux, on the shore of Lake page 217 Geneva, Switzerland, where he spent some fifteen months. After returning to England, he remained there till his thirty-third year, when, under medical advice, he sailed for New Zealand.


The Canterbury Cricket And Athletic Sports Ground Company, Limited, Lancaster Park. Directors:— Messrs F. Wilding (chairman), F. J. Cowlinhaw, C. H. Croxton, Hon. E. C. J. Stevens, M.L.C., and Dr. Jennings; secretary, Mr. F. D. Kesteven. This company was incorporated in 1878 to acquire the freehold of fourteen acres, which was then a swamp. Many thousands of pounds have since been expended on the property, and it is now one of the largest and most beautiful grounds in the Colony. The whole has been completely fenced, and beautiful terraces and lawns have been constructed on each side. There is a splendid cricket and football ground, large cycling track, and one of the largest swimming baths in the Colony, measuring 150 feet by 84 feet. Lancaster Park is the scene of a very large number of popular athletic events.

The Veterans' Cricket Club was established in Christchurch in 1889 by a gentleman who is no doubt the oldest living cricketer. Mr. George Wilmer, who is president, treasurer, and captain of the club. There are about forty-eight members, none of whom are qualified to join until they attain the age of fifty years. The Veteran Cricketers have been successful in winning many matches and their performances, it is needless to say, are watched with great interest during the cricket season.

Mr. George Wilmer, President, Treasurer, and Captain of the Christchurch Veterans' Cricket Club, is an old pioneer Colonist. He was born in Pulborough, Sussex, in 1816, educated in his native town and brought up to mercantile pursuits. In 1858 he landed in Lyttelton, after having been for three years previously in the Australian Colonies. Mr. Wilmer imported three cargoes of horses from Australia and a large number of cattle from the North Island, and took up a run of some 33,000 acres in the Nelson provincial district, which he stocked and worked for a number of years. Eventually selling his interest to advantage, Mr. Wilmer acquired land in the Riccarton district, where he engaged in sheep-farming. His private residence in Durham Street, Christchurch, where he still lives, was built soon after he settled in Canterbury. Mr. Wilmer has been an enthusiastic cricketer for more than threescore years and ten, having played since he was ten years of age; and it is not surprising that “his boys,” as he calls the members of the Christchurch Veterans' Cricket Club, the average age of whom is sixty-three, should be proud of their captain. Their esteem for him has been shown by presentations on his birthday with inscribed silver plate, a silver cup, a handsomely framed portrait, and a cap with splendid gold badge. Mr. Wilmer was shipwrecked off Waikouaiti on a voyage from Lyttelton to Dunedin with three valuable horses of his own breeding, and nine hundred copies of his Elementary Geography of New Zealand published in 1871–1872. He was married in 1848 to a daughter of the late Mr. J. Kidd, of Steyning, Sussex, and has three sons and one daughter living. Mrs Wilmer's father and brother were large grain merchants in Mark Lane, London. A beautiful oil painting of Mr. Wilmer was executed and presented to him by Mr. Van der Velden, the celebrated artist. While in Australia Mr. Wilmer led a very adventurous life, travelling thousands of miles, including the journey from Sydney to Melbourne twice with mobs of horses. He was laid up for nine weeks at one time with a broken leg. Mr Wilmer wrote a history of his travels in Australia, and it was published in London.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. G. Wilmer.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. G. Wilmer.


Canterbury Rugby Union. Officers for 1901–2: Messrs A. E. G. Rhodes, president), G. H. Mason, J. C. Adams, and W. H. Meikleham (vice-presidents), W. G. Garrard (secretary), and F. E. Asquith (honorary treasurer). The union, which was established in 1876, is the governing body of football in Canterbury. There are thirtyseven affiliated clubs, having a total approximate membership of 2800. The union holds three competitions in Christchurch each year, namely, senior, junior, and third class, and, under its auspices, there are competitions in the North Canterbury district, Akaroa, and at Ellesmere every year.

Mr. William George Garrard. Honorary Secretary to the Canterbury Rugby Union, was born in London in 1865, and arrived in the Colony with his parents in his infancy. Educated in Nelson, he was brought up to the business of a gun maker by his father. He has been interested in football since 1881, was an active player till 1889, and was appointed to the position he now holds in 1895. He has been a cricketer all his life, and is a member of the Midland Club, and was also a member of the Christchurch Amateur Athletic Club from 1885 to 1896. Mr. Garrard is a representative on the Governing Board of trotting in New Zealand, and has been a delegate to the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association since its foundation. He was married in 1895 to a daughter of Mr. E. Beardsley, of Manchester Street, Christchurch.


The Canterbury Hockey Association was established on the 7th of April, 1898. It consists of clubs accepted by the Association and which subscribe to it. Each club appoints two delegates, and a delegate cannot represent more than one club. One of the objects of the association is to uphold the English Hockey Association's laws of the game, and to adopt all alterations and amendments which the English Hockey Association may think fit to make. At present (1902) the members of the association number 350; and Mr. C. Lewis is president, Messrs W. Johnson and H. N. Bates, vice-presidents, Mr. H. J. Yates, honorary secretary, Mr F. Freeman, honorary assistant secretary, and Mr. T. Smith, treasurer.

