Significado de stand en en Inglés


Pronunciación /stand/

Traducir stand al español


  • 1no object, usually with adverbial of place Have or maintain an upright position, supported by one's feet.

    ‘Lionel stood in the doorway’
    • ‘she stood still, heart hammering’
    • ‘to improve your balance, practise standing on one foot’
    • ‘There I was, standing up near the stage waiting for the concert to start, and two girls came and stood next to me.’
    • ‘And then, in the pouring rain, a half-dozen supporters stood around waiting for the media to show up.’
    • ‘A little boy stood alone in the middle of the floor.’
    • ‘A man and a young woman stood alone in the middle of a wide, golden field.’
    • ‘The man stood silently for a moment before he spoke.’
    • ‘After a moment or two, Kira noticed Rebecca standing silently in the doorway.’
    • ‘The doctor and Sarah stood silently in the doorway watching the exchange.’
    • ‘There's a man standing around looking at computer stuff, he has no clue what he's doing.’
    • ‘The woman stood quietly waiting for an answer.’
    • ‘Alexis put the poker back in its cradle and awkwardly stood next to the fireplace.’
    • ‘She stopped mid-sentence and turned around to see a familiar figure standing next to her chair.’
    • ‘I stood motionless for a few seconds, just looking at the closed door.’
    • ‘Start by standing erect with your feet wider than your hips and turned out slightly.’
    • ‘I looked and there was Brandon standing on my porch with a single rose.’
    • ‘Ryan and I stood up and I made eye contact with the girl standing beside us.’
    • ‘I stood up and opened the door to find Leon just standing there.’
    • ‘I stood at my local bus stop for over an hour waiting for a number 8 to come along.’
    • ‘Uniformed police officers stood at each end of the cordons speaking to passers-by.’
    • ‘A senior police officer and security official stood at the public door of the courtroom.’
    • ‘I stood at the living room window watching the rain fall on the surface of the pond.’
    be on one's feet, be upright, be erect, be vertical
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    1. 1.1Rise to one's feet.
      ‘he pushed back his chair and stood’
      • ‘The Ambassador stood up and gestured to his secretary who also stood.’
      • ‘Fred laughed wildly as he stood up.’
      • ‘Gornyo stood up and sort of shuffled over to stand next to Kya.’
      • ‘He stood up and tugged at my hand, trying to get me to stand with him.’
      • ‘He watched him study her for a moment and stood up to stand beside him.’
      • ‘He stood up and walked around the desk.’
      • ‘She then stood up and walked over to the doorway.’
      • ‘Trevor sat up and then finally stood up.’
      • ‘He stood up, waiting for me to stand too, and when I did he started to walk slowly.’
      • ‘He smiled at her puzzled, then stood up, helping her also to stand.’
      • ‘Merlin slowly stood up straight, feeling very much at risk.’
      • ‘She slowly stood up straight, stretching her right leg in front of herself as she did.’
      • ‘He just smirked, and slowly stood up straight.’
      • ‘Her mother stood up abruptly from the chair she was sitting on and glared at her.’
      • ‘I nodded and she patted my shoulder then stood to leave.’
      • ‘I grab the edge of the wall for support as I stand; my leg muscles had cramped.’
      • ‘As he stood, she moved into his open arms to give him a farewell kiss.’
      • ‘I shook my head, and reluctantly stood, moving Lauren away from me a little so I could gather up my stuff.’
      • ‘She stood, and moved to the door, turning the lock with a echoing metallic sound.’
      • ‘He tried to stand but the ship was rolling heavily in the strong gale that was now blowing.’
      rise, rise to one's feet, get to one's feet, get up, straighten up, pick oneself up, find one's feet, be upstanding
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    2. 1.2no object, with adverbial of direction Move somewhere in an upright position.
      ‘she stood aside to let them enter’
      • ‘He walked up to the door of the house, opened it, and stood aside for the others to enter first.’
      • ‘Alison stood aside and let him in.’
      • ‘Please stand aside so I can serve the next guest.’
      • ‘I stood back, allowing him to pass.’
      • ‘They lit the fuse before standing back and covering their ears.’
      • ‘His father opened a door, and stood aside to let Bill pass through it.’
      • ‘The aisle was narrow, so I stood aside to let her pass.’
      • ‘I stood aside to let the ladies pass.’
      • ‘He stood aside for my father to pass through the gate.’
      • ‘Tough-featured, broken-nosed men in expensive coats loom large, casting dark shadows, courteously standing aside to let ‘the little lady’ pass.’
      • ‘What I'd like to know is, what are the accepted conventions for standing aside or not when other people are walking towards you on the same sidewalk/pavement?’
      • ‘Amy looked at me and I stood back, letting her get the full view of the classroom.’
      • ‘Lara turned to Ben and stood back so as to get a proper view of him.’
      • ‘The guy on my left stood back once to let me get a view of the big green grass field and white borders.’
      • ‘He waved and jogged over, hugging his fiancée and then standing back to get a better view of her sister.’
      • ‘He stood back and allowed her to pass him before closing the door.’
      • ‘The guard opened the door and stood back to allow the boy into the study.’
      • ‘We stood back and put water on it from a safe distance.’
      • ‘This morning I stood back to let a woman through a shop door.’
      • ‘He stood back so that I could put my face to the microscope better, and in doing so he knocked over a flask with some ether in it.’
    3. 1.3with object and adverbial of place Place or set in an upright or specified position.
      ‘don't stand the plant in direct sunlight’
      • ‘When starting to use this type of corkscrew, it is best to stand the bottle on the table.’
      • ‘An easy way to steam asparagus if you don't have a proper steamer is to tie the stalks together with string, stand them upright in a pan and cover with a loose foil dome.’
      • ‘Put it on your kitchen draining board with one end trailing into a water-filled sink and stand your plants upon it.’
      • ‘While her five-year-old brother Ashley ran to get their mother, she managed to twist him around and stand him upright in the bucket so his head was above water.’
      • ‘The vet said the best way to help him is to use an industrial winch - like the ones used to hoist engines from cars - to stand the eight-stone pig upright.’
      • ‘Then stand it upright and slice off the spiny skin, from top to bottom, in large slices.’
      • ‘Cut about 1 inch from the bottom of the spears and stand them upright in a jar in several inches of water in your refrigerator.’
      • ‘To warm the milk, stand the bottle in a jug of hot water.’
      • ‘Carefully pack shanks on top of vegetables; stand the shanks upright to retain the marrow in the bones.’
      • ‘Moisten it with water and stand pot plants on top.’
      • ‘Find an oven dish or deep roasting tray in which the hearts will fit snugly; stand them upright.’
      • ‘First stand the wine upright for a day or two, so all the sediment sinks to the bottom of the bottle.’
      • ‘Cover the surface with grit, and stand the finished planting in a sunny position.’
      • ‘Keep them nice and round by standing them upright in a tall drinking glass while they're chilling.’
      • ‘Back at the bar Bobby Joe had split pea and ham soup that you could stand your spoon upright in.’
      • ‘Stuff the peppers with the mince mixture and stand them upright in a pot on the stove with a little water at the bottom.’
      • ‘He pulled me out to the front of the ship and stood me on a step that lifted me up so I could see over the ledge.’
      put, set, set up, erect, upend, place, position, locate, situate, prop, lean, plant, stick, install, arrange, dispose, deposit
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  • 2no object, with adverbial of place (of an object, building, or settlement) be situated in a particular place or position.

