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Mapping Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

By: Thierry Nguyen October 21, 2011

Try to imagine an alternate universe where, instead of playing through a rollicking action-adventure with affable treasure hunter Nathan Drake, Uncharted took the form of a post-apocalyptic survival horror game. Or that instead of playing "Uncharted" -- which was about finding El Dorado, the mythical city of gold -- you instead played a game called "Zero Point," focused on the concept of dark energy.

Those were some of the ideas that the developers at Naughty Dog threw around at the conclusion of Jak 2's production. Yes, Naughty Dog had already started prototyping ideas for their first "next-generation" console title way back in 2003; though, Naughty Dog co-president Evan Wells elaborates, "When Jak 2 closed, that's when we started thinking about it. But then the PlayStation 3 got delayed, and we back-burnered all those ideas for about a year, and picked it up again right after Jak 3."

Two weeks before Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception hits shelves, I find myself in a conference room in Naughty Dog's office in Santa Monica. For two and a half hours, I get to hear developers discuss topics such as the creation of the original game, and some of the major hurdles in creating this next installment. Sitting down along with Wells is fellow co-president Christophe Balestra, creative director Amy Hennig, lead designer Richard Lemarchand, cinematics animation lead Josh Scherr, and actor Nolan North.


Hennig briefly shows me the title page of the May 2005 concept document for "Zero Point," while Scherr describes that pitch as focusing on "zero point energy, eco-terrorism, dark energy, and all sorts of crazy nonsense." He continues, "At one point we wanted to set the entire thing in a vast underwater facility or city type of thing. We didn't do that, and when we saw BioShock come out, we breathed a sigh of relief and said, 'whew, dodged that bullet.' So obviously it was a good idea: just not for us." Even when Zero Point transformed into Project Big (the internal codename for Uncharted: Drake's Fortune), the underwater base was planned to constitute about 75-percent of the game, with the tropical island environment serving as the first 25 -- a far cry from how Uncharted ultimately went 90:10 in terms of island-to-base ratio.

Hennig points out, "What's interesting is that the fundamental idea has always been the same: third-person action adventure. [We had to think] about what's the genre, and what are the pillars: gunplay; brawling hand to hand combat; action stunts; chase sequences; big action setpieces; and partners and allies. This has been our roadmap ever since. What we do now is say, 'We got 10 percent of the way down our goal, and now we're 50 percent of the way down that goal.' It's [all] to the service of saying, 'how do we best replicate that action adventure movie experience?'"

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Comments (36)

  • beatcreator
  • so classic

    Posted: Jan 22, 2013 12:00AM PST by  beatcreator

    this game was so classic. i stil play it!

  • PedroGama
  • Big Deception

    Posted: Nov 22, 2011 12:00AM PST by  PedroGama

    ND is, in fact, the BIGGER deception I found on this game. This one is a real fortune hunter, not the other one. I got the game on it's release and never got more than 5 minutes of game without a crash. Tons of people blaming my ex80gb (actual 1tb) backps2 model with this so calling over heat issue, forcing people to fan it, change it's thermal liquid processor etc etc etc... and, in the end, all we see is a very very very BAD and anti profissional work of ND people. I dont want my money back, I want this game on my shell, just to show all (with L.A. Noire that have the same problem), how LAME a software house can be.... NAUGHTY DOG NEVER MORE!!!!! And P.S. Thanks for this GREAT article!!!

  • jaeger-danger2
  • Im torn

    Posted: Nov 21, 2011 12:00AM PST by  jaeger-danger2

    I would really like to see them make an Uncharted 4, and maybe base it around pirates and the Sea (I can dream), and I would also like to see a Jak and Daxter Future a la what Insomniac did with Ratchet and Clank; what I really and truly hope they're doing is developing a new IP that I can grow to love just as much as I love their past two.

  • Foggen
  • Rage

    Posted: Nov 18, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Foggen

    Having found this article due to researching the severe and game-breaking streaming issues I'm encountering (during sandstorm: no dialogue, no music, can't save, plus frequent system hard-locks) this revelation fills me with the fury of a thousand suns.  My launch-model PS3 has a few-month-old 320GB hard drive in it and the game simply breaks down about halfway in.  I've never felt so betrayed by a game developer. At this point I'm less worried about losing the ability to play the game than this physically destroying my PS3's already weakened laser.  My first PS1 and first PS2 both had their optical drives die, and it's starting to look like my PS3 is going down the same path.

