Tuple Tuesday!

One of the central features we’re trying to add to both VB and C# in the near future is tuples. If you’ve never heard of a tuple it’s a primitive data structure for combining values together that many other programming languages have supported for years, including .NET’s F#, but has been suspiciously absent from Visual… Read more

Happy 25th Birthday, VB!

That’s right! Today marks the 25th (“Silver Anniversary”) since VB first debuted to the world. It seems like just yesterday I’d only been at Microsoft a little over a year when VB turned 20. Looking back at the progress of 5 years—a complete revamp of the IDE and debugger, a trove of new language features,… Read more

Announcing .NET Framework 4.6

We’re excited to announce the RTM releases of .NET Framework 4.6 and Visual Studio 2015 today. You can read about the new features or leave that for later and try them out now. The quickest way to get started is to install the free Visual Studio 2015 Community version. With the .NET Framework 4.6, you’ll… Read more

Save the day with a Visual Basic, C#, or F# T-Shirt!

Mads and Dustin showed off these stylish little numbers at BUILD and ever since we’ve been getting pinged by community members wanting to know where they can get their very own so they too can show their passion for their favorite programming language(s). Who wouldn’t want to look this awesome? These were originally team t-shirts… Read more

A Journey Through Open Source: The Trials & Triumphs in Roslyn’s First Year of Open Source

This post is written by Kasey Uhlenhuth a Program Manager on the Managed Languages Team. “I am looking for someone to share in an adventure.” — Gandalf, The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien On April 3, 2014, Anders Hejlsberg set us on our open source journey when he made the .NET Compiler Platform (aka “Roslyn”) source code public live… Read more