Teen Prom Pictures ViralTeen Prom Pictures Viral

Tayja Jones (Photos/Facebook)

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A Pennsylvania teen has gone viral for all the wrong reasons.

Seventeen-year-old Tayja Jones experienced what every high school teen hopefully remembers forever – their prom night.

Jones took several pictures of her night and posted them to her social media accounts.

“I made a status when I came home from the prom that night and it said I enjoyed myself and I’m happy,” Jones told WTXF-TV. “I had fun.”

But that’s when the nasty comments started pouring in about her weight and appearance.

“There were just like so many rude remarks and negative comments about how I looked,” Jones said. “People I didn’t know just like ‘that dress is not for her, she looks like a fat something.’ It was just really hurtful because I was so confident the day before and it just changed my view of myself.”

Fortunately, in the last few days, Jones’ story has attracted scores of supporters who have commented positively on her photos and offered encouragement.

Jones read aloud some of the positive comments to the station:

“This beautiful. Baby girl slayed prom. She’s cute as ever. She is gorgeous. She has her own unique style and shape. We are all God’s creatures perfect in his image. Shaming someone not only brings them down but brings yourself down with them. Spread love not discrimination.”

Kelly Rowland even tweeted her support:

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