    ‘the town stood on a hill’
    • ‘the hotel stands in three acres of gardens’
    • ‘I gazed at the wine red brick buildings standing upon the hills, towering overhead.’
    • ‘The problem was that the sand dunes feeding the ocean were the same dunes on which buildings now stood.’
    • ‘The new building stands behind the Grade II listed original hospital that will be used for administration.’
    • ‘The new building stands between the college's two older ones, which are set to be sold off and the land used for housing.’
    • ‘Shabby buildings stand next to stylish apartments and craft centres giving the game a gritty image and inner-city feel to appeal to a trendy audience.’
    • ‘At least 1,061 industrial and residential buildings stand along the river.’
    • ‘Two additional courtrooms were built where these buildings once stood.’
    • ‘To the left there was a wheel of fortune and some pool tables and in the far corner stood an upright piano.’
    • ‘Looking up, a line of broken bottle necks stood side by side along a high shelf that spanned the entire right wall of the space.’
    • ‘On a little table stood a half full bottle of mineral water with a glass next to it, and beside it lay a single red and white sock.’
    • ‘On the table, next to the bed stood the bottle of champagne and a single glass.’
    • ‘Barely visible through the brush stands an old bell tower.’
    • ‘Huge glass structures stand where fields of flowers once thrived.’
    • ‘A large gathering of concrete structures stood about three miles ahead of me.’
    • ‘A solitary, occupied house standing among the ruins is a common sight in reconstruction zones.’
    • ‘A small upright hut stood beside the worn gravel path that snaked through the trees.’
    • ‘Multi-storey buildings are standing where houses used to be.’
    • ‘Nothing but ashes and rubble remained where his father's building had once stood.’
    • ‘A 19th century inn which stands next to the ruins of one of England's most important abbeys will now help preserve Yorkshire's most historic monuments.’
    • ‘On either side stood two other rather large houses, completely dark on the inside.’
    be, be situated, be located, be positioned, be set, be found, be sited, be established, be perched, sit, perch, nestle
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    1. 2.1(of a building or other vertical structure) remain upright and entire rather than fall into ruin or be destroyed.
      ‘after the storms only one house was left standing’
      • ‘The walls of the structure were still standing, but not very stable.’
      • ‘Not a recognizable building remained standing, although one could quite easily be buried.’
      • ‘Often a reader is not told if a given structure is still standing or who a particular person or family was.’
      • ‘A few concrete structures are still standing and the main street of the village is strewn with trees and rubble.’
      • ‘Workers are moving ahead with repairs on the only remaining building still standing there.’
      • ‘The figure darted like a mouse into one of the few buildings that remained standing and rushed up some cracked stairs to a second floor.’
      • ‘Jimmy walked us down to the edge of the beach, where two support beams still stood.’
      • ‘The mansions still stand, but the mines have closed and the town has declined.’
      • ‘Even today you can see that many of the towns had been bombed along the railway lines - in most of them few of the original buildings are still standing.’
      • ‘Even where buildings are still standing, they are too dangerous to live in, because of repeated aftershocks, Julie says.’
      • ‘In some towns not even one building is still standing.’
      • ‘They told us that the building wasn't standing any more and we were in the centre of rubble.’
      • ‘There are few colonial buildings still standing, and there have been no laws passed to preserve any of them.’
      • ‘I am shocked by the way 50% of the land has gone and none of the buildings are standing.’
      • ‘Only a few buildings still stood, one of which was the great museum.’
      • ‘When he got back, he noticed his building was still standing, though most of the roof and upper building was smoldering.’
      • ‘The church is one of only a few buildings left standing.’
      • ‘Slowly, we crept out of the pit and made our way to the only building still standing - the camp kitchen.’
      • ‘Most of the buildings were still standing and there were no fires to be seen.’
    2. 2.2Remain valid or unaltered.
      ‘my decision stands’
      • ‘he won 31 caps–a record which stood for 42 years’
      • ‘Sir Donald Bradman's records still stand, especially his unsurpassed total of 5,028 runs in Ashes contests.’
      • ‘Four of her UK records still stand more than 20 years since she retired.’
      • ‘He finally makes it to Bonneville and sets a world speed record that stands even today.’
      • ‘He lowered the track record, which had stood since 1983, on that occasion.’
      • ‘This record stood until 1994, when it was beaten by Brian Lara.’
      • ‘Even today, White Christmas stands as the best-selling record of all time.’
      • ‘Barring a rule change, the record will technically stand forever.’
      • ‘The Giants turned in two winning streaks that still stand as major league records yet failed to come even close to winning a pennant.’
      • ‘It was his first of numerous trips and, in 1967, he set a speed record that stands today.’
      • ‘She said if the decision were to stand, it would have a chilling effect on consumers and Internet service providers.’
      • ‘The Minister's decision would stand, until and unless it is reversed.’
      • ‘Her brother was five years older than her so when he made a decision it usually stood.’
      • ‘But there was no going back for Smith or any of the players, and his decision stood.’
      • ‘That decision, if it stands, will form a precedent for the Commercial Court and other civil courts usurping the functions of the criminal courts.’
      • ‘Just decisions have to stand even if the law is unevenly applied.’
      • ‘If it stands, the decision may have a strong impact on the way choreographers will need to plan for ownership of their works after they die.’
      • ‘Wilson is concerned about the precedent that would be set if the judge's order stands.’
      • ‘If every country does not agree to this, the Nice arrangement would stand.’
      • ‘Until we hear from him my orders stand and you are to consider yourself in charge of the boy!’
      • ‘The conviction would stand, of course, unless there was a free pardon.’
      remain in force, remain valid, remain effective, remain operative, remain in operation, hold, hold good, obtain, apply, prevail, reign, rule, hold sway, be the case, exist, be in use
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    3. 2.3(especially of a vehicle) remain stationary.
      ‘the train now standing at platform 3’
      • ‘We found a bus standing behind the Vatican in the shade that we hoped would take us to the central station.’
      • ‘Someone had noticed his car standing outside the village when we arrived, so we knew that he must be somewhere about the place.’
      • ‘Television footage showed buses standing near the plane, and later taking the people away.’
      • ‘This is a man with millions and four fancy cars standing outside his palatial home!’
      • ‘Tonight he opened again, while workers were still repairing the outside and a police car stood next his restaurant.’
      • ‘The City petrol vehicle stands parked in one corner.’
    4. 2.4(of a liquid) collect and remain motionless.
      ‘soil where water stands in winter’
      • ‘It doesn't have any water standing there now, because most of the time it's dry at the surface.’
      • ‘Bottomland forest grows where the elevation is slightly higher and water stands only some of the time.’
      • ‘But first consider what is happening, and why the water is standing where it is.’
      • ‘Thankfully, the rain had stopped but puddles of water were still standing stagnantly before the cafe's door.’
      • ‘If water stands in the area, try to improve drainage with sand and compost.’
    5. 2.5(especially of food) rest without disturbance, typically so as to infuse or marinate.
      ‘pour boiling water over the fruit and leave it to stand for 5 minutes’
      • ‘Let the cake stand a few hours, preferably overnight to cool before unmoulding.’
      • ‘Turn down the heat and simmer gently for five minutes, then remove from the heat and allow to stand and infuse for at least 30 minutes.’
      • ‘Leave the meat to stand in a warm place covered with foil.’
      • ‘Place in an oiled bowl, cover with a tea towel and allow to stand in a warm place for an hour or until doubled in size.’
      • ‘Remove from the heat and allow to stand for 5 minutes.’
      • ‘When cooked, leave to stand for 15 minutes to cool a little.’
      • ‘Allow the loaf to stand for 10 minutes before turning out and serving.’
      • ‘Allow to stand for 5 minutes then remove from the water and shred finely.’
      • ‘Place two cups of grated soap scraps in a saucepan, cover with cold water and allow to stand for 24 hours.’
      • ‘Allow to stand for five minutes, then turn out onto a warm plate.’
      • ‘Test the meat is done to your liking, then remove and allow to stand for at least 10 minutes before carving.’
      • ‘Allow this to stand for about 15 minutes for the flavours to meld, then season to taste.’
      • ‘Allow to stand for a few minutes before carefully inverting on to a serving plate.’
      • ‘Allow to stand for 5 minutes before cutting into squares to serve.’
      • ‘Add clean water, mix, allow to stand for several minutes and then remix.’
      • ‘Remove from the oven and allow them to stand for 5 minutes.’
      • ‘Mix thoroughly and allow to stand for a quarter of an hour before use.’
      • ‘Remove from the heat and allow to stand for 5 minutes, then cut diagonally into 5mm slices.’
      • ‘The liquid is allowed to stand for two days, at the end of which all solids it contains have sunk to the bottom.’
      • ‘When cooked, transfer to a warm plate, cover loosely and leave to stand in a warm place for ten minutes.’
    6. 2.6no object, with adverbial of direction (of a ship) remain on a specified course.
      ‘the ship was standing north’
      • ‘The large ship had stood away as its smaller companions charged in to attack.’
      • ‘The ship was standing out to sea from Southampton.’
      • ‘The wind had been westerly since the preceding noon, and at the time we saw the land, the ship was standing to the NW.’
      • ‘We rounded them at about three cables length and stood due south.’
  • 3no object, with complement Be in a specified state or condition.

    ‘since mother's death the house had stood empty’
    • ‘sorry, darling—I stand corrected’
    • ‘It had stood empty for half a year, an almost new place, with parking, owned by a diplomat posted overseas.’
    • ‘Pontins closed as a holiday camp 10 years ago and has stood empty and deteriorating ever since.’
    • ‘Why shut it down so long ago if it was just going to stand empty?’
    • ‘It has now stood empty for more than five years and has been damaged by vandals who have started fires.’
    • ‘Originally it was proposed that up to 600 homes would be demolished - many of which were already standing empty.’
    • ‘Before her, a stone fountain stood silent and empty in the bright spring sunshine, all gleaming white against a sea of bluebells.’
    • ‘After many years in the making, his reputation stands high.’
    • ‘His reputation stands high, but he is not without his detractors.’
    • ‘Whole villages stand practically empty, in various stages of collapse.’
    • ‘Yet he occupies an important position in the history of 18th-century art and his reputation deserves to stand higher than it does.’
    • ‘Previously thriving tea rooms and the farm shops were empty and tills stood idle.’
    • ‘A former Rossendale town centre bank that has stood empty for nine years is on the verge of reopening as an aquatic centre.’
    • ‘Thousands of hotel rooms and commercial buildings now stand vacant.’
    • ‘In the three weeks before she fulfilled her pledge the building stood unguarded - and untouched by a single vandal.’
    • ‘Some rooms in the main building were standing idle because they are too small for mainstream classes.’
    • ‘Whole sections of the city are ‘ghost towns’ with newly completed buildings standing empty.’
    • ‘The buildings stood forlorn and abused, with crackled paint chipped along the corners.’
    • ‘Across the road from The Mills another building stands vacant, with silos reaching into the sky, offering very creative challenges to the developer.’
    • ‘Since then the centre has stood idle and fallen victim to vandals.’
    • ‘Nearly 3,000 trucks were standing idle without locomotives, two-thirds of them loaded with evacuated equipment.’
    1. 3.1Adopt a particular attitude towards a matter or issue.
      ‘students should consider where they stand on this issue’
      • ‘I think it's done nothing to clarify where they stand specifically on the issues.’
      • ‘Where do you stand on this issue?’
      • ‘How one defines a clone seems to depend on to which side of the issue one stands.’
      • ‘Angry delegates raised questions of where they would stand if they support those not wanting to be inspected.’
      • ‘We stand firmly in support of integration and the unity of all working people.’
      • ‘In terms of adoption rates, where do private and community hospitals stand?’
      • ‘There are areas of it that need to be looked at so that players are quite certain where they stand with regard to decisions.’
    2. 3.2Be of a specified height.
      ‘Sampson was a small man, standing 5 ft 4 in tall’
      • ‘He stands around the average height for a boy his age and a little above the average weight.’
      • ‘He stood about the same height as Ben, maybe an inch shorter, and was dressed in black track shorts and a black tee.’
      • ‘The biggest stone in the cove stood twice the height of a man and must have weighed several tens of tons.’
      • ‘The mountain stands the height of 118 Nelson's columns.’
      • ‘The seabed is at 40m, but the upright wreck stands a good 12m proud.’
      • ‘If given the go-ahead, the building would stand just 60 ft short of One Canada Square in Canary Wharf.’
      • ‘The Omonia Hotel in Athens is the most impressive of the three hotels featured, as the modern structure stands eight storeys.’
      • ‘In Spain, the largest fire in Madrid's history has destroyed a skyscraper that stands more than 30 stories high.’
      • ‘The Cassini spacecraft stands more than 6.7 metres high and is more than 4 metres wide.’
      • ‘The average sporting balloon stands about seven stories tall and, depending on its design, is made from about 1000 square meters of nylon.’
      • ‘The cart stood about five feet tall and was about two feet square, lined on two sides by deep shelves.’
      • ‘The Memorial stands 11 metres high.’
      • ‘Dolly was a black Shire mare standing almost 17 hands high.’
      • ‘He stood a hair over 5-7 and weighed 150, and he played high above his inches.’
      • ‘He stood a bit over six feet and had shoulder-length oily black hair, which was worn in a mess about his features.’
      • ‘The Great Blue Heron is a majestic sight standing up to 44 to 52 inches.’
      • ‘The stones, standing up to four feet tall, would be placed throughout the upscale suburban Chicago community.’
      • ‘Beautiful works of art on roadside display, created out of stone, wood and metal some standing up to two meters high, were smashed.’
      • ‘It's the largest wading bird in North America, standing up to five feet tall with a wingspan of almost eight feet.’
      • ‘Australia's largest bird, standing up to 2 meters tall, the emu is flightless.’
    3. 3.3no object, with infinitive Be in a situation where one is likely to do something.
      ‘investors stood to lose heavily’
      • ‘what do firms stand to gain by merging?’
      • ‘All members of the community stand to benefit by creating a thriving rural environment.’
      • ‘Look how much we stand to win!’
      • ‘He stood to gain millions through his law firm.’
      • ‘The country stood to lose its most valuable asset and resource - its people.’
    4. 3.4Be at a particular level, value, or stage.
      ‘the budget stood at £2,000 million per annum’
      • ‘you can use the chart to create a report of where the project stands’
      • ‘Although crime stands at a low level in the district, pockets of unacceptable behaviour are springing up.’
      • ‘It now stands at 5.07 million and is forecast to fall below five million by the end of the decade.’
      • ‘The number of the infected in the region was reported to stand at between one and two million.’
      • ‘The index currently stands at 85.2, almost exactly the same closing level as last week.’
      • ‘It also stood at less than half of the 2,650 robberies committed in Leeds over the same period.’
      • ‘The lotto will be held in Flukies at the weekend and the jackpot stands at 9,450.’
      • ‘The death toll of people trapped by racing incoming tides on the night of February 5 now stands at 20.’
      • ‘Around the Indian Ocean the death toll from the disaster stands at more than 158,000.’
      • ‘The total number of confirmed dead stands at 252, 183 of whom have been identified.’
      • ‘In the York and Selby area the average price for a litre of unleaded and diesel currently stands at 85p.’
      • ‘The appeal total now stands at £3,001,648 and a special celebration party is being planned.’
      • ‘The figure currently stands at 200 scooter thefts and 100 of those have been recovered.’
      • ‘The lotto jackpot currently stands at E5,200 and the draw takes place on the night.’
      • ‘Two years on, the figure now stands at 62 per cent across the entire age range.’
      • ‘Coll is small, and so is its population, which still stands at less than 200.’
      • ‘It makes no sense that the age for payment of the state pension stands at 65, it should really be set at 70.’
      • ‘State benefit will not go very far as it currently stands at £67.50 a week for someone who has been off work for a year.’
    5. 3.5Act in a specified capacity.
      ‘he stood security for the government's borrowings’
      • ‘In modern warfare a small tank unit may be positioned to protect and stand post for other tank units while the crews sleep or prepare for renewed fighting.’
      • ‘The third, who had stood watch, rested on the outer edge of the camp; he had just nodded off.’
      • ‘Plainclothes security men stand guard in the dust-caked street outside.’
      • ‘The next day, all the men are roused to stand watch.’
      • ‘Police were standing guard outside shopping centres and supermarkets.’
    6. 3.6no object (of a stallion) be available for breeding.
      ‘The last major stakes winner to stand at stud then return to the racetrack for competition was champion Bertrando.’
      • ‘I think it's more likely that he'll stand at stud next year.’
      • ‘No announcement has been made where the five relocated stallions will stand next year.’
      • ‘We sent her to Thornthwaite Hall when she came into season to an Arab stallion that was standing there.’
      • ‘She and her father stand their Quarter Horse Stallion, Tradition Copy, on their family farm.’
  • 4with object and often modal Withstand (an experience or test) without being damaged.

