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#recipeideas  for peaches :)
It is a peach season and I managed to acquire big box of Georgia peaches which are very sweet and tasty and don’t have long shelf life. So a portion of these peaches made their way into this Peach Kompot (in Russian “kompot” stands for a boiled fruit drink). As any kompot, Peach kompot is pretty easy to make: just boil peaches with a bit of sugar and cool it down to infuse. Removing skin from peaches makes them nice to consume, but you don’t have...
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#Recipe from my childhood
Boiled beef tongue is one of foods I love from the childhood, I love the taste, and it also is nutritious and easily digestible and is a good source of protein. Boiled beef tongue is a perfect dish on its own, that is you can serve it with a side. But it can be also used for sandwiches, or be sliced into a salad, or be used in further cooking. Now, cooking time for beef tongue will vary greatly depending on it size and age. It will be anywhere be...
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Something spicy and veggy :) #recipeideas  
Potatoes, cauliflower, asparagus and onions infused with fajita and some other spices and roasted in the oven is perfect dish on its own if you want more veggies in your diet, or great side dish for meat or chicken entree.
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Some #pasta  variations
This pasta dish recipe is greatly inspired by Zuppa Toscana you can find in “Olive Garden” here in US.
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If you want to get rid of mayo...
Yogurt, mustard and lemon juice salad dressing tastes great especially in meat based salads, but is also good with tomatoes, good on sandwiches and as dipping sauce.
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Nice recipe for romantic dinner
#valentinesday2016   #recipeideas  
These resemble chicken kiev for the part that they are chicken rolls which are stuffed with garlicky butter. But they are much easier to make and are a bit healthier: because of no breading and no deep frying.
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#softfood  recipe for vegetable soup-puree
Recipe for pretty light soft soup-puree made of summer squash, spinach and milk. And isn’t this radiant green color fantastic? Any kind of summer squash or combination of these will work for this recipe I think, I used young zucchini and yellow squash. Use milk for lighter version (I’ve used milk here) or half-half for reacher one. Also, I’ve cooked fresh spinach for this recipe, but I think frozen may work as well if added to the pot later in th...
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Getting ready for the peach season :)
Whatever you may need skinless peaches for: a pie, a dessert or a salad, or anything else, here is step-by-step instructions how to skin them. Ripe but somewhat firm peaches are easiest to blanch, so pick these if you have some choice. It is important to not overcook peaches during blanching, especially if they are on the soft side, or peaches will get mushy and somewhat hard to work with after blanching.
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Pork rolls with a hint of mustard and pickles inside is not a healthiest recipe out there (due to pork and deep frying) but definitely interesting one to try at some point.
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Nice recipe for cod fish.
Cod fish may taste a bit plain and somewhat boring, but not if prepared with mustard and lemon marinade like in this recipe.
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Fresh salads every day!
This is easy and refreshing tasting salad of few ingredients: all you need is fresh broccoli crown, few tomatoes, onion and some greens.
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Ukrainian cabbage rolls made easier #recipesandfood  
EnjoyYourCooking already has recipe for Lazy Cabbage Rolls casserole, this recipe variation uses almost the same ingredients, but in form of cabbage and meat patties baked under tomato and sour cream sauce.
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My homemade food recipes and tips
Introduction is weekly updated blog of the home food cooking. Homemade food recipes, cooking tips and more.