Mr. Harry Yates, Secretary of the Canterbury Hockey Association, was born in Christchurch in 1876. He has taken a very keen interest in hockey since 1897, when he first played for the Young Men's Christian Association Club. Mr. Yates came into prominence as a player two years later, when he represented North Canterbury against South Canterbury. Since then he has played for the page 218 Addington Club, which is recognised as the coming premier team in this branch of sport. He was one of the founders of the Addington Club, and its first secretary. Mr. Yates has not restricted himself to hockey, as he played in the cricket competition for the combined Sydenham and Addington Clubs. He is also a member of the Christchurch Amateur Rowing Club. Mr. Yates was employed for eleven years with Messrs Redfern and Co., printers and stationers, and is now in the service of Messrs Caygill and Co.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.Mr. H. Yates.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.
Mr. H. Yates.

Mr. F. Bull was born in Christchurch in 1875, and educated at the West Christchurch School. He has had a very successful career in athletics, especially in connection with hockey. In 1897 he first played for the Sydenham Club, and came into prommence by his splendid play as goal-keeper. Since then he has played in a number of important matches, against the Saturday representative team, Wellington and South Canterbury. The Sydenham and Addington Cricket Club secured his services for 1900 and 1901, and he also joined the Sydenham Football Club. He is recognised as an all round sportsman, and probably has no equal in the province as goal-keeper in hockey.

Standish and Preece photo.Mr. F. Bull.

Standish and Preece photo.
Mr. F. Bull.

Mr. L. R. Loe was born at Leeston, Canterbury, in 1879, educated at the Sydenham School and began business with Messrs Sargood, Son and Ewen. After being for three years with that firm he took up his present position as commercial traveller for Messrs Duckworth and Turner, of Sydenham. His first season at hockey was that of 1896. Since then he has captained for the Sydennam team, which for the last two years has won the championship without defeat. Mr. Loe is regarded as one of the most consistent players in the province, and has shown his knowledge of the game by the position in which he has placed his team. He was chosen to represent North Canterbury in the match against South Canterbury two years ago, as threequarter back, and this season (1902) has already been chosen for the trial matches.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. L. R. Loe.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. L. R. Loe.

Mr. R. Vincent was born at Temuka, South Canterbury, and educated at Christ's College. He is particularly well known as a player of hockey, and is looked on as a coming man in connection with that interesting sport. Mr. Vincent represented Canterbury against South Canterbury in 1901, and also went to Wellington with the Canterbury representative team. He plays half-back for the Sydenham Club, which has won the championship for two years without defeat. Mr. Vincent has been for two years in his present position as a salesman in the establishment of Messrs Bring, Harris and Co.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. R. Vincent.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. R. Vincent.

Mr. A. Rankin was born in Christchurch, and educated at the West Christchurch School. From early boyhood he showed a great liking for athletics, and has been exceptionally successful in various kinds of sport. He captained the Young Men's Christian Association hockey senior team in 1899 and 1900, and the United Team in 1901, and also the Addington senior team in 1902. Mr Rankin represented the province in 1898, 1899 and 1900 against Wellington and South Canterbury. He is recognised everywhere as an able player; his position is centre forward.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. A. Rankin.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. A. Rankin.

Mr. W. Sherris was born in Christchurch, in 1876, and educated at the East Christchurch School and at the Boys' High School. Some years ago he joined the clerical staff of Messrs Chrystall and Co., and he still holds a position as clerk in the same establishment under its new ownership. Mr. Sherris is known as a lover of sport, but has not given his time to any particular branch of athletics. He has held office in the East Christchurch Hockey Club since its formation, and captained its Senior Eleven in 1901 and 1902, and plays forward. Mr. Sherris also took an active part in the Avon Rowing Club, and held office for several years. He was for some time a playing member of the Linwood Football Club, and is also a member of the Avonside Tennis Club.

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Mr. G. F. Vear has from early boyhood taken a keen interest in athletic sports, and has taken part in many successful gymnastic displays. In conjunction with two or three ex-English players, he helped to form the first Thursday Hockey Club in Christchurch five years ago, namely, “The Grocers.” This club is now flourishing under the name of the United Club, of which Mr. Vear is now (1902) captain. Mr. Vear has played in five representative matches, and in the season of 1901 he was unanimously elected to captain the Canterbury representative team at Wellington. He is referred to in another article as an umbrella manufacturer.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. G. F. Vear.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. G. F. Vear.