    ‘small, stable boats that could stand the punishment of heavy seas’
    • ‘will your cooker stand the strain of the festive season?’
    • ‘It has a great deal to teach about vengeance and violence, and the way that friendships can stand the tests of both.’
    • ‘The unit can stand 900G of non-operating shock or 250G of operating shock.’
    • ‘It's probably the only convertible, this side of a Porsche, which could really stand the punishment of everyday country road driving.’
    • ‘The joints had to be as strong and flexible as the pipes themselves, and able to stand the stress of being coiled with the pipes onto large drums.’
    • ‘Religion, if it is true, should be able to stand scientific scrutiny.’
    • ‘I needed to know that our relationship could work and that the love was strong enough to stand the daily grind.’
    withstand, stand up to, stand, put up with, take, cope with, handle, resist, sustain, absorb, accept
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    1. 4.1coloquial with modal and usually negative Be able to endure or tolerate.
      ‘I can't stand the way Mum talks to him’
      • ‘I can't stand brandy’
      • ‘I've never been able to stand seeing girls cry.’
      • ‘I wouldn't be able to stand looking at her face everyday after what she did to you… and me.’
      • ‘I wouldn't be able to stand the thirst during the hot day when I have to drag my cart around.’
      • ‘I am starting to warm to her, even though in real life I wouldn't be able to stand her.’
      • ‘And as sappy and clichéd as it sounds, I don't think I will be able to stand seeing Abby cry.’
      • ‘I wouldn't be able to stand seeing you get hurt, either, but hopefully I can prevent that.’
      • ‘Not being able to stand it a moment longer, she sprang out of the reeds and dashed toward her sibling, enveloping him in a very wet embrace.’
      • ‘I wondered if I would ever be able to stand the sight of blood again.’
      • ‘Trent, not being able to stand any crying at that moment, stopped her.’
      • ‘No longer able to stand the pain, he abruptly released Emily and shoved her at Tommy who placed his hands on her waist to steady her.’
      • ‘She wouldn't be able to stand that wailing.’
      • ‘No longer able to stand the silence I ran from the room, quickly finding my way up the stairs and to my own little sanctuary.’
      • ‘Michael tried to ignore the ache he felt at the thought of Jessica not being able to stand the sight of him anymore.’
      • ‘One night, I just broke down, and told him I wouldn't be able to stand it if he died.’
      • ‘He was a sweetheart, but apparently my grandmother hadn't been able to stand him from day one.’
      • ‘You can love someone from the depths of your heart and still not be able to stand living in the same house as them when they were behaving so irrationally.’
      • ‘It was too much for her to stand and she stood up and walked up the next flight of stairs and to her room.’
      • ‘Three buckets of water, hot as my hands could stand, the Fairy Liquid all bubbling and foaming, but still the wall would not come clean.’
      • ‘The business people can't stand, of course, to have something go wrong that gets into the newspapers.’
      • ‘She doesn't live in her old house anymore - she can't stand how suddenly empty it is.’
      withstand, endure, bear, put up with, take, cope with, handle, sustain, resist, stand up to
      endure, tolerate, bear, put up with, take, abide, suffer, support, brook, countenance, face
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  • 5Britanico no object Be a candidate in an election.

    ‘he stood for parliament in 1968’
    • ‘she stood as an Independent candidate in the general election’
    • ‘In the 2001 general election Brian stood as the Socialist Alliance candidate for Brightside.’
    • ‘She stood as Respect's candidate in Tottenham during the general election, winning 6.8 percent of the vote.’
    • ‘The winner, who will be revealed on Friday, will stand as an independent candidate in the next General Election, with all their costs covered.’
    • ‘He works as a civil servant in a local job centre, and stood as a candidate in the 10 June elections for the London Assembly.’
    • ‘He stood as a candidate in four parliamentary elections, but without success.’
    • ‘Since then, he has stood as a candidate in local elections, but this is his first time as a candidate in a General Election.’
    • ‘He is standing as an independent candidate in the election.’
    • ‘He stood again for election in 1839, won his seat, and remained in the Chamber until the Revolution of 1848.’
    • ‘Several left wing Labour councillors refused to stand again for election.’
    • ‘After the First World War he became a member of the Labour Party and stood as its candidate in two elections.’
    • ‘If he is sentenced to six or more months he will not be allowed to stand as a candidate during next year's presidential elections.’
    • ‘He was defeated at last June's council elections when he stood as a Lib Dem.’
    • ‘Are they going to let him stand as a candidate in the next election?’
    • ‘At present you have to be at least 18 to vote and 21 to stand as a candidate.’
    • ‘Women were denied the right to vote or to stand as candidates.’
    • ‘By standing as a mayoral candidate I wanted to act as a voice of dissent against the corporatisation of the city I love.’
    • ‘This site explains the roles of different institutions, how to stand as a candidate and how to vote.’
    • ‘The leader of Spelthorne Borough Council has announced his decision not to stand again, after eight years of guiding the local authority.’
    • ‘His decision to stand as an Independent split the vote.’
    • ‘He may be forgiven for wondering whether his decision to stand as mayor was a wise one.’
  • 6with two objects Provide (food or drink) for (someone) at one's own expense.

    ‘somebody in the bar would stand him a beer’
    • ‘If a certain drunk fisherman stands him a beer, we'll have our answer.’
    • ‘I had the misfortune of having to stand the drinks.’
    • ‘This curiosity lead me wait around, in the hopes I could stand him a drink and ask him a few questions.’
    • ‘Reckoning she'd already been well-recompensed for her contribution she stood everyone a drink.’
    • ‘I'm not sure that I can run to bribery, but I'll stand anyone a drink.’
    • ‘If I happen to see you around, I'll stand you a drink’
    • ‘He was a man from the old school, opening car doors for ladies, standing everyone drinks when he was flush.’
  • 7no object Act as umpire in a cricket match.

    ‘He has stood as an on-field umpire in 16 matches.’
    • ‘Currently two neutral umpires officiate in Test matches while one umpire from the home country stands with a neutral umpire in one-day internationals.’
    • ‘He bowled in the nets on Monday, with Ponting standing as umpire to glean a closer look.’
    • ‘His advice and support during the two games I stood as umpire was very detailed, earnest and helpful.’
    • ‘Between 1887 and 1902 he stood as umpire in 12 Test matches in Australia.’
    referee, adjudicate, arbitrate, judge, moderate, oversee, supervise
    View synonyms


  • 1usually in singular An attitude towards a particular issue; a position taken in an argument.

