Adding information (we call it 'data') to IMDb is a very simple process, just follow the instructions below and you'll be updating the site in no time.

Key Points
What Can I Add?
Adding Data: Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9
Titles + Swiki Data

Key Points

  • Any registered user can add data to the site. That means you!
  • You can add new data that we don't already have; correct/update existing data and delete inaccurate information.
  • Once you've submitted your data, it goes through to our Data Managers for processing.
  • There are no maximum or minimum limits for additions and corrections - it's up to you, and we are delighted to accept large and small submissions.
  • What Can I Add?

    There are dozens of data sections available for you to update:

    List of IMDb Data Sections

    As you can see, you'll be spoilt for choice when deciding what data to add to the site!


    New Names
    Name Corrections
    Name Splits
    Alternative Names

    Biographical Information

    Birth Name
    Date of Birth
    Date of Death
    Books About This Person
    Biographical Movies
    Portrayed in Other Movies
    Other work
    Real Life Quotes
    Where Are They Now?
    Marriage Details
    Press Interviews
    Articles in the Media
    Magazine Pictorials
    Magazine Cover Photo
    Links to Other Sites
    Official Sites
    Image / Photos
    Sound Clips
    Video Clips
    Other Data

    Cast + Crew

    Actor/Actress Credits
    Animation Department
    Art Department
    Art Directors
    Assistant Directors
    Camera and Electrical Department
    Casting Department
    Casting Directors
    Costume Department
    Costume Designers
    Editorial Department
    Makeup Department
    Music Department
    Production Designers
    Production Managers
    Set Decorators
    Sound Department
    Special Effects
    Transportation Department
    Visual Effects

    Company Credits

    Production Companies
    Sales Representatives / ISA
    Special Effects Companies
    Miscellaneous Companies

    Basic Title Data

    Certificate (ratings)
    Color / Black & White
    Country of Origin
    Release Dates
    Running Times
    Sound Mix

    Plot Information

    Plot Outlines
    Plot Summaries

    Fun Stuff

    Crazy Credits
    Alternate Versions
    Movie Connections

    Links to Other Sites

    Miscellaneous Link
    Official Sites
    Image / Photos
    Sound clips
    Video clips
    External Reviews

    Box Office + Business

    Opening Weekend
    Weekend Gross
    Theatrical Rentals
    Production Dates
    Filming Dates
    Copyright Holder

    Technical Info

    Film Length
    Film Negative Format
    Printed Film Format
    Aspect Ratio
    Cinematographic Process


    Screenplay / Teleplays
    Original Literary Sources
    Adaptation of Literary Sources
    Related Books
    Production Process Protocols
    Printed Media Reviews
    Other Literary Information

    Other Data

    Alternate Titles
    Title Attributes
    Filming Locations
    Production Status
    Title Correction
    Cast / Crew Verification

    Swiki Data

    Plot Outlines
    Plot Synopsis
    Character Pages
    Character Biography
    Movie FAQs
    Parental Guide

    Submission guides homepage >>

    The next section contains the step-by-step guide to adding data (including images to illustrate the various steps along the way)

    STEP 1

    Become a Registered User

    STEP 2

    Find the Name Page (Example) or Title Page (Example) you want to update or correct. (Use the search box at the top of every page)

    STEP 3

    Once you're on the relevant NAME or TITLE page, scroll and find the 'EDIT PAGE' button. (Example)

    STEP 4

    Click 'EDIT PAGE'. This will take you to a list of the data sections available to update or correct. (Example)

    STEP 5

    Scan the list and find the section/s you wish to update or correct. NOTE: You can select as many sections here as you like.

    STEP 6

    Now, it's time to read the relevant data submission guide, which will outline the relevant policy/formatting rules you'll need to follow when adding data. For example, if you want to add a plot summary, you would read the Plot Summaries submission guide before proceeding. Then:

    STEP 7

    • If you're ADDING new data, select the number of credits you wish to add from the drop-down, then click CONTINUE (Example)
    • If you're CORRECTING or DELETING existing data, select 'Correct/Delete' from the drop down, then click CONTINUE (Example)

    STEP 8

    In both cases outlined in step 7 above, you will then arrive on the EDITING PAGE, which will contain boxes for you to fill out.

    • If you're ADDING Cast Members, you'll have a NAME and CHARACTER box to fill out. (Example). Simply enter the data (in this case, the name of the actor, and the character played), and click CHECK THESE UPDATES (Example)
    • If you're CORRECTING existing data, you will find a drop-down list on the left side of the page with three options: KEEP, CORRECT and DELETE (Example)" >(Example). Again, chose the relevant option, then click CHECK THESE UPDATES.
    • If you're DELETING data, you'll arrive on the delete page, where you will need to enter a reason why the credit is being deleted, after which you click CHECK THESE UPDATES (Example)
    • If you're CORRECTING data you'll have boxes to fill out for the relevant corrections, after which you click CHECK THESE UPDATES (Example)

    STEP 9

    Whether you're adding or correcting, after clicking CHECK THESE UPDATES (if you've done everything right), the box with the data you've submitted will turn GREEN, and you'll be ready to submit your data. Simply click Submit These Updates (Example)

    NOTE: If you've made any formatting/policy errors, you will receive a warning message outlining what you need to fix. (Example). Just acknowledge these messages, make the relevant changes, and click RE-CHECK THESE UPDATES.

    That's it! You'll receive an email notification of the data you've submitted, and it will then go through to our Data Managers for processing.

    IMPORTANT: Titles + Swiki

    New Titles and Swiki Data are submitted through a slightly different (but still straightforward) interface. You can find guides for these below:

    Adding New Titles

    Swiki Sections (Character Bios, Character Pages, Parental Guide, Movie FAQs, Plot Synopsis)