  • ultimatepunchrod
  • this is why i like 1up

    Posted: Nov 06, 2011 12:00AM PST by  ultimatepunchrod

    I just officially joined 1up the other day because of this article and others like it in the past. These great insights into how games are made are extremely interesting. Thanks and keep up the good work. 

  • hiphopcr
  • Wow. 1UP commenters are so much nicer and well spoken than IGN commenters.

    Posted: Oct 24, 2011 12:00AM PST by  hiphopcr

    Literally could not believe the first comment was not about how BF3 is better than MW3 or Dark Souls = Winner.

  • deafwing
  • Thirsty indeed

    Posted: Oct 24, 2011 12:00AM PST by  deafwing

    Lmao @ "I'm thirsty" ... would have been a great sub-title lol Laughing

  • Timberwolf8889
  • Awesome

    Posted: Oct 23, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Timberwolf8889

    Great article, really intersting what eventually made it into the final game. Small nitpick ADR is Automatic Dialogue Replacement, not  Additonal Dialogue Recording =p

  • frootlooped22
  • It's both crazy and funny

    Posted: Oct 23, 2011 12:00AM PST by  frootlooped22

    how last minute and frantic these guys seemed to be to finish these games. I wonder if other big studios do stuff so last minute...but hey I feel for ND..I can relate! :P

  • Bluberrybangbang
  • GOTY?

    Posted: Oct 23, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Bluberrybangbang

    Just wondering how many of these it'll win. This is the action game that everyone can play, because of the endless testing, quality assurance, and polish. Can't wait for these desert graphics in 3D!

  • LTWood12
  • Very interesting

    Posted: Oct 23, 2011 12:00AM PST by  LTWood12

    Great article.  Very top shelf.

  • coomber
  • Great read

    Posted: Oct 23, 2011 12:00AM PST by  coomber

    Great to see an original article - very insightful. Lets hope they sorted out those bugs...

  • Antti
  • Very good read

    Posted: Oct 23, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Antti

    Intersting and quality article. I registered as a user after reading this. And also having not played the Uncharted games, they just became a must-buy for me.

  • PaulMC
  • This is awesome

    Posted: Oct 23, 2011 12:00AM PST by  PaulMC

    Great read! I'm glad for Drake's current design.  The placeholder drake looks like goofy Laughing

  • MysteriousPants
  • Game of the Year

    Posted: Oct 23, 2011 12:00AM PST by  MysteriousPants

    Just a week and two days until I get to sit down for about "10-12 hours" (PlayMania) and enjoy the finest crafted single player experience in a long time. 

  • SuperMarioWorld
  • Rip off after Tomb Raider

    Posted: Oct 23, 2011 12:00AM PST by  SuperMarioWorld


    • joboo6401
    • But..

      Posted: Oct 23, 2011 12:00AM PST by  joboo6401

      Its SO much better then any Tomb Raider game.

    • frootlooped22
    • @Joboo

      Posted: Oct 23, 2011 12:00AM PST by  frootlooped22

      It does action and plot better than TR but not the exploration, puzzles and openness of past TR games

  • Maver1ck_Zer0
  • Hot Damn!

    Posted: Oct 23, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Maver1ck_Zer0

    You guys can write some awesome articles, that was just plain intriguing to read. Thanks for thinking outside the box when you guys put out some of your stuff!

  • UnleashedSonic
  • Freakin' sweet!

    Posted: Oct 22, 2011 12:00AM PST by  UnleashedSonic

    Superb article, awesome read. A great insight to the developement of the Uncharted games that isn't really avaliable anywhere else, thanks! If Naughty Dog could delay the game a couple of weeks, I wouldn't mind in the slightest! It would give me more time to play Battlefield 3 AND ND could make 3 even more spectacular!


    Good luck ND!

  • exenpipp
  • Smooth!

    Posted: Oct 22, 2011 12:00AM PST by  exenpipp

    Fantastic article, guys! You make the IGN-network proud!

  • Holy mother of Crap

    Posted: Oct 22, 2011 12:00AM PST by  KBABZ

    That last part sounds absolutely insane! I'd give ND a cold hard drink for making that effort.

  • Mr.Sauce
  • Uncharted...

    Posted: Oct 22, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Mr.Sauce
    is so damn great even articles about it and its development make for a great read! Great article, well done!
  • Shane
  • Bugs, why'd there have to be bugs?

    Posted: Oct 22, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Shane

    I hoped they squashed those hardware-related bugs because I'm running a 60GB launch console, yo!

  • Shane
  • Bugs, why'd there have to be bugs?