    ‘the party's tough stand on immigration’
    • ‘his traditionalist stand’
    • ‘It had also been adopting a different stand from the left parties on various public issues.’
    • ‘I take a more critical stand towards the Prime Minister.’
    • ‘The leader of the British Columbia Green Party also took a stand, siding with the con team members.’
    • ‘In my opinion the stand of the parties, one of whom seeks expedition and the other of whom does not oppose it, is soundly based.’
    • ‘We're dedicated to a principled stand, it's in the national interest and we'll be standing by that.’
    • ‘She explained to the audience about the need for anyone writing about art to take an ideological stand with a historical perspective in mind.’
    • ‘This movie is wildly successful because it not only takes a stand, it has real people talking about real issues in a simple way.’
    • ‘When push comes to shove, even those who recognize the political roots of drug testing are not inclined to take a stand.’
    • ‘He added that it has always been the stand of his party that elections can never lead to a solution to the issue.’
    • ‘The stand we take will reflect the prevalent social attitude towards crimes against women.’
    • ‘This signifies the shifting stand taken by the victim or her family towards the crime and the criminal in view of the existing social environment.’
    • ‘In fact, the newspaper clearly distorted the stand of the Republican party in both cases.’
    • ‘He spoke of the principled stand Mick took on the issue of the transfer of elective orthopaedics from Kilkenny to Waterford.’
    • ‘His main concern is not to do or say anything which may offend the party bosses or which goes against the professed stand of the party.’
    • ‘The crux of the matter lies in what attitude and stand we take and what method we use to handle contradictions.’
    • ‘They have been unwilling to take forthright stands either on issues of peace or of economic justice.’
    • ‘No President in history has ever taken a principled stand on every issue.’
    • ‘The trouble is that no one is taking a principled stand on either side.’
    • ‘But where he gets in trouble, again, is his unwillingness to make a firm stand on any issue.’
    • ‘Tim's principled stands on these issues propelled him to victory against his two better-known rivals.’
    attitude, stance, point of view, viewpoint, opinion, way of thinking, outlook, standpoint, posture, position, angle, perspective, approach, slant, thinking, policy, line, thoughts, ideas, sentiments, feelings
    View synonyms
    1. 1.1A determined effort to resist or fight for something.
      ‘this was not the moment to make a stand for independence’
      • ‘we have to take a stand against racism’
      • ‘I was there to take a stand against a global system that increasingly places more value on economic progress than on human and ecological welfare.’
      • ‘For me, to honor my heritage as I was raised to understand it, I am obligated to take a stand against what I know to be wrong.’
      • ‘The British Printing Industries Federation is the first to take a stand against the practice.’
      • ‘If your salary and benefits keep getting whittled away, eventually you have to take a stand against that.’
      • ‘Davies announced that Privacy International would take a stand against the introduction of ID cards in the UK.’
      • ‘He has decided to take a stand against rising fuel costs.’
      • ‘She decided to take a stand against the yobs who were making life a misery for people in the town.’
      • ‘The official pointed to last month's unusually emotive call to the nation to take a stand against racism.’
      • ‘It is time to take a stand against these youngsters and start by naming and shaming them.’
      • ‘But new powers mean neighbourhoods can take a stand against premises used for drugs.’
      • ‘Consumers can take a stand against paper waste in a number of ways.’
      • ‘The whole world needs to take a stand against such abuses.’
      • ‘It is time to take a stand against the erosion of rights.’
      • ‘Residents across the country are being urged to take a stand against vandals, thugs and yobs that plague their communities.’
      • ‘Trail bikers are planning a peaceful protest on the Ridgeway to take a stand against the banning of motor vehicles on the path in winter.’
      • ‘This kind of behavior is unacceptable, and not enough people take a stand against it.’
      • ‘After his brother's murder, for which he is more than partially responsible, he decides he must take a stand and fight the corruption.’
      • ‘The medical community is also beginning to take a stand against genetically modified foods.’
      • ‘We need to take a stand against these forces of darkness and unreason.’
      • ‘Bearing these staggering figures in mind, it's not surprising one shopping centre in the borough has decided to take a stand and address its own waste issues.’
      opposition to, resistance to, objection to, defensive position against, hostility to, animosity towards, disapproval of
      View synonyms
    2. 1.2An act of holding one's ground against or halting to resist an opposing force.
      ‘Custer's legendary last stand’
      • ‘Were the troops to make such a last stand, they could tie down American forces scheduled for transfer to the Pacific war.’
      • ‘He had lost both legs in a final stand against a combined force of Cuban and Angolan troops.’
      • ‘In late 1911 about 800 Moros fled to the old battleground of Bud Dajo to make a stand.’
      • ‘There, at the river, Walker assembled his units for a final stand.’
      • ‘He may feel well equipped to make one last stand against coalition forces in the town.’
      • ‘On 20 September, at Valmy, just east of Châlons, the French forces at last made a stand.’
      • ‘At his headquarters he unwisely made a stand, and after a two-week battle was forced to retreat.’
      • ‘Rather he saw Brittany as the last stand of the Allied armies.’
      • ‘They make a brief stand and fight bravely.’
      • ‘A few guerrillas will probably fight it out in the mountains, and foreign fighters may be even more determined to make a stand.’
      opposition to, resistance to, objection to, defensive position against, hostility to, animosity towards, disapproval of
      View synonyms
    3. 1.3Cricket
      another term for partnership
      ‘they shared a second-wicket stand of 135’
      • ‘The new pair at the crease were Darren Stevens and Michael Walker and they did well, sharing an unbeaten stand of 116 by the close.’
      • ‘England's captain and vice-captain shared a stand of 124 in what could yet turn out to be the decisive passage of play.’
      • ‘The match-winning stand, however, came between John Sadler and Paul Nixon, as they added 84 for the sixth wicket.’
      • ‘His 74 included 11 fours, and involved a half-century stand with Ryan McLaren.’
      • ‘But by that time, Smith and Joyce had posted a stand of 100 and the result was a foregone conclusion.’
  • 2A rack, base, or piece of furniture for holding, supporting, or displaying something.

    ‘a microphone stand’
    • ‘A metal stand supports his B-flat bass instrument so he can play while in his wheelchair.’
    • ‘Although frustrated, the man meekly returned the offending piece back to its stand.’
    • ‘It had a cylindrical shape and was supported by a stand with five legs.’
    • ‘Emily put the piece back on the stand and sight-read the music with the rest of the band.’
    • ‘The first step is removing the doors, which are placed on stands resembling garment racks, then wheeled down a perpendicular subassembly line.’
    • ‘Layton was so excited his errant arm knocked the microphone from its stand.’
    • ‘A stage hand shone another torch at his microphone stand, and the show continued by torchlight.’
    • ‘In the corners of the chamber there were several wooden stands, which supported majestic candles.’
    • ‘The compère strides forward and plucks the microphone from the stand.’
    • ‘New litter bins, cycle stands, additional on-street car parking bays and new, less obtrusive signs are also planned.’
    • ‘The proposal also includes 40 car parking spaces, six covered cycle stands and two motorbike spaces.’
    • ‘The school is also installing new cycle stands and bike sheds.’
    • ‘Concert stands also are fully adjustable in height.’
    • ‘Leaning over towards the bed stand, she turned on the lights as the door to her bedroom burst open.’
    • ‘A few things toppled from the night stand on her side.’
    • ‘The night stand had a pad of paper and a pen in the small drawer.’
    • ‘There was even a music stand in the corner and a shelf for my violin right next to it.’
    • ‘The aerosol had been kept with other toiletries on a bathroom stand under a wall-mounted electric heater.’
    • ‘You could also arrange treats on tiered cake stands.’
    • ‘These are accompanied by all manner of sandwiches, scones and cakes piled onto tiered stands.’
    base, support, mounting, platform, rest, plinth, bottom
    View synonyms
    1. 2.1A small stall or booth in a street, market, or public building from which goods are sold.
      ‘a hot-dog stand’
      • ‘At one end of the market, a few stands sold a variety of local spices, sauces, tea and jams.’
      • ‘He said his ice-cream stand will have sold more than 5,000 cones by the end of the three-day festival.’
      • ‘The event will kick off at 9.30 am and at 4pm roads in the town centre will be closed to allow market stands and crowds to overflow into the streets.’
      • ‘On the way out of the beer fest we passed a stand selling olives.’
      • ‘The markets are becoming very popular: there can be about 40 different stands selling fresh agricultural produce at any one time.’
      • ‘As is usually the case in French food markets, most of the stands sell fruits and vegetables.’
      • ‘He makes 10 to 15,000 gallons of unpasteurized cider a season, most of which he sells at his farm stand.’
      • ‘Above it will be an upper-deck patio with concession stands and permanent restrooms.’
      • ‘It also had more concession stands and more comfortable seating than the older parks.’
      • ‘There were long lines throughout the day at concession stands and many exhibits.’
      • ‘Wandering the streets for a while we come across an alley full of food stands.’
      • ‘We circled the terminal looking at the food stands before we made our choice, a small restaurant in the corner of the terminal.’
      • ‘When we came back to the cotton candy stand I saw Brant standing there.’
      • ‘Eventually she came to the market, where she found many food stands.’
      • ‘He looked at the roadside stalls, and stopped to purchase from one of the many fruit stands.’
      • ‘Food stands and other entertainment facilities are also available for both adults and children.’
      • ‘On the weekends, you can grab lunch at one of the food stands that set up camp just outside the gate.’
      • ‘Dara pretended not to hear and walked off towards the refreshment stand.’
      • ‘You want to hit the concession stand before the game starts!’
      • ‘Local ladies will have a cake stand and all support would be appreciated.’
      stall, booth, kiosk
      View synonyms
    2. 2.2Britanico An upright structure on which an organization displays promotional material at an exhibition.
      ‘stands exhibiting new wines’
      • ‘Cheered to the rafters as he briefly appeared on the conference stage and glowingly welcomed as he toured the exhibition stands, the former leader took all before him.’
      • ‘As duty officer he was manning an exhibition stand and casting an eye over some display boards when a familiar name caught his eye.’
      • ‘Upfront Exhibitions was set up to fill a need for the design and construction of trade stands, exhibition, stage sets and props.’
      • ‘The police were informed and, while the picture was still on the screen, they arrived and made an arrest in full view of visitors to the exhibition stand.’
      • ‘The exhibition had 60 stands featuring mission agencies and societies.’
      • ‘More than 500 trade exhibitors took part in the exhibition, and 32 stands were nominated for the award.’
      • ‘Arrived at Earls Court and signed up for a whole bunch of seminars before taking a wander round the stands and exhibitions.’
      • ‘This evening, I was setting up our exhibition stand ready for the morning.’
      • ‘A further 20 student exhibition stands will be added to the event.’
      • ‘Activities on offer include exhibition stands and presentations/workshops on a range of media industry related topics.’
      • ‘The sports complex took on the air of an exhibition centre with 25 stands.’
      • ‘Staff from a variety of specialist organisations will be setting up stands and displays at Queen Mary's Hospital, Sidcup, from July 5 to July 9.’
      • ‘About 200 exhibit stands will show tourist attractions from around China and those from other countries, such as Australia, Egypt and Britain.’
      • ‘Various companies will exhibit on the 22 stands.’
      • ‘The festival is being extensively promoted in advance with stands booked for the Holiday World extravaganzas in Dublin, Cork and Belfast.’
      • ‘His stand is just one of many in the Discovery Days exhibition at the Guildhall.’
      • ‘Visitors can also take a look at the career information stand, an exhibition of projects and historic memorabilia on the night.’
      • ‘Their stand will promote physical activity, mental health, healthy eating and smoking cessation.’
      • ‘Information on the work of the Lions Club and the causes they support was on display on their stand.’
      • ‘Cold Steel has several marketing aids, including videos, catalogs, specialty clothing and display stands.’
    3. 2.3A raised platform for a band, orchestra, or speaker.
      ‘We had reached the stands where the band always sits and plays pep band songs.’
      • ‘A jazz band was on the stand.’
      • ‘Dancers could be sure of a pleasant tuneful evening when his orchestra was on the stand.’
      • ‘While the third speaker was on the stand, a man in the crowd shouted out.’
  • 3The place where someone typically stands or sits.

    ‘she took her stand in front of the desks’
    • ‘She took her stand at the podium in the center of the room.’
    • ‘One after another they all tried, each man rising in his turn and taking his stand before the threshold.’
    • ‘Taking her stand in the centre of the room, she waited.’
    1. 3.1A place where vehicles, typically taxis, wait for passengers.
      ‘a taxi stand’
      • ‘the terminal's facilities include additional aircraft parking stands’
      • ‘Bus drivers had been told on Friday they could no longer wait at stands between picking up and dropping off passengers.’
      • ‘Thanks to the new-age look being modelled for six of the city's busiest bus stands, waiting for a bus could well become the most exciting part of the journey.’
      • ‘The plight of passengers at bus stands is much worse.’
      • ‘I stood under the bus stand, waiting for the quarter past six bus to the student flats.’
      • ‘The very stationing of a commercial vehicle at the stand means that it is for hire.’
      • ‘The Sunday Business Post has learned that a temporary pier with eight aircraft stands will not be completed until the autumn, instead of April as anticipated.’
      • ‘The witness added that the incident flared again before the aircraft left its stand prior to take-off.’
      • ‘His main areas of distribution of the pamphlets, which contain day-to-day legal issues, are the bus stands and the railway stations.’
      • ‘This has resulted in people sleeping in bus stands and railway stations.’
      • ‘Hi-tech solar panels have appeared on the top of city bus stands, catching the sun's rays and converting them into electricity.’
      • ‘An increase in hackney carriage numbers can lead to additional pressure on hackney carriage stands.’
      • ‘Making their way through the fruit skins and the heaps of garbage they start out towards the bus stand.’
      • ‘A pedestrian subway near the main bus stand should be constructed to prevent accidents due to increased traffic.’
      rank, station, park, parking place, place, bay
      View synonyms
    2. 3.2A witness box.
      ‘Sergeant Harris took the stand’
      • ‘Edwards called his witness to the stand.’
      • ‘He was given to walking around the courtroom before stopping abruptly to bellow questions at the witness in the stand.’
      • ‘Prosecutors don't want to put her on the stand without corroboration, because her bias is so evident.’
      • ‘As he left the stand, he handed his business card to the judge.’
      • ‘The trial is underway right now, and on the stand is a rebuttal witness for the prosecution.’
      • ‘The witness came to the stand and the bailiff once again came around with the Bible.’
      • ‘The opportunity to be humiliated on the stand is unlimited, either for not knowing a fact or for not being able to defend an opinion.’
      • ‘She was the only witness to the killing, and to make the case for self-defense, her lawyers had to put her on the stand.’
      • ‘I asked him so many times to put me on the stand.’
      • ‘And let me also remind you that when some of the defense witnesses were on the stand, the jury laughed at them.’
      • ‘The mother is still on the stand and emotionally unable to continue on.’
      • ‘Tonight, the boy is home after facing some tough questions on the stand today.’
      • ‘She walked over to the stand and raised her right hand over the Bible.’
      • ‘Memory fades with time, and as a result the evidence people can provide on the stand becomes progressively more unreliable.’
  • 4A large raised tiered structure for spectators, typically at a sporting venue.

