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Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Melania Trump onstage at the Republican National Convention on Monday evening.
Josh Haner/The New York Times

Melania Trump onstage at the Republican National Convention on Monday evening.

Meredith McIver, a longtime employee of the Trump Organization, said that she had offered her resignation over what she called an innocent mistake, but that Donald J. Trump had refused to accept it.

Donald J. Trump and Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana greeted the crowd in Cleveland on Wednesday.
Doug Mills/The New York Times

Donald J. Trump and Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana greeted the crowd in Cleveland on Wednesday.

Republican Convention Day 3: Running Mates and Rivals

Mike Pence is the main attraction on the third night of the Republican National Convention, which also will feature several of Donald J. Trump former rivals.

For Donald Trump’s Big Speech, an Added Pressure: No Echoes

Mr. Trump’s campaign is said to have given orders that any language in his speech even loosely inspired by essays, books or Twitter posts must be rewritten or attributed.

How Melania Trump’s Speech Veered Off Course and Caused an Uproar

Two veteran Republican speechwriters had created a draft last month. But inside Trump Tower, it turned out, Ms. Trump began tearing it apart.

At G.O.P. Convention, Corey Lewandowski Contemplates His Fallen Star

“The people who know me know that I care,” said Mr. Lewandowski, Donald J. Trump’s former campaign manager, who was fired last month.

Mike Pence’s Journey: Catholic Democrat to Evangelical Republican

Mr. Pence was raised in a Catholic family that idolized President John F. Kennedy, but in college he found himself wanting a personal connection with Jesus.

Eyeing 2020, Republican Hopefuls Are Quietly Filling the Wings

A number of aspirants are taking steps to position themselves for a presidential bid in 2020 in the event that Donald J. Trump loses in November.

Chris Christie Made a Case Against Hillary Clinton. We Fact-Checked.

Like many indictments, the facts Mr. Christie presented to Republican delegates were selective: not necessarily false, but often ignoring exculpatory evidence.

Republican Convention Night 2: What You Missed

Welcome to the prime-time lineup of Night 2 of the convention that just formally nominated Donald J. Trump.

Delegates, most of them white, on the floor during the roll-call vote Tuesday at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.
Josh Haner/The New York Times

Delegates, most of them white, on the floor during the roll-call vote Tuesday at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Black Republicans See a White Convention, Heavy on Lectures

For many black Republicans, speeches have veered toward moralizing on race, an off-putting posture given Donald J. Trump’s unpopularity with minority voters.

Hillary Clinton Is Said to Seek National Security Experience for Vice Presidential Pick

The shortlist includes James G. Stavridis, a former NATO commander, and Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, who is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Graphic: In Preparation for Convention Protests, Half Of Cleveland’s Downtown Is Under Restrictions

How the host cities are regulating protests and security zones around the convention centers.

2016 Election Polls

Get the latest national and state polls on the presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump.

Board Recommends Releasing Detainee Who Wrote ‘Guantánamo Diary’

Mohamedou Ould Slahi, whose best-selling memoir recounted abuse by American interrogators at the prison in Cuba, has denied involvement in terrorism.

Police and Protesters Clash Over Flag Burning at Republican Convention

Police officers called for reinforcements, who swarmed an area near the Quicken Loans Arena and arrested about 10 people who were trying to burn a flag.

At the Convention: A Rock ’n’ Roller Draws Boos, and Talking Up New York and Michigan

New York Times correspondents are chronicling the colorful, the unusual and the quirky at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

From Links to Lucifer to Calls for Execution, Republicans Seethe at Hillary Clinton

The venom directed at Mrs. Clinton at the convention makes the days of Swift-boating and Bush-bashing seem tame.

‘Camp Occupy RNC’ an Open-Air Sanctuary for Convention Protesters

A small band, which includes both supporters and detractors of Donald Trump, has set up camp in a Cleveland park to exchange food, beer, cigarettes — and ideas.

Donald Trump Jr. Speaks Out on Corey Lewandowski’s ‘Bitter’ Ways

“Enough’s enough,” the Republican nominee’s eldest son said at a breakfast in Cleveland, where Mr. Lewandowski, his father’s ex-campaign manager, has been working as a CNN contributor.

Donald Trump Claims Nomination, With Discord Clear but Family Cheering

With his campaign buffeted by criticism and denying claims of plagiarism, 721 delegates cast their votes for candidates other than the nominee.