    Posted: Oct 22, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Shane

    I hope they squashed those hardware related bugs because I'm running a 60GB launch console, yo!

  • JabezDawz
  • I love stuff like this

    Posted: Oct 22, 2011 12:00AM PST by  JabezDawz

    This uncharted story really had me interested. I love the idea of these huge, big name projects totally being a chance. Similar to the way LoZ:OoT turned out.


    Love it, please give more histories of famous series. 

  • CloudStrife_ca
  • The best action series of this gen

    Posted: Oct 21, 2011 12:00AM PST by  CloudStrife_ca

    I almost passed up on playing the series all together, from an outside point of view from never having even glimpsed at what Uncharted was all about it seemed like a Indiana Jones knock off, just something I wouldn't normally play.


    It was the hype from Uncharted 2 that got me to take a closer look at Drakes Fortune, the hype machine for Uncharted 2 was EVERYWHERE and in high gear! store shelves, the message boards here, even a trailer I caught late night on Jimmy Fallon (who I later on would meet at work and have a small discussion about this with as he passed through airport security after the Vancouver 2010 Olympics)  The push I needed to get into the series was Drakes Fortune had just been bumped down to $29.99(cnd) so I took a chance and picked it up, I guess I wanted to buy into the hype and I wasn't to be disappointed.


    At the time Uncharted: Drakes Fortune played like the biggest summer blockbuster movie one could hope to see.  The visuals were bright, crisp and a welcome alternative to the grey's of Resistance & Fallout, the controls felt great, there was an instant likability to the characters, to Sully, Drake and Elena. The persona of the "everyman" in Nathan Drake felt legitimate and I think makes players care about what happens next to the character, it makes us wonder how he'll handle the next situation because he approaches it like a regular guy with some belivability rather than a plasma gun, materia or some other special power.  I ended up playing through Drakes Fortune non-stop, I couldn't put it down because the story was that good, the difficulty was challenging at times but not impossible, it flowed well throughout the entire game and made me want more...


    Needless to say immediately after finishing Drakes Fortune I went out and bought Uncharted: Amongst Thieves the very next day, I had received messages from other friends telling me how great the games was and the main point everyone brought up almost unanimously was that "Among Thieves does everything that Drakes Fortune did well but with more of it" and they really weren't kidding, it ended up being brilliant.


    The train sequence, the tank sequence through the small village, the rooftop sequence and the mystical aspect of the Yeti chasing you through ice caves and snow filled mountains were all unforgetable gaming moments for me.  I didn't play straight through Among Thieves like I did Drakes Fortune but I also didn't have the luxury of a new Uncharted game waiting for me at the end of my journey, so instead I savoured it, I think I managed to stretch it out for about a week or two.


    Now with Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception less than 2 weeks away, awaiting me to dash in and pick-up my recently paid off collectors edition pre-order, this is easily my most anticipated game of the year.  I played alot of the beta when it was active and I even made the trip across the border, down to the States to visit Subway for dinner and an early access multiplayer code! and from what I've played so far it seems that Drakes Deception won't disappoint me either.



  • NorthernTorch
  • Great job

    Posted: Oct 21, 2011 12:00AM PST by  NorthernTorch

    One of the best articles I have read here.

  • Landmine_Salesman
  • Great article

    Posted: Oct 21, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Landmine_Salesman

    Already pre-ordered Uncharted 3, can't wait for it.  Love Naughty Dog

  • shady78
  • kick-ass article

    Posted: Oct 21, 2011 12:00AM PST by  shady78

    just echoing everyone else. love it.

  • Ninjimbo
  • Awesome article

    Posted: Oct 21, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Ninjimbo

    Uncharted is so polished a franchise that I would never guess the development cycle is filled with so many improvisations.

  • SolidSnak
  • still worth coming back to 1up for great stuff like this

    Posted: Oct 21, 2011 12:00AM PST by  SolidSnak

    good stuff, before I realized it I was already on the last page, didn't even realize I had been hitting the next button.

  • challenge9000
  • Sweet Article.

    Posted: Oct 21, 2011 12:00AM PST by  challenge9000

    I didn't know that part about them almost going with an underwater city or world similar to Bioshock. I don't know why they say they dodged a bullet on it though, maybe because they would have been accused of "me too" game design?

    • orionstar5
    • Doubling

      Posted: Oct 26, 2011 12:00AM PST by  orionstar5

      Doubling up on a similar setting almost always gets it compared. 

      And perhaps, some people would have brushed off Uncharted as a Bioshock clone (as it would have come out after Bioshock) and it wouldn't have gotten the attention it did.

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