    ‘United's manager watched from the stands’
    • ‘The 30,000 spectators will be seated in two tiered stands that reflect each other across the pitch.’
    • ‘The stands are half-full, spectators jostling to reach their seats.’
    • ‘Sturdy steel fences surrounding the arena have been constructed, preventing close contact with the spectators sitting in the stands.’
    • ‘There are a few interested spectators in the stands, and some reporters and TV cameras.’
    • ‘The spectator stands have been declared dangerous and need urgent renovation.’
    • ‘By the time the game started there were only a few parents and spectators in the stands.’
    • ‘They will also replace the temporary north stand with a permanent structure.’
    • ‘He was more often a spectator in the main stand than a striker selected to play.’
    • ‘As we talked the club was preparing to install three hundred new seats in the spectator stand that it built last year.’
    • ‘Few spectators in the stands remained for the last inning, disgusted with such a one-sided score.’
    • ‘Watching the stands, I could see the wind tearing through the spectators at a 90-degree angle.’
    • ‘Increasingly, sport was watched not from the stands or terraces but from the armchair.’
    • ‘Have you ever been in the stands at a race meeting when ‘your’ horse is neck and neck on that last half furlong?’
    • ‘We sat high up in the covered stand, towards the City End.’
    • ‘The lottery money will go towards the completion of the new stand and the conversion of the pitch into an all weather surface.’
    • ‘At half-time, they inflated the ball and ran towards an entrance in the south stand which leads on to the pitch.’
    • ‘Instead, the report recommends extending the covered terraced stand opposite the main stand with new seating installed and a new cantilevered roof.’
    • ‘The turnstiles will be resited closer to the playing area and opposite the main stand we hope to cover some of the standing area adjacent to the cricket field.’
    • ‘We were sat in the very highest echelons of the main stand, with fans of both sides around us, and the camaraderie and mutual respect in evidence was fantastic.’
    • ‘The stand is less than quarter-full.’
  • 5usually in singular A cessation from motion or progress.

    ‘the train drew to a stand by the signal box’
    • ‘The train emerges from the foliage and comes to a stand for the crossing gates to be opened.’
    • ‘A hill which a motor car would hardly notice would bring a heavy train to a stand in next to no time.’
    • ‘For years the trains had to be brought to a stand by a dubious hand-brake, but later two were fitted with air pumps for braking.’
    • ‘The driver had failed to set a driver's reminder appliance when he was at a stand in a station, so he didn't have the reminder.’
    stop, halt, standstill, dead stop
    View synonyms
    1. 5.1The mean sea level at a particular period in the past.
      ‘At the sequence boundary, sediment accumulated only in the most distal locations, and hence it is inferred that sea level was falling or at a low stand.’
      • ‘where there is a tendency for a double tide the stand may last for several hours even with a large range of tide.’
      • ‘Much water was sequestered in glaciers and sea level was about 100 m below its present stand.’
      • ‘The deposited material was a mixture of old reworked sediment from previous beach face deposits and what fluvial sediment that had accumulated after the last high stand.’
    2. 5.2The state of the tide at high or low water when there is little change in water level.
      ‘Geologically, this was a deep valley eroded by the Mississippi during the Pleistocene Era when the sea level was 200 feet below its present stand.’
      • ‘Where there is a tendency for a double tide the stand may last for several hours even with a large range of tide.’
      • ‘This suggests that the lower areas were flooded prior to 1760 and, thus, that the high stand at 631m occurred some time between 1650 and 1750 AD.’
    3. 5.3Each halt made on a touring theatrical production to give one or more performances.
      ‘More successful was our concluding stand of the tour outside a reconstructed village inn.’
      • ‘After the Saturday opening date, the show moved to Elkton, Maryland, for its first stand of the tour.’
      • ‘The show's last stand will be at the Dallas Museum of Art.’
  • 6A group of growing plants of a specified kind, especially trees.

    ‘a stand of poplars’
    • ‘Since the American elm generally was regarded as the optimal urban tree, extensive stands were planted, something no city would do today.’
    • ‘Eventually we came to a stand of birch trees growing in a circle.’
    • ‘He planted a number of stands of spruce, larch and fir trees many of which still exist.’
    • ‘It winds up through rolling hills with stands of poplar trees, distant views of lakes and snowy mountain peaks strung along the horizon.’
    • ‘Direct planting seeds can be cheaper than planting seedlings and usually results in a denser stand of trees and shrubs.’
    • ‘In the forest were black gum trees and thick stands of white cedar.’
    • ‘Fire, which clears out flammable underbrush and thins stands of young trees, is a natural part of the ecology in most Western forests.’
    • ‘Handsome stands of mature trees were complemented by new flower beds.’
    • ‘Great stands of trees march beside the roads in a panoply of greens that rival New England's Fall.’
    • ‘We've turned the forestland around, and in addition to improving the existing stands, we've planted many more.’
    • ‘Beyond the stand of trees, well away from the road, the hiking trail became dark.’
    • ‘The college is nestled into a hillside and is surrounded by a magnificent stand of fir trees.’
    • ‘Approaching the house you can see it is covered from the east by a stand of beech trees.’
    • ‘They thin out dense stands of low trees and shrubs.’
    • ‘Seek shelter in low-lying areas, such as dense stands of small trees.’
    • ‘The path takes me up through some dense stands of pine trees and across a couple of meadows.’
    • ‘There's a stand of pine just off the side.’
    • ‘Leave the track here to the right and follow a wire fence which encloses a stand of conifers.’
    • ‘Aspen groves dot the trail as you go, with larger stands waiting for you on the far side of the lake.’
    • ‘A healthy and vigorous alfalfa stand minimizes many production problems.’
    copse, spinney, thicket, grove, coppice, wood
    View synonyms
  • 7inglés de Sudáfrica A plot of land.

    ‘The first stand of land was rightfully presented to Tom Lambert in 1898.’
    • ‘He works with growers all over the world to help them understand how to manage their wild stands of land.’
    piece of ground, patch, area, location, parcel, tract, allotment, acreage
    View synonyms
  • 8marginal A flock of game birds.

    ‘the stand of pheasants has been better this year than for many years’
    • ‘He was aware of a stand of fowl which he failed to recognise.’
    • ‘The Game Warden suggests close seasons for a few years would be most helpful in increasing the stand of grouse.’
    • ‘The area supported a very thin stand of quail.’
    • ‘The following winter census showed an excellent stand of partridges.’
    • ‘The stand of pheasants will have increased sufficiently in numbers to warrant an excellent hunting season.’


The use of the past participle stood with the verb ‘to be’, as in we were stood in a line for hours, is not acceptable in standard English, where the present participle standing should be used instead. See also


    stand trial
    • Be tried in a court of law.

      ‘he was due to stand trial for spreading propaganda’
      • ‘They were later extradited to Britain and had been due to stand trial at Woolwich Crown Court in London.’
      • ‘He was later charged by officers and had been due to stand trial at Southampton Crown Court.’
      • ‘A North Yorkshire woman is to stand trial at Hull Crown Court after denying a charge of manslaughter.’
      • ‘The teenager was charged with murder and stood trial at Manchester Crown Court in March this year but the jury failed to reach a verdict and a re-trial was ordered.’
      • ‘A year later 15 men stood trial at Sheffield Crown Court charged with riot, but the case against them collapsed.’
      • ‘They stood trial at Hull Crown Court in spring last year, and when that trial collapsed they faced a retrial six months later.’
      • ‘The judge concluded that the applicant was fit to stand trial and listed the trial for 1st March.’
      • ‘Should he be extradited to Spain to stand trial for the grave crimes of which he is accused?’
      • ‘There can be no trial at all unless the accused is fit both to plead and to stand trial.’
      • ‘In December last year he was due to stand trial and some of his victims had attended court to give evidence, one becoming ill because of the stress.’
    stand up and be counted
    • State publicly one's support for someone or something.

      ‘those who admire her should stand up and be counted’
      • ‘Well now is the time for them to stand up and be counted and show they are true supporters.’
      • ‘However, when no one else was willing to speak up, it was necessary to stand up and be counted.’
      • ‘It's time for the Irish people to stand up and be counted.’
      • ‘The borough council must stand up and be counted.’
      • ‘He has long been a lone voice advocating for human rights and has been prepared to stand up and be counted when the establishment prefers a quiet and diplomatic approach.’
      • ‘Time has come for this nation to stand up and be counted.’
      • ‘It's time for our politicians to stand up and be counted and obtain the desired objective.’
      • ‘We decided it was time to stand up and be counted.’
      • ‘Maybe we will have someone with the ‘grit’ to stand up and be counted in our Government!’
      • ‘It takes a lot of courage to stand up and be counted.’
    stand treat
    • Bear the expense of treating someone to something.

      ‘I've been standing treat for a whole week and more, and letting you have all the delicacies of the season.’
      • ‘He added that his own reason for making the trip was because of Mr. Clemens's offer to stand treat.’
      • ‘The English officer stood treat to the whole village.’
      • ‘As a rule, when men and women drink together, the man stands treat, but women treat each other as much, and even more than, is the case with men.’
      • ‘I made a move to depart, when one of the head showmen exclaimed, ‘Come, Mister, don't be shabby; can you think of going without standing treat all round?’’
    stand on one's own two feet
    • Be or become self-reliant or independent.

      ‘he'll have to stand on his own two feet’
      • ‘I am a 30 year-old woman and I am fairly independent, believing in standing on my own two feet most of the time and having strong relationships based on intellect and feeling.’
      • ‘She taught us how to stand on our own feet.’
      • ‘Fortunately, the children knew they had to be capable of standing on their own feet and supporting her through old age.’
      • ‘Such nations are rightly proud that they have progressed on their own terms, standing on their own feet.’
      • ‘You've got to stand on your own two feet eventually.’
      • ‘When there is no one else around, you have to stand on your own two feet.’
      • ‘The state will help you with education and training but ultimately you have to stand on your own feet.’
      • ‘Farmers have been told to stand on their own two feet.’
      • ‘It teaches them responsibility, to stand on their own two feet and to get a job afterwards.’
      • ‘The skills and qualities all these young people have developed will help them stand on their own two feet and prepare them to be good citizens of the future.’
    as it stands
    • 1In its present condition.