The Homing Pigeon Society, Christchurch, was founded in 1888 for the purpose of encouraging the training and improvement of homing pigeons. Messrs A. Smith, E. Rees, and Captain Mather, and other enthusiastic bird fanciers, brought their energies to the task of organisation. From the time of its inception the society has held its own, and of recent years has become extremely popular. Its membership now (February, 1902) numbers about forty, and each successive year is marked by further admissions and additional enthusiasm. There are two training seasons during the year, the former for the younger, and the latter for the older birds. Training operations are systematically carried on, between Christchurch and northern and southern centres, by a large number of members, and competitive flying matches, which are actively and frequently indulged in, are interesting events of the season. Some of these matches, particularly those from Invercargill and Gisborne, have been flown in so short a space of time that they rank as records for New Zealand. The annual meeting for the election of officers is held at the rooms of the society, in Cashel Street, early in the month of August. The officers elected in August, 1901 were: S. Saunders, president; C. Louisson, T. Gapes, A. Smith, W. Earnshaw, E. D. Rees and Captain Mather, also I. Hopkins (Auckland) and J. Hopkins (Wellington) vice-presidents; F. A. Butterfield, honorary secretary; and F. Wilson, honorary treasurer. There is also a managing committee consisting of five members.

Mr. Frederick Arthur Butterfield, Honorary Secretary of the Christchurch Homing Pigeon Society, has taken an active interest in pigeon flying from early youth. He became a member of the Christchurch Homing Pigeon Society in 1892. Shortly after joining he was elected to the committee, and in 1899 he was appointed treasurer. Mr Butterfield is one of the keenest of sportsmen. He has always occupied a prominent place amongst the most enthusiastic members of the society, and much of the recent popularity of the movement is traceable to his efforts. He is also a man of musical taste, and has frequently sung on the public platform. Mr. Butterfield, was born at St. Albans, Christchurch, in 1875, and is a son of Mr. R. Butterfield, carpenter, of that borough. He was educated at the Normal School, Christchurch, and afterwards trained as a house decorator and painter.

The Canterbury Kennel Club was established in 1898, to improve the breeding and classification of dogs generally, to adopt the latest standards recognised by the English Kennel Club for judging, to hold periodical shows when considered desirable, and to act in co-operation with other clubs for the furtherance of these objects. The club, like all kindred societies throughout the colony, is under the supreme control of the New Zealand Kennel Club, but is locally managed by a committee and club officials. At its first meeting there were fifty-eight members, and there are now (1902) sixty-two. Club meetings are held monthly in the secretary's office, at 186 Gloucester Street, and an annual meeting for the election of officers is held in the month of December. Officers for 1902: President, Mr. P. Campbell; vice-presidents, there are twelve names under this heading; secretary, Mr. F. Notley Meadows; treasurer, Mr. W. C. Leversedge. There is also a managing committee of nine members.

Racing And Sporting.

New Zealand Trotting Association. Officials for 1901: Messrs P. Selig (president), C. S. Howell (vice-president), A. L. Meyers (honorary treasurer), and W. Rollitt (secretary). Office: 8 Morten's Buildings, Cathedral Square, Christchurch. A conference of the whole of the trotting clubs in the colony was held in Wellington in 1897, when it was decided that an association should govern the whole of the trotting in New Zealand. There are now twelve clubs in association, and these are represented by delegates. The constitution provides for an annual conference, which has power to settle all disputes brought before it, and may make alterations in the rules of trotting. It holds an annual meeting in the month of July, and the president, secretary, and treasurer form the executive, with authority to pass all programmes for trotting meetings, and generally to act as a controlling body. Nearly 900 licenses to trainers, riders, and drivers were issued in the season of 1900–1901.

The Canterbury Jockey Club was established in 1854, and held its first meeting at Easter, 1855, and the stakes for that year amounted to the sum of £185. As a contrast to this small beginning, the club now holds four meetings in the year, namely, the Grand National, Spring, Summer, and Easter meetings, and the total stakes for the year 1897–8 amounted to £15,205. The officials of the club for the year 1901–2 are: Stewards, Sir G. Clifford, Hon. L. Walker, Messrs A. Boyle, H. A. Knight, —. Rutherford, T. Teschemaker, P. Campbell, C. G. Dalgety, F. H. Pyne, J. B. Reid, A. E. G. Rhodes, R. H. Rhodes; committee, Sir G. Clifford, Messrs W. F. M. Buckley, A. Boyle, P. Campbell, G. Martin, R. M. Morten, F. H. Pyne, J. B. Reid, F. Bassett, C. G. Dalgety, B. L. Lane, J. G. F. Palmer, and C. Hood Williams; chairman, Sir George Clifford; honorary treasurer, Mr. G. G. Stead; judge, Mr W. H. Hartgill; clerk of the scales, Mr. A. Evans; starter, Mr. H. Piper; clerk of the course, Mr. H. Thompson; handicapper, Mr. J. E. Henrys; secretary, Mr. W. H. E. Wanklyn. The racecourse and grounds situated at Riccarton are 300 acres in extent, vested in trustees by Act of Parliament. The use of the racecourse is granted to the club, which has expended altogether the sum of £20,000 in improvements. There is a railway siding to the ground, and three stands, capable of accommodating 3000 people, with stewards' room, refreshment booths, waiting-room, and tea-room, besides saddling paddocks, judge's box, and other appurtenances. The Canterbury Jockey Club is page 220 reputed to be one of the wealthiest of its kind in New Zealand. In addition to the money expended in the way mentioned, the club has £4000 invested as a reserve fund.

