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Radical Dreamer
Cover Story: It Came From Outer Space!


A Change in Tactics for Metal Gear Rising

(XBOX 360PS3)

Platinum's take on Metal Gear deviates from the action game norm in a significant way.

You know how modern action games work; surely you've played a few. You move into position to start wailing on a bad guy, he winds up for a response, and you either hit the evasion button or the block button to avoid taking damage. I don't recall exactly when this style of action became the standard -- maybe God of War canonized it? -- but just about any action game worth its salt has some sort of get-out-of-jail-free button to keep players safe and ensure your victory as long as you can master a modicum of timing to roll out of a slow-flying missile's splash damage radius in time.

But not Metal Gear Rising. Platinum Games has elected to take a different approach to player defense for their action-game take on the Metal Gear universe, and it'll take some getting used to. My session on the TGS show floor ended in horrible failure, because I kept trying to figure out how to break away from foes with the one-button block or defense skill. Why wouldn't Raiden hold up his sword to protect himself, like Ninja Gaiden's Ryu? Why wouldn't he simply roll invincible away from danger, like Kratos? And I wasn't alone in my consternation; every other game writer I spoke to who had tested the new TGS Rising demo observed the same experience.

Eventually, to my chagrin, I had to give up midway through the demo because a simultaneous encounter with two Metal Gear Gekko mechs proved to be too difficult to overcome. In the time it took to take down the first, the second would circle around and stomp me. Even using Raiden's gruesome energy replenishment skill -- which sees him enter the blade equivalent of bullet time, mince a bad guy, and finish with a QTE that allows him to absorb his victim's health -- couldn't keep me alive long enough to finish off both Gekkos and the soldiers accompanying them. The one person I spoke to who made it to the demo's end managed to perform a stealth kill on one Gekko, freeing him to take on the second solo, a tough but doable challenge.

As it turns out, we were all doing it wrong. Raiden doesn't have a simple defensive technique. Instead, his survival requires finesse. When fighting foes like a Gekko, it's nearly impossible to dash away from an attack move; Rising's AI doesn't aim at where you were when it began its wind-up and revealed its tell but rather where you are when the actual attack begins. For something like a Gekko, which attacks with limbs longer than Raiden is tall (and which appear to distend like rubber for extra length when striking), that makes for alarmingly accurate attacks that almost always connect. He can't roll, and he can't simply hunker down and soak it up. Instead, a Konami representative told me later as I lamented my lack of skill, Raiden's survival depends entirely on the player's ability to parry.

Defending against enemy attacks in Rising is a matter of timing. You block attacks by pressing up and attack the instant an enemy begins to strike at you -- no sooner, no later. Handily, they flash orange as a tell, but the window of opportunity is small and unforgiving. But it works. I went back to Rising's TGS booth to watch other gamers play (the lines were entirely too long to wait for a second hands-on trial for myself), and the handful of action savants with whom Raiden's play style clicked showed how Rising is meant to be played: Aggressively, yet precisely, with an eye always on the lookout for enemy attacks and the self-control not to get so caught up in button-mashing that you leave yourself open to hits.

In practice, Rising's defensive technique reminds me a lot of Street Fighter III: Third Strike's parries, albeit not so finicky they require players to function at a frame-by-frame level of precision. There's a touch of Team Ninja about the feature, too, as it works somewhat like Ryu's counter-attacks in Ninja Gaiden or Samus' dodge in Metroid: Other M. The difference is that mastering Raiden's parries appears to be the only way to survive in Rising.

The Rising E3 demo left me feeling somewhat ambivalent due to its extremely low difficulty; for a game focused so heavily on action, the lack of challenge on display seemed like the makings of a pretty boring game. Clearly, though, Platinum has re-tuned Rising with the intent of giving players a set of daunting obstacles to overcome: The double-Gekko encounter took place in what clearly represents the first proper chapter of the game following its prologue (in which, I gather, Raiden ends up getting savagely brutalized by an enemy, hence his transformation into a more advanced cyborg with a missing eye). That suggests it only gets worse from here... and the title screen even featured two additional difficulty levels that were unavailable to play at TGS.

On top of that, it seems combat alone won't be the sole challenge to overcome in Rising. The second enemy encounter in the demo allowed me to approach a sort of courtyard from my choice of directions, as a pair of ground-based soldiers held a civilian hostage while another, armed with a rocket launched, stood on overwatch. I chose to take out the rocket trooper first, as he seemed to be the greater threat, but that allowed the other soldiers to execute the civilian before I could reach them. Clearly the need to protect innocents will factor into the game to up the stakes.

Even if my failure to fully understand Rising in the blur of TGS left me feeling uncertain at first, I can see where Platinum is going with the game. And, to be fair, the "cut everything" mechanic actually is kind of amazing. While you can't destroy level-boundary objects or most buildings, a surprising number of objects are susceptible to Raiden's blade. I actually found myself momentarily thwarted right at the start when I accidentally cut down a set of stairs attached to a platform leading into the first mission. After trying in vain to navigate the rocks at edges of the area, I decided to try cutting down the supports for the platform itself. The leading edge of the platform dropped to ground level as the supports splintered away, and I advanced into the game courtesy of a makeshift ramp.

Between the game's unapologetic difficulty level and the potential for emergent creativity with its sword mechanics, Platinum may have a real winner on their hands -- quite a turnaround for a game that seemingly lingered in development hell for years.

