Mike Pence: ‘far too much talk’ about police racism

1 ‘Far too much talk’

“Trump and I believe there’s been far too much talk about institutional bias and racism within law enforcement,” GOP vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence said, in a week with two high-profile police killings of black men.

Lynch calls for calm in Charlotte

Someone’s feelings might get hurt?
Someone’s feelings might get hurt? Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP

2 Racism denial scandal

A Trump chairwoman in Ohio told the Guardian, on camera: “I don’t think there was any racism until Obama got elected.” She resigned today in an outcry. Does the Trump campaign attract people who think racism is overblown?

County campaign chair resigns

Kathy Miller, Trump’s now former Mahoning County, Ohio, chair.
Kathy Miller, Trump’s now former Mahoning County, Ohio, chair. Photograph: Tom Silverstone

'I apologize'

My personal comments were inappropriate, and I apologize. I am not a spokesperson for the campaign and was not speaking on its behalf. I have resigned as the volunteer campaign chair in Mahoning County and as an elector to the Electoral College to avoid any unnecessary distractions.

– Kathy Miller

3 Trump backpedals on stop-and-frisk

Under fire for calling for widespread stop-and-frisk policing, which invites racial profiling, Trump uncharacteristically retreated, saying: “I was talking about stop-and-frisk for Chicago.” Sorry, Chicago.

What it’s like to moderate a debate

Captain outreach out for cheesesteak.
Captain outreach out for cheesesteak. Photograph: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

4 Trump Jr backpedals on Skittles

— Phil Mattingly (@Phil_Mattingly) September 22, 2016

Trump Jr. "I'm not comparing someone to candy. It's a statistical thing." pic.twitter.com/n9AdzcXuHV

5 Clinton between two ferns

An interview aired with Hillary Clinton by comedian Zach Galifianikis for Between Two Ferns. “When you see how well it works for Donald Trump, do you ever think to yourself, ‘Oh maybe I should be more racist’?” Galifianikis asks.

Trump’s debate prep

Clinton, Galifianikis, ferns.
Clinton, Galifianikis, ferns. Photograph: AP

‘What happens if you become pregnant?’

— Funny Or Die (@funnyordie) September 22, 2016

.@HillaryClinton sits down Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis for her most memorable interview yet. pic.twitter.com/169e3KxEyE

6 Trump truly king of debt – study

The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget published a study finding Trump’s policy platform to be wildly spend-y – he’d increase the debt by $5.3tn over a decade, versus $200bn for Clinton, it said.

Read the study

Accountability dog says release your taxes.
Accountability dog says release your taxes. Photograph: Brian Losness/Reuters

... and another thing:

— Matt Wilstein (@TheMattWilstein) September 22, 2016

Only @MelBrooks could get away with trying to pants @POTUS at the White House. pic.twitter.com/JjMV9xKqB5

... and another thing:

— POLITICO (@politico) September 22, 2016

.@POTUS jokes: Morgan Freeman 'off playing a black president again’ https://t.co/eYzV9eSH3g https://t.co/L8S8HPeJlW

... and another thing:

— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) September 22, 2016

Clinton’s reaction when Zach Galifianakis informs her she'd be the first white president for many young Americans. pic.twitter.com/CrGDQA4ItJ

... and another thing:

— Andy Campbell (@AndyBCampbell) September 22, 2016

Headline of the day goes to @CNN pic.twitter.com/CfhlOlIcol