Mr. William Henry Endill Wanklyn, Secretary of the Canterbury Jockey Club, was born in Monmouthshire, in 1858. He was brought up as an accountant. After arriving in Wellington per ship “Rakaia” in 1877, he was for two years in the bank at Hawera; after which he commenced business us an accountant and commission agent, and for eleven years was clerk to the Hawera Town Board, and later town clerk of the borough. Mr. Wanklyn was appointed to his present position in 1890. He was married in 1889 to a daughter of the Rev. Canon Gould, of Otahuhu, Auckland, and has two sons.

The Plumpton Park Trotting Club. Meetings of this club are held at the Plumpton Park grounds, Sockburn, which are the freehold property of the club and consist of seventy-five acres. They are kept in good order, and are equipped with grandstand, boxes, and all necessary buildings. The club was established in 1889.

Mr. Charles Selby Howell, Chairman of the Plumpton Park Racing and Trotting Club, was born in 1836 in Stroud, Gloucestershire. He was educated at the parish school, known as the Red Coat School, because the boys wore scarlet coats and vests in fulfilment of a benefaction left by some ancient hunting squire for that purpose. Mr. Howell, senior, who was schoolmaster and parish clerk for over fifty years, was an old Peninsula veteran, having been taken by a press gang in Bristol. He served for some twelve years; his last ship the “Duke of York,” 74, of which he was paymaster, was at the taking of Martinique from the French in 1794. The subject of this notice was brought up as a saddler and followed his trade in Bristol, Bath, Penzance, Birmingham, Oxford, London, and several towns in South Wales, and gained great experience before leaving for this Colony in 1859. He arrived in Lyttelton in 1860 by the ship “Roman Emperor.” Nine months later Mr. Howell went to Sydney and was employed by Mr. John Brush and Mr. James Roth well for three years. On returning to Christchurch he was engaged by his former employer, Mr. C. Angus, as foreman until the year 1873, when he entered into partnership with Mr. William White; but after some eighteen months, the partnership was dissolved and Mr. Howell opened in Tattersall's on his own account, carrying on a profitable and successful business until December, 1895, when he sold out to his two eldest sons. Mr. Howell from his youth upwards has taken a great interest in racing and trotting matters (as almost part of his business) and was one of the early promoters of the Plumpton Park Racing and Trotting Club and has used his best endeavours in the capacities of gateman, secretary, treasurer, Judge, and chairman, to bring the club to the successful position which it has attained. This is the only trotting club in New Zealand that possesses a racing and training track with grounds of its own. Mr. Howell is a member of the Masonic Order, his parent lodge being the St. Augustine. He was married in 1867 at St. John's, Christchurch, to Miss Maggie Hall, daughter of the late Mr. James Hall, surveyor of Musselburgh, Scotland, and has four sons and two daughters living; and has resided for over a quarter of a century at St. Martin's, near Christchurch.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. C. S. Howell.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. C. S. Howell.

The New Brighton Trotting Club was formed in 1890, and holds two meetings each year at the New Brighton racecourse. About £1,300 is distributed in stakes at each meeting.

Mr. Hugh McIlraith, President of the New Brighton Trotting Club, was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, and comes of a very old family, who were heritors in the county of Ayr for over four hundred years. The family owned and lived upon a property in Carrick from the year 1630 till the death of Mr. McIlraith's father. Born in 1836, and educated in his native land, the subject of this notice was brought up to sheepfarming, and left Scotland at the age of nineteen. During a prolonged sojourn in Australia, Mr. McHraith gained much experience. In 1856 he arrived in Canterbury, and soon after commenced sheepfarming in the Malvern Hills district. Subsequently he acquired 26,000 acres of freehold in the Amuri district, where he continued till 1876, when he returned to Canterbury, having bought a large freehold which he reclaimed and farmed, but finally retired from business in 1885. Mr McHraith's object as a colonist has always been to improve his property, by planting and ploughing, by keeping first-class stock of all kinds, and improving by importation when required. He has taken an interest in trotting clubs and other associations purely with the object of encouraging the breeding of a good stamp of animal; he is one of the few who do not bet, and has not raced a trotting horse. Mr. McIlraith was president of the New Zealand Trotting Association, and afterwards of the Canterbury Trotting Club, and has been connected with the New Brighton Trotting Club for several years. He is one of the original and life members of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association, and has always taken an active interest in the Christchurch shows, holding office as marshal and member of the committee. Mr. McIlraith sat for the electoral district of Cheviot in the House of Representatives in 1882–1884. During his residence in the Amuri district he was for many years a member of the road board, and also its chairman. He was a Justice of the Peace from 1865 till 1896, when he resigned his commission. Mr. McIlraith was married, in 1864, to a daughter of Mr. William Lyon, of the well-known firm of Lyon and Blair, Wellington, and has four sons and five daughters living.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. H. McIlraith.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. H. McIlraith.

