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The Opinion Pages

Ted Cruz leaving the stage after his speech at the Republican National Convention.
Damon Winter/The New York Times
Frank Bruni

Ted Cruz’s Nasty Game

He took revenge on Trump and turned the convention even uglier.


The G.O.P.’s Surreal Diversity Show

The party chairman’s claim that Donald Trump plans “a Hispanic engagement tour” is as ridiculous as Trump’s attacks on Latinos have been unjust. comment icon Comments


Making America Safe for Whom?

Republicans are holding their convention just 10 minutes away from where 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot in the stomach. comment icon Comments


Pence Versus Trump Kids

Trump’s running mate got the spotlight for a while but got upstaged. comment icon Comments

Maureen Dowd

Remainder Night at the Convention

Ted Cruz didn’t endorse Donald J. Trump and the crowd wasn’t pleased.


What Republicans Really Think About Trump

Bigot, madman, bully, fraud and serial philanderer are just a sampling of the terms used by influential conservatives. comment icon Comments

Donald Trump’s Convention: Day 3

Arguments, provocations and observations from Times Opinion writers.


Congress Should Let the Boeing Deal Proceed

Republicans who are out to sabotage the Iranian nuclear deal voted to block the sale of passenger planes to Iran.


Port Authority Overhaul, Way Overdue

A former chairman of the agency, who was appointed by Gov. Chris Christie, pleaded guilty to bribery. It’s clear permanent reform is needed.


The Apotheosis of Donald J. Trump

Who said it couldn’t happen here? Rising to the top of the Republican ticket, Trump has activated forces on the political right that cannot be deactivated. comment icon Comments


How the G.O.P. Outsourced the Judicial Nomination Process.

The National Rifle Association has become the gatekeeper for nominations to the federal courts.

Op-Ed Contributor

Why Men Want to Marry Melanias and Raise Ivankas

The women in Donald Trump’s life have sharply different roles. That difference is what many other men want, too.

Op-Ed Contributor

Pistols at the Pool, Machine Guns on Parade and Nothing We Can Do

Why I can’t protect my city from guns.

Op-Ed Contributor

Jihad and the French Exception

France is no more Islamophobic than its neighbors. It’s just more frontal in the way it handles Islam in the public sphere.

Op-Ed Contributor

Living With Death in Baghdad

Iraqis have grown far too accustomed to a life of terrorism and corruption.

Room for Debate

Should the U.S. Pull Its Nuclear Weapons From Turkey?

Has the upheaval there shown that our hydrogen bombs need to be kept in a more secure place?

Diary of an Editorial Cartoonist

Inspiration tends to find Patrick Chappatte at the kitchen table in his studio rather than at his desk: “It’s closer to the espresso machine.” comment icon Comments

I’m sketching out shapes on graph paper until something that would resemble a valid idea emerges.
The Strip

The R.N.C.’s Unscheduled Events

July 17, 2016 -- By Brian McFadden

What to expect at the G.O.P. convention in Cleveland.


Notes on the Republican Convention

Many Trump supporters “are counting on his being a liar,” one reader writes. Others discuss the G.O.P. platform and Paul Ryan.


Michelle Obama Said It. So Did Melania Trump.

Readers pass judgment, discussing apologies, moral values, words that Ms. Trump omitted and whether she understood the idea of plagiarism.


Where Are the Scientists When We Need Them?

A reader who left science and the head of a biotechnology research group discuss the lack of a “reliable career path.”


Afghan Child ‘Bride’? No, a Slave

Writing about a young girl’s death, a reader calls the acceptance of child marriage in some countries “pedophilia on a grand scale.”


Health Law and Costs

A reader advocates single-payer health insurance as a cure for high costs under “our fee-for-service hodgepodge.”


Is Trump Obsessed With Putin and Russia?

There are many odd and mysterious points of connection. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

Cambodia at a Point of No Return

Whatever the truth behind Kem Ley’s murder, the fracture between the Cambodian people and the government may now be irrevocable.


Mr. Erdogan’s Reckless Revenge

After a purge that is stunning in its breadth and depth, it remains unclear whether Turkey’s fragile democracy can survive the challenges it faces.


Ted Loves Trump

Well, not exactly. But Cruz’s appearance at the G.O.P. convention shows how self-interest routinely muscles principle aside. comment icon Comments


Trump and the Sultan

American voters should learn from Turkey’s experience with an out-of-control leader. comment icon Comments


The Trump Affront to Latinos

At least one group of Americans will neither forget nor forgive the G.O.P. nominee’s insults to immigrants. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

Judge Garland’s Nomination, Day 126

He’s broken the record held by Brandeis. Fortunately, that’s not the only thing they have in common.

Op-Ed Contributor

The Best Way to Avoid Future Trumps?

Reform the presidential-election primaries to encourage contested conventions.


A Brexit Economic Slump

It is up to Britain’s new prime minister, Theresa May, and her team to come up with a strategy to minimize the economic damage.

Op-Ed Contributor

Why There Is No War on the Police

When I was a police officer on the beat, not everyone was glad to see me. But they still called me for help. comment icon Comments

Race in America: Your Stories

As part of a series of videos about race, we are featuring personal stories that reflect the breadth of experiences in the United States.

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Why Can’t You Take Canned Soup to the Republican Convention?

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