      ‘there are no merits in the Bill as it stands’
      • ‘But the law as it stands also proposes to outlaw all smoking in theatres - including on the stage.’
      • ‘The scheme as it stands is a well considered response that pays enormous respect to the building.’
      • ‘As it stands the movie is a waste of time.’
      • ‘The law as it stands puts the home-owner defending his property and the burglar violating it on exactly the same footing.’
      • ‘The text as it stands unquestionably lacks many of the qualities that make its predecessors so great.’
      1. 1.1In the present circumstances.
        ‘the country would struggle, as it stands, to host the next World Cup’
        • ‘I am awaiting an assessment of the injuries, but, as things stand, we are very depleted.’
        • ‘However, as things stand, works remain in copyright in the U.K. for 70 years after the death of their author.’
        • ‘But, as things stand, I am having to rely on my parents for financial assistance.’
        • ‘And it is certain that, as things stand, thousands of trade unionists - believing that Europe has nothing to offer them - will just not bother to vote at all.’
        • ‘Yet as things stand, a child removed from home and made a ward of the state often languishes, until the age of eighteen, in a foster care system based on temporary care.’
        • ‘He speculates that, as things stand, the victims and the media are left to speculate on the precise motives of the perpetrators.’
        • ‘Whichever way one looks at it, there is no denying that as things stand now, the state of the liquor trading sector leaves much to be desired.’
        • ‘But as things stand, it appears that we are still far from accepting to work together as political parties.’
        • ‘He insists that, as things stand, he has no intention of leaving, but should Middlesbrough fail to come up with a better offer, he will have to.’
        • ‘The problem is that, as things stand, it is often not until someone has had an accident that a potential problem with his or her driving is picked up.’
    stand on me
    coloquial, anticuado
    • Rely on me; believe me.

      ‘You'll be all right, stand on me.’
      • ‘Never mind about passports, eh? Just stand on me.’
    be at a stand
    • Be perplexed and unable to take action.

      ‘The Country Parson being to administer the Sacraments, is at a stand with himself, how or what behavior to assume for so holy things.’
      • ‘Here I am a little at a stand; for credit, properly speaking, they have none.’
    stand and deliver!
    • A highwayman's order to hand over money and valuables.

      ‘‘Hand over your goods,’ she ordered, but seeing Lord Harold continuing to play the audacious gentleman, she added in a colder tone of voice, ‘stand and deliver!’’
      • ‘The last time a ‘gentleman of the road’ cried ‘Stand and deliver!’ on an English highway is thought to have been in 1831.’
      • ‘Stand and deliver, your money or your life!’
      • ‘As they turned onto the Wybourne Drive the all too familiar shout of ‘Stand and deliver!’ was heard and a shot was fired.’
    will the real — please stand up
    • Used rhetorically to indicate that the specified person should clarify their position or reveal their true character.

      ‘he was so different from the unhappy man of a week ago—would the real Jack Lawrence please stand up?’
      • ‘We're going to ask the question, will the real Republican Party please stand up.’
      • ‘Now, as he unwraps his directorial debut, will the real Edward Norton please stand up?’
      • ‘Will the real John Wayne please stand up?’

Phrasal Verbs

    stand aside
    • 1Take no action to prevent, or not involve oneself in, something that is happening.

      ‘the army had stood aside as the monarchy fell’
      • ‘If somebody is going to start causing trouble am I going to stand aside and watch it happen?’
      • ‘They urged the army to stand aside and offer no resistance.’
      • ‘She said they have been told, in the event of serious trouble, to stand aside and not attempt to prevent a breakout.’
      • ‘Many religious leaders stood aside and ignored what was happening, though there were notable, courageous exceptions in both the Protestant and Catholic clergy.’
      • ‘Were they, self-declared army of the Republic, to stand aside while the crown defied and repressed the government?’
      • ‘She was prepared to stand aside from the conflict that has now involved practically the whole of Europe.’
      • ‘The 30 uniformed and plain clothes police officers stood aside with a ‘non-interference’ attitude.’
      • ‘Again, this is good union practice, and historically unions have never stood aside from engaging in ‘political’ struggles.’
      • ‘Our best way of making a difference here is not by standing aside and refusing to sully our hands, but by trying to set a pattern of linking trade to human rights improvements.’
      • ‘The Prime Minister yesterday warned of the dangers of standing aside from closer European integration.’
      1. 1.1Withdraw or resign from a position or office.
        ‘the acting prime minister refused to stand aside to permit Sir Julius to resume his post’
        • ‘He should have stood aside pending the findings of the enquiry.’
        • ‘Today he stood aside from the leadership, although he'll remain in the Parliament.’
        • ‘In 1892 he was elected Labour MP for the West Ham constituency in London, abetted by the fact that the Liberal candidate had stood aside.’
        • ‘But on Wednesday he stood aside for the sake of the party and the ‘first class’ candidate who replaced him.’
        • ‘He stood aside from an executive position a couple of years ago, but still remains a large shareholder.’
        • ‘He stood aside because ‘no one more than me wants the Conservatives to win the general election’.’
        • ‘A judge at the centre of an operation against child pornography stood aside last night.’
        • ‘Seven years later, he was leader of a tiny party, his dominant position secured by the fact that he was the only one of nine Liberal MPs who had won his seat without the help of Tories standing aside.’
        • ‘However, he says he has no intention of standing aside as Labour's candidate for Caerphilly at May's Welsh assembly election.’
        • ‘He is one of five long-term Liberal politicians who announced this week that they are standing aside to make way for new blood.’
    stand over
    • 1stand over someoneStand close to someone so as to watch, supervise, or intimidate them.

      ‘their parents stood over them while they did their school work’
      • ‘For the time being it leaves the establishments with no choice other than to stand over customers and supervise their use of the portable chip and PIN machines.’
      • ‘He stood over her, just watching her, just waiting for her to understand.’
      • ‘He stood over her quietly, watching as her shoulders rose and fell with each breath.’
      • ‘He reached her bed and stood over her silently, watching her rib cage move up and down slowly as she breathed.’
      • ‘Looking up, she noticed that a figure was standing over her, watching her carefully.’
      • ‘It was a good place to rest, and she didn't feel so intimidating as she did standing over him.’
      • ‘He simply developed the knowledge that someone was standing over him, watching him work.’
      • ‘He just stands over my bed silently, watching me with this terrible reproach in his eyes.’
      • ‘He was going to stand over her with a constant watch, until he was sure nothing was happening that he couldn't control.’
      • ‘Cameron's eyes narrowed and he came to stand over her, his posture intimidating.’
      1. 1.1inglés de Australia Intimidate or threaten someone in order to extort money from them.
        ‘courageous shopkeepers are refusing to be stood over by teenage extortionists’
        • ‘The judge said his crimes against two victims he had threatened and stood over was "disturbingly violent behaviour".’
        • ‘A prominent Brisbane hairdresser was allegedly stood over by bikies.’
        • ‘Earlier that month he was accused of standing over the Bohemian Club, wanting £10 a week for its protection.’
        • ‘There are legitimate operators who have tried to start up tattoo parlours but have been firebombed out of there or stood over by groups in those areas.’
        • ‘He was charged earlier this month with extortion and assault after allegedly standing over a Campbellfield real estate agent.’
    • 2Britanico Be postponed to be dealt with at a later date.

      ‘Standing Order No. 20 stands over from an earlier day’
      • ‘Is there utility in standing the matter over to a fixed date?’
      • ‘So the committal proceedings were stood over until the afternoon on 14th May.’
      • ‘I do recollect, now, that the summons was stood over.’
      • ‘In effect, her Honour stood the applications over until the applications for special leave had been heard.’
      • ‘Justice Kirby stood the matter over generally pending the outcome of the decisions on Tuesday.’
      • ‘Your Honour, I am very grateful to the Court for standing the matter over until 3.00 pm and I am grateful to my learned friends for consenting.’
      • ‘So I think I should probably stand your application over to the Full Court, but in the meantime do refine your submissions and I will incorporate you in the timetable.’
      • ‘If I were to stand the matter over until Monday next, what would you say?’
      • ‘Should we stand this matter over part heard and allow you to make any application you are advised to make to the Court of Appeal?’
      • ‘So far as your appeal is concerned, we intend to stand it over.’
      1. 2.1stand something over, stand over somethingPostpone something to be dealt with at a later date.
        • ‘a number of points were stood over to a further meeting’
    stand up for
    • 1stand up for someone or somethingSpeak or act in support of someone or something.

      ‘I try to stand up for what is right’
      • ‘she learned to stand up for herself’
      • ‘The larger man began pushing the smaller man, who seemed hesitant to stand up for himself.’
      • ‘He was bullied at first, until he learned to stand up for himself.’
      • ‘If they personally feel that a decision is unjust and unfair, they must stand up for themselves.’
      • ‘He said she could stand up for herself and would have reacted if somebody had tried to physically attack her.’
      • ‘Parents need to control their kids and kids need to stand up for themselves.’
      • ‘Life was often difficult, but she had to stand up for herself.’
      • ‘We've seen other workers stand up for themselves and win improvements.’
      • ‘She is the type to stand up for herself and if she doesn't like something, she will voice her opinion.’
      • ‘It's possible to stand up for yourself without being blunt or hurtful to others.’
      • ‘If we never stand up for ourselves then we'll never get anywhere in this world.’
    • 2stand up for someoneAct as best man, usher, or bridesmaid for someone at a wedding.

      • ‘they got married, and I stood up for him, as his best man’
    stand back
    • Withdraw from a situation emotionally in order to view it more objectively.

      ‘I blazed with rage, then stood back and assessed the situation’
      • ‘It is time to stand back from a situation that has gained acceptability through long familiarity and reappraise it objectively.’
      • ‘Only by standing back and viewing the evidence as a whole can one properly reach a conclusion.’
      • ‘He's also able to stand back and be objective and will always challenge me if he thinks something is not quite right.’
      • ‘Do I have the capacity to stand back from the deep emotions and not get mired or lost in destructive thoughts and feelings?’
      • ‘The courts deals with the risk of bias in such cases by a strong warning to the jury as to just how important it is to stand back, be objective, and look at the evidence.’
      • ‘No one is standing back to take a long-term view.’
      • ‘When he writes the show he can stand back from the women he knows and view them subjectively.’
      • ‘You may have to stand back a little and take another look at this situation.’
      • ‘I can't stand back from it and have some objectivity about the whole thing.’
      • ‘Strategic assessment involves standing back from the everyday activities of the business.’
    stand alone
    • Be unequalled.