Mr Andrew Innes Rattray, Secretary of the New Brighton Trotting Club, was born in Stirlingshire, Scotland, in 1858, and arrived in Lyttelton with his parents at the age of four years. Educated at the old High School, Christchurch, he was employed for eighteen months at Matheson's agency, a branch of the firm of Matheson and Co., of London. In 1875, he joined the Bank of New Zealand and remained in the service of the bank for ten years, rising to the position of chief of the bill department. Owing to ill-health, Mr. Rattray left the bank's service, and in 1890 became secretary of the Canterbury Trotting Club. He holds the same office in connection with the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club, page 221
Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.Mr. A. I. Rattray.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.
Mr. A. I. Rattray.

the Plumpton Park Trotting Club, and the Christchurch Racing Club.

The Christchurch Hunt Club dates back to the early days of the province, when the absence of cultivated fields and the scarcity of wire fences left the plain comparatively open for sport. Few of those who took part in the organisation of the club are now associated with it. During the season the hounds meet two or three times a week, and, on an average, about sixty-five members assemble at the different meets. The hounds, which are claimed to be one of the finest packs in the colony, number twenty couples. Hares are plentiful, and it is estimated that about forty are killed every season. During recent years, through the increase of fences and hedges, the club has had really nice country to hunt over. Officers for 1902; Mr R. H. Rhodes, M.H.R., president; Mr. F. D. Neave, vice-president; Mr. J. D. Hall, secretary; Mr. C. Palairet, treasurer; Mr. Arthur Lyon, master of the hounds; Mr. John Selby, huntsman.

Christchurch Hunt Club.

Christchurch Hunt Club.

Mr. Arthur Lyon, Master of the Hounds to the Christchurch Hunt Club, has occupied that post since 1887, and has conducted the work of the club with tact and ability. He is the son of the late Mr. Frederick Lyon, one of the keenest of English sportsmen, who was killed by a fall from his horse, at the age of seventy-six, while following the North Warwickshire hounds in England. Born in Cheshire, in 1857, and educated at Rugby, Mr. Lyon early turned his attention to hunting, with which he was associated in England, until leaving for New Zealand, in 1883. On his way out Mr. Lyon spent three years in America, during which he was engaged as huntsman for the Minnesota foxhounds of Fairnon, Martin County. On arriving in New Zealand he turned his attention to farming on Banks' Peninsula, and later at Templeton, but afterwards disposed of his properties and retired into private life. Since then Mr. Lyon has given much of his leisure to the affairs of the hunt club, the welfare of which he has so much at heart. Mr. Lyon was married, in 1883, to Miss Sylvia Westenra, daughter of Mr. R. Westenra, of Christchurch. She died in 1898, leaving four daughters, of whom three now survive.

Mr. John Henry Selby, Huntsman to the Christchurch Hunt Club, was appointed to the position in 1901. He is a son of Mr. Arthur Selby, who is referred to in the Auckland volume of the Cyclopedia, as huntsman to the Pakuranga Hunt Club, and was born at Sevenoaks, England, in 1874, and educated partly in England and partly in the colony. In 1883 he came to New Zealand with his father, who was for some years engaged in agriculture in the provincial district of Wellington. When his father became huntsman to the Pakuranga Hunt Club, Mr. J. H. Selby began to take a keen interest in the sport, and acted as whip for that page 222 club from 1895 until he joined the Canterbury Hunt Club.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.Mr. J. H. Selby.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.
Mr. J. H. Selby.


The Canterbury Caledonian Society. His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand is patron of this society, and at present (1902) Mr. Patrick Campbell is president; Messrs J. Connal, W. Sey, R. Struthers, and Dr. Thomas, vice-presidents; Messrs J. Faith, G. Ferguson, J. Greig, P. M. Johnston, W. F. McLean, W. H. Meikleham, D. Neave, A. Neil, W. E. Ramsay, G. Ritchie, A. W. Ross, G. J. C. Smart, W. Smith, C. Sturrock, and J. Wood, directors. Mr. R. Sutherland is honorary treasurer, and the secretary, whose office is at 49 Cathedral Square, Christchurch, is Mr. C. J. Marshall. The society was established in 1881 for the promotion of benevolence, education, national literature, customs, accomplishments, and social intercourse. It continues to be in a flourishing condition, with a membership of about 130. The society has balances to the credit of its benevolent and scholarship funds. An annual scholarship of £15 a year cash, tenable for two years, is provided by the society, and entitles a pupil of one of the public schools to tuition at the Boys' High School or Girls' High School. The society's rooms are on the first floor of the National Mortgage and Agency Buildings, 162 Hereford Street, Christchurch, and the public hall affords accommodation for 200 persons. Regular weekly socials are held during the winter months. Special occasions, such as St. Andrew's Right, the Burns Anniversary, and Hogmanay are, of course, duly kept up at the rooms. The trophies, valued by the members, include a magnificent ram's head of the royal blackfaced sheep from Perthshire. Scotland, set with two amethysts and a large cairngorm; an autograph letter, dated 1787, from Robert Burns, and another from James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd. There is a good reference library at the society's rooms.

