New safety measures have been put in place on the Berkley Bridge pedestrian pathway after a weekend crash between a bicyclist and a Virginia Department of Transportation contractor in an SUV.

Bridge tenders will no longer be able to use vehicles for shift changes - they must walk or use a motorized cart, according to a VDOT news release. When a vehicle is required, it will be accompanied by a walking spotter to identify any safety issues.

Traffic control devices also will be installed at the path entrances to deter motor vehicles from entering the path. And VDOT said it will continue to evaluate additional safety measures, which could include additional signs and other traffic control devices or markings to "provide optimum safety for the public."

Kelley Howell, the bicyclist in Saturday's crash, said she was very happy with the changes. She was riding to downtown Norfolk on the path, which has chain-link fencing and concrete barriers to separate it from Interstate 264, when the SUV approached and collided with her. A camera on her handlebars captured the crash.

A certified instructor with the League of American Bicyclists, Howell said she shoots video of her rides to show students examples of traffic skills and how to ride safely.

She said she's never had a problem with VDOT trucks while biking on the Berkley Bridge path - that they usually drive slowly and stop when she approaches. Saturday was an anomaly, she said, because the SUV was coming fast and wasn't stopping.

VDOT said Monday the SUV driver was a bridge tender heading to a shift change. The contractor remains on administrative leave and the agency is investigating the crash.

Howell, who had difficulty reporting the crash Saturday, said Norfolk police visited her again Monday evening to take a report. A police spokeswoman said Monday that they have no reason to consider charges.

Lauren King, 757-446-2309,

Lauren King is an digital editor and reporter. She has worked for The Pilot since 2003.

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