California Staff Workers Are Sidelined by Illness

A stomach virus requires a hotel quarantine, a protest zone heats up and an artist is “unashamed” of painting his support for Donald J. Trump.

A Boehner Party Starts Slow, and Beer and Burgers at the R.N.C.

New York Times correspondents are chronicling the colorful, the unusual and the quirky at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Mike Pence’s Record on Education Is One of Turmoil and Mixed Results

Mr. Pence ended the Common Core and expanded vouchers and charter schools during a contentious time for public education in Indiana.

All the Different Things the Trump Campaign Said About Melania Trump’s Speech

Donald J. Trump and his allies hastened to argue that similarities between Ms. Trump’s speech and one Michelle Obama gave in 2008 were meaningless.

‘Black Twitter’ Criticizes Melania Trump on Convention Speech

Many accused Ms. Trump of plagiarism, and others went a step further by focusing on the wider racial implications involving the Trumps and the Obamas.

Federal Court Rules Texas’ ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act

While the court did not strike down the law entirely, Democrats and voting-rights advocates praised it for finding that the law discriminated against minorities.

Prophets of Rage Bring Their Anger to the Republican Convention

The group, with members of Public Enemy, Rage Against the Machine and Cypress Hill, formed with the announcement “Dangerous times demand dangerous songs.”

Hedge Funds Sue Puerto Rico’s Governor, Claiming Money Grab

In a lawsuit, a group of funds that hold the island’s bonds said Gov. Alejandro García Padilla was taking advantage of a legal lag to spend public money.

State of the Art

Peter Thiel’s Embrace of Trump Has Silicon Valley Squirming

A speech by the billionaire co-founder of PayPal at the Republican convention could spoil a delicate but growing relationship between tech and the G.O.P.

The Upshot

Melania Trump, Plagiarism, and How Much Does It Matter?

A weekly chat includes a look at Hillary Clinton’s vice-presidential options and the state of play in North Carolina and Iowa.

Graphic: Trump Is Running a Lean Operation, but Is It Too Lean?

What’s next for a campaign with a big fund-raising gap.

Graphic: Where Trump Breaks With the Republican Party

Donald J. Trump is set to be the Republican standard-bearer, but when it comes to some of his policies, he is out of sync with many Republican leaders in Congress.

Graphic: What We Know About Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

A private email server used by Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state has been the focus of a half-dozen inquiries and legal proceedings.

Graphic: Which Presidential Candidates Are Winning the Money Race

See how the latest fund-raising numbers from the campaigns and outside groups stack up.

Photographs: Lights, Camera, Trump

Donald J. Trump has turned the campaign news conference, typically a dreary affair, into a spectacle of self-promotion.

How Donald Trump Keeps Changing His Mind on Abortion, Torture and Banning Muslims

Mr. Trump, whose proposals have often been vague and whose speeches often contradict his off-the-cuff remarks, has shifted on hot-button issues, with few political consequences.

Fact Checks of the 2016 Election

The New York Times will be checking assertions made throughout the 2016 presidential campaign.

Presidential Election 2016

Here’s the latest news and analysis of the candidates and issues shaping the presidential race.

Photographs: Presidential Campaign in Pictures

Browse New York Times photos and slideshows from the 2016 presidential campaign.

Where the Candidates Stand on 2016’s Biggest Issues

See what the candidates are saying about gun control, immigration and more, and how their positions align with the American people.

Interactive Feature: Presidential Campaign Ads of the 2016 Election

Breaking down the messaging powering the 2016 presidential election.

The 239 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

An attempt to categorize every insult Donald J. Trump has made on Twitter since declaring his candidacy for president.

Of the People

Americans share their hopes, fears and frustrations in interviews from the campaign trail.

Letter From Washington

In U.S. Presidential Election, the Young and the Old Are Crucial

Can Hillary Clinton foster the enthusiasm that President Obama did with young voters? And can Donald J. Trump convince older voters that he’s not a big risk?

How Election Results Really Work

With 13 more Election Days, the primary season still has a long way to go. Here we answer your questions about how live election results are reported and published on the New York Times website and apps.

The Opinion Pages
Op-Ed Columnist

Making America Safe for Whom?

Republicans are holding their convention just 10 minutes away from where 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot in the stomach.

Op-Ed Contributor

The Best Way to Avoid Future Trumps?

Reform the presidential-election primaries to encourage contested conventions.