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Cover Story: It Came From Outer Space!


Grand Theft Auto V

(PS3Xbox 360 )

Gta V Review - Before release date. **No Spoilers** (Talks about gameplay)

By sereds dsjkr    Score:


Sep 14, 2013 4:12AM PST

Getting the game before release date i thought i'd share some knowledge to my internet friends without being a douchebag posting photos, videos and other various spoilers. I'll start off with the graphics. The game is vibrant and visually stunning. It's extremely satisfying driving past anything. Whether your in the middle of an uncharted dessert cruising at top speed with a convertible car, or stuck behind traffic in the middle of town, it is amazing. Although the map is huge, Rockstar has not spared any detail in anything. 

The gameplay feels natural and great, as any grand theft auto game should. Driving a car has changed and it does taking some getting used to, but once you are use to it, it is probably the best fun you'll have ingame. Walking around is okay, i guess. It can feel slow at times and you can get quite confused as to where you are going. This is only a minor issue. 
The vehicles in gta V are beautiful, and are fully custimazable quite early on in the game. But you'd need money. Money plays an extremely big part in gta v from what ive noticed. 70% into the missions i still dont have enough for a house, a plane, a boat , or even the best house. It certainly isnt the same as any other gta game where you have billions of dollars to spare ( although i haven't been playing with cheats as there aren't any as of yet). Driving boats is perfect and feels exactly as driving a boat should, the waves are harsh at times and it is very noticable. Driving a plane doesn't feel as it did in previous games, the wind plays an actualy part in gta V and they are much more damagable (If that's a word). 
Back onto the topic of cars and damage, i was surprised as to how much you could actually damage the car. There had been times where i would stop what i was doing to admire what damage i had done to the other person. No im not talking about soft body physics, im talking about little details such as a back tire completely falling off with the car still drivable (Yes with three tires), or driving off a mountain crashing head on in a rock, causing the car to explode.
Off the topic of cars and onto the topic of the environment. One thing ive notice playing the game is that you never feel like the centre of attention, which is great. Driving through the city you can actually feel the people of San Andreas having something to do. Whether they're stopping to put their convertible top back up or just going for a leasure drive. Then being in the desert of San Andreas you notice the hillbillies, getting chased by police, doing drugs, tourists being lost. Theres so much going on. And yes, before i forget there is wild life walking around, and it is fully interractable, I accidently hit a bird while flying a plane. 
The character switching takes some time getting used to and does feel overwhelming because there is so much to do, but once you get use to it you will absolutely adore it. 
Theres not much more i can say without revealing any spoilers, i really do hope ive cleared up a few things for you guys anticipated for the game. Ignore any spelling mistakes, incorrect grammar and paragraphs that dont make much sense. It's late and im quite tired haha. Any questions post under and ill do my best to answer! Enjoy! 

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