Definition of concinnity in English:



  • 1[mass noun] The skilful and harmonious arrangement or fitting together of the different parts of something.

    • ‘For a half-century, some version of this integrated vision, with its logical progression and simple concinnity - shuttle to station, station to ship, and thence to the planets!’
    • ‘This presentation reviews the arguments for comprehensive integration, but advances a contrasting Christian view, that as all knowledge was designed by the Creator as a connected, discoverable, integrated whole, it is already a "concinnity".’
    • ‘Chronic impatience for getting to the "bottom line" or to "the point" dulls sensitivity to what concinnity stands for.’
    • ‘That geologic concinnity's taste is what we know and who we are.’
    1. 1.1Studied elegance of literary or artistic style.
      • ‘No mall store could create a thing of such simple, fragile concinnity.’
      • ‘Generally the higher the art, the higher the degree of concinnity.’


Mid 16th century: from Latin concinnitas, from concinnus skilfully put together.


