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Tag Archives | earth

Credit NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University

Earthrise, Revisited

The Earth rise picture from the Apollo 8 mission is an iconic image in humanity’s history. For the first time, a small group of humans saw the Earth as just a small, blue marble, rising above the desolate landscape of the Moon. For the first time, humanity itself saw how tiny and precious it was. […]

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Earth or Not Earth, the Third

You all are too good. First comment on the last post not only got the category right, but the exact image as well. Okay, okay, you all are planetary science buffs! Let’s try yet another, and see if you can tell me what planetary surface this is from, and what it is. Is it the […]

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Earth or Not Earth, Revisited

About a month ago I asked you to identify a section of landscape and tell us if it was a place on Earth or elsewhere in the solar system. And you all got it right! Not only that, but the commentors even identified that some kind of flow was responsible, and it was indeed a […]

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Earth or Not Earth?

We’ve just wrapped up our first weeklong workshop for teacher professional development using Terraluna, the educational unit that uses MoonMappers and teaches comparative Earth and lunar geology. The very first activity is an easy favorite at workshops that we call “Earth or Not Earth” that is done on Day 1: Why the Moon. In it, students/teachers/workshop participants […]

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