Private sector partnerships

On 31 August 2015, The Minister for Foreign Affairs the Hon Julie Bishop MP, launched the Ministerial statement on Engaging the Private Sector in Aid and Development.

“We congratulate the Australian Government on adopting a shared value strategy to engage private corporations in global development.”

“Partnering with business… will enable the Australian Government to multiply the impact of its resources and places Australian aid at the forefront of global innovation.”

Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer

This is the Government’s invitation to the private sector to work with us on social and economic development challenges in our region. The concept of shared value forms the basis of our vision. By bringing the private sector in as a core partner in delivering support to our partner countries, we are opening up a world of new possibilities across our priority investment areas:

Private sector partnerships infographic, link to text alternative below

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Why work with us?

We aim to work together to leverage each other’s assets, connections, creativity and expertise to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. We will achieve this by being a credible, capable partner to the private sector and by engaging with the private sector as one of our mainstream partners.

Want to work with us?

First review where we give aid and our development priorities to see what opportunities are available in your area of interest. If our interests align, the next step is to contact the relevant Embassy or High Commission if you are outside of Australia, or DFAT’s state and territory offices within Australia.

Our portfolio partners

The aid program is managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, with growing links to other parts of the portfolio including Austrade, EFIC and ACIAR.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

Advances Australia’s national interest through maintaining its foreign, trade and investment interests, and delivering an effective aid program

Australian Trade Commission (Austrade)

Advances Australia’s international trade, investment, education and tourism interests by providing information, advice and services

Austrade website

Export Finance And Insurance Corporation (Efic)

An export credit agency partnering with banks to provide financial solutions for Australian businesses

Efic website

Australian Centre For International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Commissions research that leads to more productive and sustainable agriculture through collaborative projects involving Australia and developing country partners

ACIAR website

Business resources

Some of our current partners

Global Compact Network Australia  

For further information contact our Private Sector Development Team at:

Last Updated: 28 August 2015
Business Partnerships Platform: Better Together
The Business Partnerships Platform enables businesses to partner with DFAT on investments that deliver a combined social and financial return on investment.

Partnership snapshots: Australia’s investment priorities

See what we are doing in our investment priorities.

Agriculture, fisheries, water

Building resilience: humanitarian assistance, disaster risk reduction and social protection

Education and health

Effective governance: poicies, institution and functioning economies

Gender equality and empowering women and girls

Infrastructure, trade and international competitiveness

Private sector development

The Minister for Foreign Affairs has approved the Strategy for Australia’s Aid Investments in Private Sector Development. The Strategy reflects the Government’s priority of growing the size and inclusiveness of the private sector in our partner countries in order to drive economic growth and reduce poverty. The Strategy should be read in conjunction with the Ministerial Statement on Engaging the Private Sector in Aid and Development, which documents how Australia will work with the private sector to achieve our private sector development objectives.

Strategy for Australia’s Aid Investments in Private Sector Development

Where we give aid

Where we give aid