See all Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Previews >

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Comments (12)

  • gensurvivor
  • Whew

    Posted: Sep 26, 2012 12:00AM PST by  gensurvivor

    I was worried about this game. I'm still not totally sure of it but my dread has been decreased by about 58% because of this article. Thanks.

  • king_mob
  • Sounds like another Platinum Game....

    Posted: Sep 26, 2012 12:00AM PST by  king_mob

    So basically it plays like Bayonetta. Bayonetta had a roll move that would send the game into slow motion when you moved at the exact instant an enemy attacked. This system sounds pretty similar and it's a stretch to say its original. Platinum is tied with From Software as my favorite Japanese developer so I'll check out anything they release.

  • HappyKamper
  • I see...

    Posted: Sep 25, 2012 12:00AM PST by  HappyKamper

    I played Revengeance at PAX this year, and I had no difficulty at all with completing the demo, I think I just caught on faster to realize that there isn't an 'escape' button. The fast paced movement was something to be adjusted to, but I think more people should realize too that it's meant to be a change of pace; gamers are so quick to misjudge as faulty or unaccessible the games that aren't directly connected to a series with just because it doesn't have a 2 or 3 attached to the name. I enjoyed it a lot, and can't wait for it to come out. 

  • Iamsmartyouarenot
  • In Platinum we trust

    Posted: Sep 24, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Iamsmartyouarenot

    I have complete faith in them. Bayonetta. Vanquish. All hail the kings of the action genre!

    Platinum has a deep understanding of what makes games fun. It's like they are pulling everything that was good from old 2d action games like contra, and reimagining them in 3d. In fact there were many times when playing vanquish were a sat back and said "my god, this is 3d contra". 

    I hope this game sells 50 fucking times more than any call of duty. god knows they deserve it SO much more. They are so much fucking better. 

  • D-Chap
  • Oh great

    Posted: Sep 24, 2012 12:00AM PST by  D-Chap

    Sounds like this game is going to kick my ass

  • ZetaStriker
  • The Style of Modern Action Games

    Posted: Sep 23, 2012 12:00AM PST by  ZetaStriker

    I'm actually kind of curious about its origin too. I know God of War didn't do it, since it was directly copying Devil May Cry while adding on gore and "edgy" characters, but I'm actually not sure if DMC created the standard or was just among the first. Anyone know anything that predates the first Devil May Cry with this exact play style?

    • KocoboLobo
    • Not quite

      Posted: Sep 23, 2012 12:00AM PST by  KocoboLobo

      If you want to say GoW was inspired by DMC, fine. But don't you dare say it "directly copied". Anyone who's played both games on the harder difficulties knows there are fundamental differences. The fact that GoW has a Light and Heavy attack button, a dedicated role and is more focused on grappleing rather than cancels when it comes to meta-game shows that there is no "direct copying" going on here.

      And while I do feel the 2nd and 3rd games of GoW go a little overboard with Kratos' vengeance, the first trumps any semblance of a story DMC has attempted (except for maybe 3, but that got bogged down by all the "CUHRAYZEEBAYYYBEE").

      Either way, Revengeance definitely looks solid.

    • Shi_Wei_Li
    • I'd say DMC is the grandfather of 3d action

      Posted: Sep 24, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Shi_Wei_Li

      While sure, copy is a bold way to put it, I feel most 3d action games were really inspired by the Devil May Cry.  It was the first time I remember enemy cues being so precise I never felt like the game cheaped me out--the first time single-player difficulty became equated with fun outside of a bullet hell.  This really stems from the fact that Dante had no block button, the gameplay reflected this by adding in huge layers of pattern recognition and the action-game-essential invulnerability roll.  Sure 3d action existed before this, heck Zelda OoT is a pretty good example.  But DMC is the first time real time melee combat in 3d was ever really perfected for me.  Tiny things that it evolved like the way your moves buffer, a combat system that rewards input variety, the timing differentiation system in combos, and juggling were more than inspiring for many future games to come.

    • Keefman -X-
    • I think what Jeremy implied

      Posted: Sep 24, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Keefman -X-

      was that it "popularized" that style; you didn't really see as many of them until after GoW hit, whereupon every second-string action game developer embraced slash/dodge/QTE as gospel (although Ninja Gaiden did slash/dodging a year before).

  • MikkiSaturn
  • I like Platinum a lot.

    Posted: Sep 23, 2012 12:00AM PST by  MikkiSaturn

    And I am officially looking forward to this.

  • Naphtali
  • I have to hand it to Platinum

    Posted: Sep 23, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Naphtali

    Platinum are definitely creators at their core in a fuller sense than most other studios out there.

    The offense/defense dynamic reminds me for Kingdom Hearts 1 actually.  If you don't choose the defense option at the start of the game you take a LOT of damage from enemies.  Fortunately Sora's guard ability had the potential to negate just about any attack, but had to be carefully timed.  Since pressing block only threw up your defense for a second, it was effectively like a parry move; you couldn't just hold down guard.  In addition the animation for guard was very deliberate further emphasising anticipation and timing.  If Rising's combat can engage on this similar level I'll be glad.

    • xeros89
    • Reminds me mostly of Royal Guard style in DMC3

      Posted: Sep 23, 2012 12:00AM PST by  xeros89

      ...which was all precise-parrying, and which incidentally, I never bothered to master, as it was too complex and had too little a pay-off. Trickster, and then later Swordmaster or Gunslinger, allowed you to kill *before* soaking up damage, which, you know, is always the way to go to conserve stamina to fend off larger demon armies and your brother and whatnot. ^_-

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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
PS3, 360
Platinum Games
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1UP Editor Score: B

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