      ‘when it came to fun Fergus stood alone’
      • ‘In terms of deaths caused by one individual acting alone, he stands alone.’
      • ‘The television show stands alone with a unique place in the nation's heart.’
      • ‘But Malaysia stands alone among the airlines flying here to score a marvellous five stars for its economy class long haul seating.’
      • ‘This is a historic and momentous occasion in the life of this country and it is an event that stands alone.’
      • ‘In a largely stamina-based sport dominated by increasingly young swimmers, the 50m stands alone as an event where power is the key factor.’
      • ‘The clinic stands alone as being almost wholly independent of provincial scrutiny.’
      • ‘In a year that has yet again seen the world of comic books plundered by Hollywood for source material, one film stands alone.’
      • ‘It is a challenge that stands alone, a task that must be taken on without flinching or averting your attention.’
    stand to
    • often in imperative Stand ready for an attack, especially one before dawn or after dark.

      ‘orders came to the guardroom to stand to’
      • ‘Ordered to ‘stand-to!’ just before dawn, the men would be assigned to stand on the fire step dug into the wall of the trench.’
      • ‘All British battalions in the front line of 28th Division were ordered to ‘stand to’.’
      • ‘The defenders were ordered to stand to.’
      • ‘‘Stand to!’ shouted the Corporal.’
    stand on
    • 1stand on somethingSet one's foot down on top of something.

      ‘I thought he was apologizing for standing on your foot’
      • ‘A wave of competition is coming and standing on formality and baloney is no way to compete.’
      • ‘We both know that you know who I am, so lets not stand on ceremony.’
    • 2stand on somethingBe scrupulous in observing something.

      • ‘call me Alex—let's not stand on formality’
    • 3Marina
      Continue on the same course.

      ‘I stood on close to the wind’
      • ‘There was risk of collision if the other ship stood on.’
      • ‘A small vessel stood on towards them, and anchored before the fort.’
      • ‘Still the boat stood on; the spray was beating in heavy showers over her, and it was as much as she could do to look up to her canvas.’
    stand off
    • 1Move or keep away.

      ‘the women stood off at a slight distance’
      • ‘Unbeknownst to everyone else, a man in an impeccable suit stood off in the shadows, not moving a muscle.’
      • ‘During this process, the safety observer stood off to the side.’
      • ‘Jessica and I stood off to the side, eager to get under way.’
      • ‘You're getting ready to play your second shot from the middle of the fairway, and your opponent is standing off to the side, at the edge of the rough.’
      • ‘I stood off to the side, listening to the conversation.’
      • ‘Dad stood off to the side, a proud look on his face.’
      • ‘Lauren joined us, and Tommy stood off in the far corner.’
      • ‘Nathan stood off to the side watching her for a moment.’
      • ‘She nodded and stood off to the side as I turned to face Ryan.’
      • ‘Bill stood off to one side talking quietly with Angela's parents.’
      1. 1.1stand someone off, stand off someoneKeep someone away; repel someone.
        ‘they could not hope to stand off all the horsemen’
        • ‘It is not in our interest to create the impression that a group of insurgents can stand us off for months.’
        • ‘He can easily be stood off by either of the Austrian armies.’
        • ‘After Grant outflanked the Confederates and encircled Vicksburg, they stood him off for weeks.’
        • ‘I stood him off by saying I did not like that sort of game.’
    • 2stand someone off, stand off someoneBritanico anticuado Discharge a worker temporarily or permanently because of a shortage of work.

      ‘the firm stood off the workers and closed the factory’
      • ‘Three categories of claimant were stood down workers who were workers who were stood off from their employment when the gas interruption shut down their places of employment.’
      • ‘Those who were stood off had but a poor chance of getting a start anywhere else.’
      • ‘Formerly the local labourers had been stood off at that season.’
    • 3Marina
      Sail further away from the shore.

      ‘the ship was standing off on the landward side’
      • ‘Recognizing it to be a naval auxiliary, the Shackleton stood off.’
      • ‘Before that time steamers often had to stand off in busy times until it was their turn to be unloaded.’
      • ‘The boat edged in, standing off sufficiently to avoid boats, people and rocks.’
      • ‘They had drafted a number of messages to the ship instructing her to stand off, all of which were sent but apparently went astray.’
    stand for
    • 1stand for somethingBe an abbreviation of or symbol for something.

      ‘BBC stands for British Broadcasting Corporation’
      • ‘Symbols stand for something, yet this one doesn't seem to represent anything at all.’
      • ‘Find out what those pesky acronyms and abbreviations stand for.’
      • ‘This abbreviation stands for DVD rewritable disc and means that it can be recorded and erased just the same as a VHS video.’
      • ‘However the abbreviation in this case stands for Cross Program Recovery.’
      • ‘We then developed these pictures into symbols that would stand for the sounds we made when we spoke to others.’
      • ‘Within Christian symbolism, bread stood for the body of Christ.’
      • ‘CI stands for Cycle Indicator and NCI stands for Neutral Cycle Indicator.’
      • ‘Green denoted hope for renewal, red stood for the ancestors' courage, and yellow symbolized the country's treasures.’
      • ‘He also showed me which arabic symbol stood for Allah, and which stood for Mohammad.’
      • ‘The glyph for Neptune is the symbol of a trident, which stands for rulership over the sea.’
    • 2stand for somethingwith negative Refuse to endure or tolerate something.

      ‘I won't stand for any nonsense’
      • ‘The referee refused to stand for any nonsense and brandished a succession of cards.’
      • ‘He did not stand for nonsense from anyone.’
      • ‘This patient won't stand for any nonsense - but she does require instant gratification’
      • ‘He would not stand for any nonsense.’
      • ‘Would the world stand for a country that approved of athletes who refused to compete against people because of their religion?’
      • ‘It's getting to the point where hunt supporters won't stand for it.’
    • 3stand for somethingSupport a cause or principle.

      ‘we stand for animal welfare’
      • ‘On that day the principles I stood for and believed in were set aside on the altar of political expediency.’
      • ‘In spite of their peaceable professions, the French revolutionaries had always believed that they stood for principles of universal validity.’
      • ‘Ours is the only party that stands for the fundamental principle that all workers must be able to live and work in whichever country they choose.’
      • ‘The members of the Green Party will say that they stand for green principles.’
      • ‘Surely he isn't arguing that you have to agree with everything a politician stands for in order to support that politician.’
      • ‘This is not to suggest that we support everything he stands for.’
      • ‘If parties need cash, let them go out and convince people that they stand for something worth supporting.’
      • ‘We are the people who truly care and who truly promote and stand for Women's Rights.’
      • ‘If that doesn't give you a clear indication of what they stand for then I don't know what will.’
      • ‘And while I agree with everything else the Green Party stands for, I can't abide by that point.’
    stand down
    • 1Withdraw or resign from a position or office.

      ‘he stood down as leader of the party’
      • ‘He is standing down from his position due to ill health.’
      • ‘The first-ever female principal of Northallerton College has announced that she is standing down from her position next summer after nearly seven years in the job.’
      • ‘He announced that he was standing down from the position as treasurer after 18 years.’
      • ‘His election victory means he automatically stands down from the European Parliament.’
      • ‘The parliamentary party has spoken and I will stand down as leader when a successor has been chosen.’
      • ‘Some of the long-standing trustees are standing down either by retirement or resignation.’
      • ‘The present leaders are standing down after ten years.’
      • ‘The decision to stand down as Leader of the House of Commons was not an easy one.’
      • ‘Last night he announced his intention to stand down as leader of the Labour party in Wales.’
      • ‘The outspoken Tory, a veteran of 40 years in Parliament, will stand down at the next general election.’
      1. 1.1(of a witness) leave the witness box after giving evidence.
        ‘the judge ordered the witness to stand down’
        • ‘The applicant may stand down and go back to the Bar table.’
        • ‘What I propose to do is to have this witness stood down.’
        • ‘After a minute of silence the judge said, ‘Okay, the witness may stand down.’’
    • 2Relax after being ready or alert.

      ‘no further action was required and all units stood down’
      • ‘Royal Navy ice patrol ship HMS Endurance has been stood down from a rescue in the sea off Antarctica.’
      • ‘If there is not a successful breakthrough, we're there at the Government's behest and if they decide to stand us down, then we will be stood down.’
      • ‘An ambulance crew was dispatched immediately, however they were stood down shortly after.’
      • ‘The number of men in the Home Guard did not fall below one million until they were stood down in December 1944.’
      • ‘The force's slow but inexorable decline dragged on until October 1944, when the government announced that the Home Guard would be stood down the following month.’
      • ‘After I was stood down no relief teachers were employed to take my place.’
      • ‘By loading the ammunition but then standing down the firing squad, Lord Butler has left the Prime Minister still breathing, and the political landscape largely unchanged.’
      • ‘The civil rights movement of the late 1960s demanded the unit be stood down, a demand which was conceded in 1970 under conditions of incipient civil war.’
      • ‘There were a couple of minor clashes between pro and anti hunt protesters but all police units were later stood down.’
      • ‘They have got to accept that the war is over and stand down their army once and for all.’
      1. 2.1stand someone down, stand down someoneAllow someone to relax after being ready or alert.
        • ‘if something doesn't happen soon, I reckon they'll stand us down’
    stand out
    • 1Project from a surface.

      ‘the veins in his neck stood out’
      • ‘One gable jutted into the road with a projecting like window which stood out from the building like a glass box held together by a massive frame of wood.’
      • ‘She was careful not to stub her toes on the rocks that stood out above the surface of the sand.’
      • ‘The use of crumbled or folded paper standing out from the plane surface of the canvas was a recurring motif of the Vanitas trompe l' oeil paintings.’
      • ‘He delivered this all with a wet smile and a charming crinkle in his eye and only the veins standing out in his neck mirrored the hostility of his words.’
      • ‘I am bolt upright in bed, awake and trembling, the veins in my neck standing out like guy-ropes.’
      • ‘Her collarbones stood out below her neck, like a coat hanger.’
      • ‘I noticed her face: chalk-white, jaw set so rigid the tendons in her neck stood out.’
      • ‘His back was aching, and the cords in his neck were standing out.’
      • ‘He screeched the words, the tendons in his neck standing out with the strain.’
      • ‘I could see the veins stand out on his forehead and the sweat stream down his neck.’
      1. 1.1Be easily noticeable.
        ‘he was one of those men who stood out in a crowd’
        • ‘He said because she was wearing lightweight summer clothing when she disappeared she would have easily stood out.’
        • ‘His spiky red hair makes him easily stand out in a crowd.’
        • ‘Certain landmarks and locations in London stand out and are very noticeable.’
        • ‘I developed a unique way to not be noticed or stand out.’
        • ‘Movie soundtracks fall into one of two camps - those you're not supposed to notice during the movie, and those that stand out loud and proud.’
        • ‘Chips stand out more on bright colors, so stick with sheer shades that don't require serious maintenance.’
        • ‘Add a Christmas wreath, holly, and bright red rope, and you'll have a project that will stand out and can be seen from blocks away when flooded with bright, white spot lights.’
        • ‘A matching cloak fluttered from around his neck, standing out in stark contrast to his golden hair.’
        • ‘On a smooth surface, a fingerprint can stand out on its own, refracting light differently than the surface below.’
        • ‘The project also has a plot of cannabis that manages to stand out even among all the other green plants.’
      2. 1.2Be clearly better or more significant than someone or something.
        ‘four issues stand out as being of crucial importance’
        • ‘One issue stands out from canvassing core Labour voters over more than four decades.’
        • ‘His study stands out from some of the other books that have appeared because he has spent most of his working life outside Australia without, however, losing touch with his birth-place.’
        • ‘It has a catchy chorus that you can easily sing along to and he has a voice that not many male singers have right now, so he stands out from the other male singers of today.’
        • ‘It stands out from other French rosé wines with its gustatory characteristics, its history and techniques.’
        • ‘As a big-match player whose centuries have proved a virtual guarantee of victory, he also stands out from many of his compatriots.’
        • ‘He stands out from the majority of his young teammates, his individualism so strikingly visible.’
        • ‘Innovation was what made a project stand out.’
        • ‘Our project will create the conditions for young drivers to stand out in world motorsport.’
        • ‘An early chase scene involving a hijacked car-carrier is the third big chase scene to show up this summer, but easily stands out as the season's best.’
        • ‘He easily stands out as the strongest character in the film.’
    • 2Persist in opposition or support of something.