Mr. Patrick Campbell, of “Ilam,” President of the Canterbury Caledonian Society, is a descendant of an old Scottish family, the Campbells of Kinloch, among whom have been numbered many prominent military officers. His cousin, Charles Campbell, contested the succession to the Earldom of Breadalbane, and, after eleven years of litigation, the suit was decided against him, in the Lyons Court of Edinburgh, by seven judges to four. He was born in Perth in 1844, educated at Cheltenham College and by private tuition, and came to Wellington, via Panama, in the s.s. “Rakaia” at the same time as Sir Charles Clifford, Hon. W. Robinson and other prominent colonists were returning to New Zealand. After a short time in the North Island, Mr. Campbell settled in Canterbury, and with the exception of five years from 1878 to 1883, when he made a tour of the world and visited his brothers on the Indian frontier, he has been closely identified, with the provincial district and taken a very considerable interest in thoroughbred stock. He was the importer of the celebrated sire “Perkin Warbeck,” and in conjunction with Mr. John Studholme, of the entire “Ingomar” and the mare “Corsyra”; in conjunction with Mr. T. Teschemaker of the entire “Meliboeus”; and, with Mr. G. G. Stead, of the horses “Obligado” and “Sandhurst.” Mr. Campbell sent the late Hon. W. Robinson's celebrated mare “Engagement,” sister of “Martini-Henri,” to England, where she became the mother of a foal by “St. Serf,” and of one by “Whittier,” which, in 1901, was “placed” in the Sandown Park 5000 guinea stakes, in which 230 stallions were nominated. He has been intimately connected with the Canterbury Jockey Club since the early seventies as a member of the committee or as steward, and for a long time was honorary starter. He has always been passionately fond of sport of all kinds; in the sixties he found pleasure in organising paperchases and has done a good deal of crosscountry riding. Mr. Campbell was one of
Junction of Avon and Ota-Kakaro Rivers at “Ilam.” (Mr. P. Campbell's Residence.)

Junction of Avon and Ota-Kakaro Rivers at “Ilam.”
(Mr. P. Campbell's Residence.)

page 223 the first, in conjunction with Mr. Fred. Moore, of Messrs Dalgety and Co., to import hounds into the colony. As a volunteer, he raised the Canterbury Scottish Rifle Volunteers in 1884, in which he served as captain till his retirement in 1890, when he paid a visit to England. Mr. Campbell was married in 1890, to the youngest daughter of the Hon. W. Robinson, of Cheviot, and has two sons and two daughters.

Mr. William Sey, Vice-President of the Canterbury Caledonian Society, was born in 1752 [sic], in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and served an apprenticeship to his trade in Aberdeen. He arrived in the Colony in 1880, and after gaining a short experience in Christchurch, joined Mr. Macmillan in the following year under the style of Macmillan and Sey, as painters, etc., in Colombo Street. Mr. Macmillan retired from the business in 1888, since which Mr. Sey has conducted a large trade on his own account.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. W. Sey.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. W. Sey.

Mr. Peter Martin Johnston, one of the Vice-presidents of the Canterbury Caledonian Society, is a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, where he was born in 1856. He was brought by his parents to Lyttelton by the ship “Glentanner,” in 1857, and was educated in Christchurch, where also he learned his trade of engineer and general smith. For a good many years he was a partner in the firm of Messrs. W. and P. Johnston, engineers, and has conducted business on his own account since 1892. Mr. Johnston has taken a keen interest in the Caledonian Society almost from its inception; he was a director for many years, and became vice-president in 1896.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. P. M Johnston.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. P. M Johnston.

Mr. Robert Sutherland, who has been honorary treasurer of the Canterbury Caledonian Society since its foundation, is a native of Caithness, Scotland, where he was born in 1834, and was educated in his native county. Mr. Sutherland landed in Melbourne from the ship “James Bains” in 1855, and after being in employment for a short time as a clerk, had a considerable gold-mining experience at Ballarat, Bendigo, and Woolshed Creek, and other fields. He came to New Zealand in 1862, and worked at Waipori, Fox's, and Lake Wakatipu diggings. In June of the following year Mr. Sutherland came to Christchurch, where he became well and favourably known in connection with the large grocery business in Cashel Street, in which for a time his late brother Daniel was associated with him. Since 1888 Mr. Sutherland has been in business as a broker, commission and financial agent. He is a life member of the Canterbury Agricultural Association in which he takes great interest, and has been an energetic member of the committee of that body for about twenty years. Mr. Sutherland has long been connected with St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, of which he was treasurer from 1867 to 1888.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. R. Sutherland.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. R. Sutherland.

Mr. Charles James Marshall, Secretary of the Caledonian Society, was born in Edinburgh, where he served his articles in a law office. He arrived in New Zealand in 1879, and for ten years was managing clerk in the office of Mr. T. S. Weston, barrister-at-law, and for two years with Sir Robert Stout. In March, 1892, he established himself in business as a licensed land and estate agent under the Land Transfer Act. Mr. Marshall is secretary of the New Brighton Tramway Company, Ltd., and a member of the New Brighton school committee, and has been a member of the New Brighton Borough Council. He is attached to Christchurch Masonic Lodge N.Z.C., in which he was some time treasurer and also junior warden. In 1884 he was married to a daughter of Mr. John Miln, one of the Canterbury Pilgrims, and member of the old provincial council, and has one son and two daughters.

