Ben Stiller said he hoped being open about his own experiences would lead to greater awareness of prostate cancer’s symptoms. He also said he now regularly urged younger people to be checked for the illness.

Stiller was told he had ‘immediately aggressive’ prostate cancer two years ago and has had surgery to treat it|By Catherine Shoard

"When we turn a critical eye to his track record, a President Pence is nearly as scary as a President Trump."

Donald Trump’s daily scandals have had the effect of making other Republicans seem tame by comparison, and his running mate is no different|By John Paul Brammer

Like the Gulf stream, or a young Republican who doesn’t wear beige chinos, we know Mike Pence and Tim Kaine exist – we just don’t really see them. Tonight's vice-presidential debate is their chance to show us all what we’ve been missing.

Tuesday’s event will finally offer a chance to learn the difference between the middle-aged white men with single-syllable names|By Adam Gabbatt

The heart of this garbage patch floating in the Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii is estimated at 386,000 square miles. Its periphery is believed to span more than 1.3 million square miles.

Giant collection of fishing nets, plastic containers and other discarded items called a ‘ticking time bomb’ as large items crumble into micro plastics|By Oliver Milman

Some experts said this represents the first known case of a US internet company agreeing to a spy agency’s demand by searching all arriving messages.

Company complied with a classified directive, scanning hundreds of millions of Yahoo Mail accounts at the behest of NSA or FBI, say former employees|By Nicky Woolf

"A deeply troubling truth about the death penalty is that it is often handed down not to people who commit the worst crimes, but on those assigned the worst lawyer to represent them."

Duane Buck would probably not be on death row had he been given a more competent lawyer. Will he receive justice from the US supreme court?|By Stephen B Bright

On this ticket, Governor Mike Pence is the GOP’s steady pair of hands compared with the politically inexperienced Donald J. Trump, but the impact of the religious freedom battle lingers, and his decades of anti-LGBT attitudes that preceded it remain.

The Indiana governor appeared to have harmed his prospects by signing a religious freedom bill in 2015 but now he must support Trump’s more gay-friendly views|By Amanda Holpuch

Researchers showed 135 educators videos of children in a classroom setting. Each had a black boy and girl, and a white boy and girl.

While the teachers were asked to detect “challenging behavior”, no such behavior existed in any of the videos. But when asked which children required the most attention, 42% of the teachers identified the black boy.

Findings reveal subconscious racial bias of teachers, who directed attention more closely to black boys when ‘challenging behavior’ is expected|By Yolanda Young

Known in her home country as the Iraqi Maya Angelou, poet Faleeha Hassan now lives as a refugee within a deep pocket of Trump supporters in south New Jersey. Many of her new neighbors, she says, see her headscarf and assume she is a terrorist.


"You were held to a higher standard, with more gratuitous obstructionism than any president in history, and you didn’t just meet that standard – you transcended it. You chuckled through racist death threats and 'terrorist fist jabs' and secret-Kenyan-Muslim-lizard-people-Satan’s-gay-butt-priest bloviations long after any average person would have thrown a chair through the window of a Jamba Juice and take to the wilds until death."

It never occurred to me that I could like a president. Thanks for saving the economy, calling yourself a feminist and not being another old white dude|By Lindy West

No word on whether or not they'll enforce the "no cellphones" rule.

Hundreds of cafes will be converted Wednesday into Luke’s Diner, the show’s signature restaurant, before new episodes premiere on Netflix next month|By Nicole Puglise

“You have no frame of reference here, Donny. You’re like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie …”

Sometimes there’s a man … and we’re talkin’ about the Donald here … and sometimes there’s a film. And sometimes the two go together surprisingly well|By Martin Pengelly

Duane Buck was convicted of a double murder in 1997, to which there was no dispute of the verdict. It's the words of the prosecutor who pushed for the death penalty instead of life in prison that now has his case in front of the supreme court.

Justices will hear oral arguments for a new sentencing hearing nearly 20 years after ‘expert’ witness testified being black predicted future violence|By Ed Pilkington

"Depression and anxiety from hormonal contraceptives may not be the experience of every woman, but that doesn’t mean it’s not the experience of your friend, your daughter or your partner, and of many women out there, who, in reading about this could have their lives changed for the better."

The medical establishment must stop dismissing the risks hormonal contraceptives carry|By Holly Grigg-Spall

"This is just a suggestion, but the next time you meet a woman wearing a headscarf, you might say Salaam or Good Day. She may be an Iraqi poet who would like to tell you how great her children are doing in their new school."

I’ve had neighbors who thought I didn’t deserve to live because of where I came from. But that won’t stop me from opening up to strangers|By Faleeha Hassan

Really, we're not making this all up.

Global warming is said to be bringing temperatures last seen during an interglacial era, when the sea level was 20-30 feet (6-9 meters) higher than today|By Oliver Milman

The #VPDebate excitement is palpable.

Overshadowed by their running mates, the vice-presidential nominees will try to improve poll numbers, not make any missteps, and show they are up to the job|By David Smith

And to think, instead of additional funding for veterans affairs hospitals or state transit systems, we got Trump University and the Trump Taj Mahal.

Donald Tump appears to have avoided paying income tax for years. Here are a few things that the government could’ve used that money on|By Sam Thielman

"I’m still very interested in testifying against the self-promotion ­obsessively ­imposed by the media. This demand for self-promotion diminishes the ­actual work of art, whatever that art may be."

The New York Review of Books controversially outed the acclaimed author this weekend. Why did her identity deserve to be protected? Ferrante herself explains|By Ruth Spencer

They say lightning never strikes twice in the same place – but this bear sure did...

The battered and blood-streaked survivor said in a video posted to Facebook that the mother bear attacked him twice as he played dead