      ‘she stood out against public opinion’
      • ‘the company stood out for the product it wanted’
      • ‘But I was the first among the few who stood out for the successful candidate, who won with 63% of the vote in my province.’
      • ‘Brave individuals and small organizations stood out against the prevailing developmental ethos.’
      • ‘Bradford has a proud record of multi-cultural education and has stood out against higher fees for overseas students for a long time.’
    stand by
    • 1Be present while something bad is happening but fail to take any action to stop it.

      ‘he was beaten to the ground as onlookers stood by’
      • ‘I'm not going to stand by and see her hurt’
      • ‘And not the least of the horror is that the rest of the world stood by and let it happen.’
      • ‘And the police stood by and let it happen because it was peaceful.’
      • ‘It was surprising that Stewart stood by and watched this happen.’
      • ‘We aren't prepared to stand by and watch that happen.’
      • ‘As a local representative there is no way on earth I'm going to stand by and watch this happen.’
      • ‘Yet only now is the world beginning to wake up to what happened, having stood by at the height of the bloodshed.’
      • ‘Although they have the means to avert it, Western governments and transnational companies are standing by and letting it happen.’
      • ‘I have told her she is destroying her life and I can't stand by and watch it happen.’
      • ‘In just 100 days an estimated 800,000 people were slaughtered while the rest of the world stood by.’
    • 2Be ready to deal or assist with something.

      ‘two battalions were on their way, and a third was standing by’
      • ‘stand by for a new trade war’
      • ‘The jets sit fueled and ready on the tarmac, and pilots stand by around the clock ready to scramble them into the air on a moment's notice.’
      • ‘They had a medical officer standing by to assist with the survivor.’
      • ‘British Royal Marines and US Marines are standing by to assist with evacuations of UK and US citizens if needed.’
      • ‘We assisted with extra air bottles and stood by in case of emergency.’
      • ‘Officers there had to put out several small fires, believed to have been started deliberately, while four fire engines stood by in case they were needed.’
      • ‘Two crews from Clacton Fire Station and paramedics stood by.’
      • ‘An ambulance stood by during the fire fighting operation in case there were any casualties but was not needed.’
      • ‘The jet made an emergency landing at Manchester Airport with fire and ambulance crews standing by.’
      • ‘The area was sealed off by police as engineers went in to investigate - with fire fighters standing by until they declared it safe.’
      • ‘A lifeboat attended, but because of the falling tide, decided to stand by until the boat floated clear.’
    • 3stand by someoneSupport or remain loyal to someone, typically in a time of need.

      ‘she had stood by him during his years in prison’
      • ‘You knew when doing it, though, that a lot of your friends, and supporters and people who stood by you would be outraged.’
      • ‘Most football supporters have stood by him in his adversity, and greeted him with warm applause on match days despite his falling from grace so publicly.’
      • ‘Paula has asked me to convey her heartfelt thanks to all those who stood by her and support her.’
      • ‘Thanking all his friends and supporters for standing by him, he said his case had raised important questions about householders' rights.’
      • ‘‘We love Barry, support him and stand by him without reservation,’ the family said after his arrest.’
      • ‘Do you have any suggestions on how I can stand by her and support her?’
      • ‘My question is this - will you continue to support her and stand by her for the next 40 years?’
      • ‘You believe in someone, you have faith in them, you expect them to be there for you, support you, stand by you.’
      • ‘Dan says he has had further support from his two kids and his mother who with their unwavering support have stood by him.’
      • ‘I just want to thank everyone who stood by me.’
      1. 3.1stand by somethingAdhere to or abide by something promised, stated, or decided.
        ‘the government must stand by its pledges’
        • ‘He said his members want to go back to work as quickly as possible, but the Government had to stand by its promises first.’
        • ‘If it introduces a firm policy of that sort, it must stand by it.’
        • ‘Remember, if you make it a rule, you must stand by it.’
        • ‘Why can't its adherents stand by their principles?’
        • ‘The Tory leader stood by his pledge to cut taxes by £4bn.’
        • ‘Does he stand by his pledge that no beneficiary will be worse off financially as a result of changes announced in the Budget?’
        • ‘Does the Prime Minister stand by the baby bonus policy and promise that it won't be abolished?’
        • ‘He said he stood by his support for Britain joining the Euro, which sparked the tabloid newspaper's attack on him.’
        • ‘Fewer and fewer Democrats today are willing to stand by that position and support trade bills that are good for American workers.’
        • ‘However, the former world junior champion is standing by his claims.’
    stand up
    • 1Rise to one's feet.

      • ‘the two men stood up and shook hands’
      rise, rise to one's feet, get to one's feet, get up, straighten up, pick oneself up, find one's feet, be upstanding
      View synonyms
    • 2(of an argument, claim, evidence, etc.) remain valid after close scrutiny or analysis.

      ‘you need to have hard evidence that will stand up in court’
      • ‘the argument does not stand up to analysis’
      • ‘Whether the allegations against her will stand up in court remains to be seen.’
      • ‘He claimed they were for me, but I know for a fact that this wouldn't stand up in a court of law.’
      • ‘It was examined to see if the idea stood up and had integrity and financial credibility.’
      • ‘The question is whether, either in a court of law or in the mind of an objective observer, this defence stands up.’
      • ‘His account is rife with factual errors and fails to stand up to scrutiny.’
      • ‘Therefore the notion of supply/demand does not stand up to scientific scrutiny.’
      • ‘We are confident that our plan stands up to scrutiny and we remain committed to green energy projects.’
      • ‘However, not one of them stands up to even a modicum of scholarly scrutiny.’
      • ‘One's own morality only stands up to so much scrutiny before breaking down.’
      • ‘I am not suggesting that his arguments necessarily stood up to academic scrutiny.’
    • 3stand someone up, stand up someonecoloquial Fail to meet someone for a date without informing them beforehand.

      ‘she threw eggs over his car after he stood her up’
      • ‘He just happened to take it out on me because I looked like his old high school girlfriend who stood him up at prom.’
      • ‘In another study, people were asked to imagine a scenario where they had been stood up by a friend with whom they had fixed a time to meet, only to discover that the friend had gone partying without them.’
      • ‘He rang my cell phone 6 times on a Saturday morning, two weeks after he stood me up.’
      • ‘I hate the girl who left me waiting for almost an hour before I finally realised she'd stood me up.’
      • ‘I picked up the message whilst I waited at the pharmacy for my prescription and was instantly overcome with a feeling of guilt, as if I had just stood him up.’
      • ‘The ultra-dependable person in your life has morphed into the biggest flake on the planet, canceling plans, showing up late for dates, standing you up.’
      • ‘I think it would have been better for you to stand me up than to show up with five day old stubble.’
      • ‘She was forced to stand him up because of her grandmother's funeral.’
      • ‘I stand him up and don't return his calls to give him a taste of his own medicine.’
      • ‘I can't believe that jerk stood you up like that.’
    stand in with
    • stand in with someoneBe in league or partnership with someone.

      ‘I should enjoy standing in with Tammany, in some enormously wicked deal’
      • ‘He is noted for his tact in standing in with both the Republican and Democratic parties at one and the same time.’
      • ‘I'm willing to put up a fiver, and you put up another fiver, and if he doubles that for us then we can talk about standing in with him with a hundred.’
    stand in
    • 1Deputize.

      ‘I'll stand in as coach’
      • ‘Brown stood in for the injured Simpson’
      • ‘I then stood in for another team leader while she was off, and I picked up everything really quickly.’
      • ‘Ian Bell also pushed his claims by striking an assured 70 when he stood in for Graham Thorpe.’
      • ‘He stood in for us when called on and played better than we could have expected.’
      • ‘The equipment has already been tested with court staff standing in as replacements.’
    • 2Marina
      Sail closer to the shore.

      ‘a little boat stood in and landed ten persons’
      • ‘the ship stood in for the island’
      • ‘The American ship stood in as close to the shoals as she dared and then fired a shot across the steamer's bow.’
      • ‘The ship stood in for the island.’
      • ‘In the evening we saw a harbour, stood in towards it and found it to have all the appearances of a good one.’
    stand up to
    • 1stand up to someone or somethingMake a spirited defence against someone or something.

      ‘many workers are afraid to stand up to their employers’
      • ‘A defiant single mum plans to create a haven for her children and their friends to rebuild community spirit after standing up to nuisance neighbours.’
      • ‘I learned early on the spirit to stand up to my father, that he wasn't right because he was bigger than me or had a louder voice.’
      • ‘Covertly, then with more confidence, he stands up to the school bully.’
      • ‘If we defeat the congestion tax then it will give people confidence to stand up to other measures imposed on us by authority.’
      • ‘Workers want to see a union that's willing to have a go, to stand up to the boss and fight for their interests.’
      • ‘Even if you don't win the fight at least people can say you stood up to her.’
      • ‘His central challenge is to reaffirm his masculinity by standing up to his father.’
      • ‘He could not bear to think that a young man dared to stand up to him.’
      • ‘A brave community who stood up to an abusive yob have won justice and an anti-social behaviour order to keep him under control.’
      • ‘People who stood up to criminals had their shop windows smashed.’
    • 2stand up to somethingBe resistant to the harmful effects of prolonged wear or use.

      ‘choose a carpet that will stand up to wear and tear’
      • ‘It will be interesting to see how this landform stands up to wear and tear from the public.’
      • ‘The first is the way the tyres stand up to the wear and tear imposed by a circuit on which the cars spend more time braking on full power than at any other track.’
      • ‘Cotton can also be ironed at relatively high temperatures, stands up to abrasion and wears well.’
      • ‘The tamper resistant properties of the unit - including standing up to a little high voltage - is what protects the asset.’
      • ‘But unfortunately he has had problems and I don't really think his legs would stand up to any more racing.’
      • ‘I went around to see mum and Andrew to say goodbyes and make sure their network will stand up to two weeks of unsupervised use.’
      • ‘And it stands that if a higher-strength material that stands up to super cold conditions were available, designers might specify it.’
      • ‘But once I'd made a couple of tackles, I was fine and confident my back would stand up to anything.’


Old English standan (verb), stand (noun), of Germanic origin, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin stare and Greek histanai, also by the noun stead.