Canterbury Society Of Arts. Officials for 1902: The Hon. E.C.J. Stevens, M.L.C. (president), His Honour Mr. Justice Denniston, Captain Garsia, Messrs R. D. Thomas, J. Gibb, and G. Herbert Elliott (vice-presidents), Messrs R. F. Fereday, A. W. Walsh, W. M. Gibb, W. A. Bowring, H. Gibson, R. A. Gill, and R. H. Rhodes (council), S. H. Seager (honorary treasurer), and Miss C. Lean (secretary). This flourishing society was incorporated under the Companies Act in 1889. The objects for which it was established are to promote the study and cultivation of the fine arts in New Zealand, to encourage the production of works of art by periodical exhibitions at Christchurch, to provide means of instruction to art students, the holding of periodical art unions, and generally to encourage art and artists in every possible and reasonable way. The first building of the society was erected at the corner of Armagh and Durham Streets; it was of brick and one storey in height, but has since been considerably enlarged. Its dimensions were about 120 × 50 feet, and it was intended and is now used as an Art Gallery, pictures being suspended on all sides. Some of these pictures are very valuable, several of them being selected by the late Lord Leighton, President of the Royal Academy. The gallery was considerably enlarged in 1894, a fine dancing-room being an important addition. The floor of the room is laid on carriage springs so as to make it more suitable page 224 for dancing. Adjoining the dancingroom, and opening from the Art Gallery, is the water-colour room, often used also as a drawing-room. Then comes a small smoking-room, which communicates with the kitchen. At the entrance from Armagh Street are the secretary's offices and apartments. The financial position of the society is highly satisfactory, the assets comprising the building valued at £3800, including furniture, and the permanent art collections valued at over £1000. The gallery and dancing-room are frequently let for meetings, entertainments and balls, yielding a good revenue.

The Canterbury Acclimatisation Society. Officers for 1901: Mr. J. B. Fisher, president; Dr B. M. Moorhouse, and Mr. A. Carrick, vice-presidents; Messrs W. H. Burton, L. E. Clark, W. J. Edwards, R. D. Harman, J. Hayden, W. Izard, J. Ingram, G. King, C. R. Meredith-Kaye, G. McHaffie, H. N. Nalder, G. B. Ritchie, A. Scott, C. J. Sloman, E. Stead, Professor Wall and L. Wilson, councillors; Mr. G. W. Bennet, honorary auditor; and Mr. H. A. Bruce, secretary and treasurer. Offices, 140 Hereford Street, Christchurch. This society, which was established in 1864, has accomplished a great deal in furthering the work of acclimatisation in the Canterbury provincial district. The gardens of the society occupy a portion of Hagley Park, lying between the Hospital grounds and the Riccarton Road. In the ponds, a large number of fish are kept in stock, and considerable numbers are distributed year by year; hundreds of thousands have been distributed by the society since its inception, and arrangements are made from time to time to exchange with kindred societies in the North as well as in the South Island. In addition to the attractions of the fish-ponds, there fire a considerable number of birds, comprising different varieties of ducks, pheasants, emus, and native birds, besides some kangaroos, red deer, opossums, a wallaby, a monkey, etc. The finances of the society appear to be in a satisfactory condition, and the year which ended on the 31st of March, 1901, showed a credit balance of £329 Os 6d. The income derived is largely the product of fish and game licenses, as well as of the sale of fish, game, and eggs.

