By Colleen Mahoney

EAST OTTO—The Order of the Eastern Star, while maybe not as well known as their Masonic counterpart, is a worldwide charitable, fraternal and social organization. The OES started as the woman’s branch of the Masonic Organization, the largest women’s organization in the world, but has since moved to allowing men who are also a Mason.

Michelle Gogel, a district deputy grand matron of the Cattaraugus County District, explained that the organization has a myriad of branches, including the Shrine Club and the Rainbow Girls. While each branch is separate, they all have the same goals and principles.

“We encourage good moral character, patriotism, charity work and fraternal friendship,” Gogel said. “We are not a religion, however we do believe in a supreme being … and as a patriotic organization support our veterans.”

Gogel said the Cattaraugus County District works with the VA Facility in Batavia, often bringing Christmas bags that are stuffed with socks, pens, papers, playing cards and a variety of other items. The OES also works with local nursing homes, supplying them with prizes for Bingo or associated greeting cards and spending time with the residents.

In addition to their annual goals, the Grand Matron and Patron of the state chapter choose a charity or organization they will raise funds for, while they’re in office. The charities or cause change each year, Gogel said. Jacqueline Howlett, this year’s Grand Matron, has encouraged support for a variety of projects. Her co-partner is Nathan Herendeen, the Grand Patron. Howlett is from Delevan, while Herendeen is from Gasport.

This year, the OES has raised money for the Emergency Relief Fund, for people who suffered damage or loss in natural disasters, and the Educational Assistance Fund. The OES also funds a Nursing Scholarship, which helps further education.

“A special project of our state leaders, this year, is the Masonic Medical Research Laboratory, located in Utica,” Gogel said. “It’s amazing, they support heart research and scientists come from all over the world to work at the lab.”

Gogel has been a member of the Order of the Eastern Star for 48 years, having joined with one of her friends at 18. Having been the daughter of parents involved, Gogel said her mom encouraged her to join when she was eligible.

“My friend said ‘I’ll join if you join’, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done,” Gogel remembered. “The friends I have across New York state, so many wonderful friends.”

When her husband passed away in 2002, Gogel said she would have “shriveled up,” if not for her friends from the OES. After having surgery and being confined to the hospital, Gogel said she received more than 200 cards from her friends.

“So many people came to visit me … the other patients asked if I was a VIP because of all my cards,” she said. “It totally blew me away. I had so much support.”

That support from her fellow members, Gogel said, is exactly what the Order of the Eastern Star is all about. Priding itself on doing for others, Gogel said her fellow members really showed that during her time of need.

The Cattaraugus County District of the Order of the Eastern Star will be at the Cattaraugus County Fair, at a food both. Gogel encouraged anyone who is interested in learning more about the Order to stop by the booth and get information.

“We love to talk to people and find out why they’re thinking about joining,” Gogel said. “It’s such a great organization, you just get to see friends hanging out together and having a good time.”

While you have to be sponsored by a member to join the OES, Gogel said those interested can get a sponsor through the organization. Members need to and have a moral character. Gogel said interested members can also look the OES up online, to get more information.