The Agricultural And Pastoral Association. Office, Canterbury Agricultural and Industrial Hall, Manchester Street, Christchurch. Patron, Sir John Hall; president (1902), Dr E. G. Levinge; vice-president, D. D. Macfarlane; general committee, T. W. Adams, A. W. Beaven, A. Chamberlain, Thomas Chapman, Sir George Clifford, C. Dampier-Crossley, Peter Duncan, J. Hay, G. Gould, J. Henderson, C. P. Hugonin, H. A. Knight, R. Latter, Charles Lewis, W. Lowrie, John Murchison, F. J. Millton, J. D. Millton, R. M. Macdonald, J. Montgomery, E. V. Palmer, H. E. Peryman, J. B. Reid, and Robert Reid, G. Gray, F.C.S. (lecturer on chemistry at Canterbury Agricultural College), honorary consulting chemist; M. Murphy, F.L.S., Editor of Journal and Yard Books; A. A. M. McKellar, treasurer, and O. B. Pemberton, secretary. Past presidents; F. A. Archer, H. P. Murray-Aynsley, John Anderson, William Boag, John Deans, John Ferguson, J. T. Ford, William Henderson, Sir John Hall, George Jameson, David McMillan, Henry Overton, Hon. J. T. Peacock, William Reece, A. E. G. Rhodes, R. Heaton Rhodes, G. E. Rhodes, E. G. Staveley. This association was inaugurated in 1863, when its patron was the late Mr. W. S. Moorhouse, Superintendent of the Province, the late Mr. R. Wilkin, its president, and Mr. J. Brittan, vice-president. The first show was held in the year of its inception, and since then shows have been regularly held. The association is incorporated under the Agricultural and Pastoral Associations' Act, 1877. Its well-known and valuable grounds at Addington comprise thirty-six acres, and are approached by a railway siding, for the conveyance of passengers and live stock; the main entrance gates open from the Lincoln Road, where ample facilities are provided for pedestrians and equestrians. Since purchasing the property, the association has expended a sum of about £5000 in fencing, buildings, and stalls, and in general improvements to the grounds. The bricks used for the handsome front wall were presented by the first Mr. John Deans, of Riccarton; the fine iron gate was the gift of the Hon. J. T. Peacock, M.L.C., and the well,. which is sunk to a depth of 360 feet, and has a splendid flow of water, was presented by Mr. Job Osborne. There is a grand stand with seating accommodation for 2000 people, and there are covered stalls for cattle and horses, covered pens for pigs, and a produce-shed. The treasurer's office is near the entrance gates, and the secretary's office and committee room, together with lavatories are erected in the centre of the ground. The grand show of the year is held in November, and, in fine weather, the attendance considerably exceeds 20,000. This show is one of the largest and most important held in the colony. In the month of March, in each year, there is a Ram Fair, at which from 4000 to 5000 stud and flock rams are submitted for sale. The other event of the year, of this nature, is held in the month of September, and consists of a parade and show of stallions. In addition to conducting these operations the association issues various periodical publications. The association's Journal is published every alternate month, the contents having especial reference to agricultural, pastoral, and horticultural pursuits. The New Zealand Herd Book of Shorthorn cattle is another of these publications; four volumes have already been issued, the last one being in 1899. The work is carefully compiled, and compared with British and other Herd Books, assists to verify many important particulars. The new Herd Book of breeds of cattle, other than Shorthorns, includes Herefords, Polled Angus, Jerseys, Ayrshires, Highland cattle, and Devonshires. The association also issues a New Zealand Stud Book of draught horses, four volumes having already been issued, bearing the dates of 1878, 1882, 1889, and 1901.

The Christchurch Beautifying Association was established in 1897 as the result of a public meeting convened by the mayor at the instigation of the late Dr. Irving. It is a strong body, and has done excellent work in various parts of the city and on the river banks. The association planted and laid off Mill Island and Victoria Square, and has, in other ways, done a great deal, directly and indirectly, to improve the appearance of portions of the city and its open spaces, and to promote amongst the people an interest in beautiful outdoor objects, and a right regard for their preservation.

New Zealand Flax and Cabbage Trees

New Zealand Flax and Cabbage Trees

The Royal Humane Society Of New Zealand has quarters in Government Buildings, Armagh Street, Christchurch. Prior to the formation of the Society the work of making awards for acts of bravery in saving or attempting to save life in New Zealand was carried on by the Royal Humane Society of Australasia, whose headquarters are in Melbourne. The distance caused delays and other inconveniences, and hence it was decided to form an independent society for New Zealand. The late Mr. John Joyce was the chief mover in the matter, and the society was duly formed at a meeting held in the Christchurch City Council Chambers on the 14th of October, 1898. His Excellency the Governor is patron, and the Premier, Mr. Seddon, vice-patron. The objects of the society are: (1) to bestow awards for the preservation and restoration of life; and (2) to collect and circulate the most approved and effectual methods for recovering persons apparently drowned or dead. During its brief existence the society has done very valuable work, and events have fully justified the judgment of its promoters.

Mr. Richard Linn, Secretary of the Royal Humane Society of New Zealand, was born in 1837, at Banbridge, County Down, Ireland. He was educated at Mr. Mullan's Academical Institute, Bambridge, where, after leaving school, he commenced his commercial career as assistant to his father in the Irish and American provision trade. In this way page 225 he came into communication with American provision firms, and speedily acquired an extensive knowledge of the possibilities of the United States, the oil region of Pennsylvania being especially attractive to him. In 1869 he therefore left his native land and sailed for America. Mr. Linn was for some time engaged in business in New York city, and was afterwards employed in the oil region of Pennsylvania in the production of oil. He was editor of the Petroleum Monthly, and also wrote a history of the Oil Region of Pennsylvania. Mr. Linn arrived in New Zealand in 1880, and settled in Christchurch. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, and is the author of a History and Pedigree of the Guinness Family (1897). Mr. Linn is the founder of the Queen's Cadets. He takes an interest generally in volunteering, and holds the position of captain and quartermaster on the New Zealand Army List. In his native town he held a prominent position, having been secretary and founder of the Banbridge Literary Society, secretary to the agricultural and horticultural society, superintendent of the volunteer fire brigade, secretary to the local branch of the South Kensington Science Classes, and a member of the town council. He is a member of the Junior Conservative Club, London.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.Mr. R. Linn.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.
Mr. R. Linn.